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Broadside uda Barn

Avoiding the AA (archie)(hate)(AAA) ugly black clouds that hurt

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With the improved AA in the superpatch, I'm wondering if there's some tips on staying away from the black clouds that hurt.

Is there a particular altitude where it's LESS likely to hit? (seems I recall something like above 9000 feet, or under 4000)

Weaving high low and left right seems to help, but it's difficult to fly this way for awhile, especially the missions that have you flying over the front long ways instead of just passing over it.



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BuB, if I have to patrol the lines, I usually stay on our side more, to avoid too much Archie.

And the AA seems to be really dense now!

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Have you noticed that you hear AA fire, even when there is no AA near?

I hear it at my airbase, before I take off, after I take off over my air field, even if I'm 10 or more miles from the front with no enemies in the air.

very odd....just noticed this during the last few missions.

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BuB, if your aerodrome is located near a busy part of the front it is likely artillery fire you are hearing and not AA. The big guns would rumble day and night when a push was on.





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I'm glad they (AA) hurt guys. Archie is back in the war again! He's somebody to be feared and that you have to think about. He's not overly deadly, but he CAN hit and given the chance at a straight and level target, he probably will. AA was too accurate initially, then got nerfed into being nothing more than scenery really because he stopped hitting anything at all. Although for the last two weeks or so he did have a bunch of near misses and one or two hits by chance, it seems. I haven't played long enough to be sure but since the last superpatch AA now it feels just right. I've seen several EA go down over the course of the past 20 or so flights due to AA and a lot of it is in the area of where the planes actually are. Am I a little scared to patrol near the front lines and around enemy airfields? Yep! That's immersion boys. Kudos to the OBD crowd. :ok:



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Simple answer. No need to "avoid" it at all. If you weave and swerve, you might very well weave or swerve into the path of Archie, or collide with your wingmates that are doing the same.


If you fly in a straight line at a constant height, you may give the Archie a better chance of hitting you, but I think the chances of them hitting you are reasonably slim. Has anyone here been "taken out" by Archie? Some may say yes, but you can never be sure that it wasn't a collision with your wingmates (unless I guess you're alone). I know some will attest to seeing AI wingmen being taken out by Archie as they had a look around.


You will tire yourself out and run the risk of stalling your machine, with possibly no benefit. You might not be hit, but would you have not been hit if you didn't avoid Archie at all? I've never been hit by Archie (mind you, I've only been flying OFF for a month or so now...some here have been flying for years...but as you say, the AA is improved now), and I have never tried to avoid it.


Speaking of avoiding projectiles and ground fire...is the dreaded "flaming onions" modelled in OFF? I'd love to see that.

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I've been hit and killed by archie in a flaming mess that anywhere else would be an exotic dessert in a 5 star restraunt.

That was BEFORE PND standard. I'll have something to post about PND in a day or so.

Needless to say: DiD? phtttf! PND is the standard that's fun!

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I've been hit and killed by archie in a flaming mess that anywhere else would be an exotic dessert in a 5 star restraunt.

That was BEFORE PND standard. I'll have something to post about PND in a day or so.

Needless to say: DiD? phtttf! PND is the standard that's fun!


I've been hit by Archie flying solo. I've seen at least two AA hits on other craft since I installed the superpatch. It isn't as deadly as the enemy a/c in the skies with you, but it is a concern, as it should be.


BuB, what is PND?



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Don't forget to lower sound volume in workshop if it's too loud see Winder's recent sticky post.

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BuB wrote:

With the improved AA in the superpatch, I'm wondering if there's some tips on staying away from the black clouds that hurt.


Just remember the five "D"s of dodge ball. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge Archie.





And Pol, thanks again for the sound tip. I have mine tweaked pretty darned good now. :ok:








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Just remember the five "D"s of dodge ball. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge Archie.

True, but the trick in Dodgeball [or wrenches] is to see it coming. When you see 'Archie', it's too late.

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I've been hit by Archie flying solo. I've seen at least two AA hits on other craft since I installed the superpatch. It isn't as deadly as the enemy a/c in the skies with you, but it is a concern, as it should be.


BuB, what is PND?





That's the OFF standard: Pilot Never Dies.

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