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Just bought the game...

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Hey guys,


Sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I bought OFF 4 hours ago and Avangate still says the order is pending.


Is there something I did wrong and if not how many hours/days must I wait before I can download the game?


BTW I look forward to shooting you down in the future!!

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Iscin, welcome to OFF!

dont worry about the pending order bit. IIRC, it always says that and doesnt change, due to the fact that Avangate is selling OFF for OBD software.

My copy came in about 6 days, and I'm on an island, so hopefully you'll get it sooner.


See you in the skies soon!

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Oh ahah, my mistake.


Thank you for the reply : )


Guess my knight of the air will be mounting up his Sopwith Camel in about a week. : )

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Hi Iscin,


"Guess my knight of the air will be mounting up his Sopwith Camel in about a week. : )"


I hope you know what you're doing...


If I were you, I'd be tempted to get acclimatised via the Pup or something else relatively benign - Camels are a bit, er, challenging to fly, if you know what I mean.

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Yes, but if you fly the camel, you have the goods to take out the Richtofens....both of them!



Yes! But don't tell OVS this - so whilst the crumpet craft have dull skins they do deliver the goods....




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Huh? Richthofen was taken out by a Camel? I thought, the Aussie machine gunner is almost certain now.


Welcome, Iscin

Depending on where you live, the delivery can be up to two weeks (from America to Berlin that was).

Perhaps you will also try the German fighters? The Albatros is a good overall fighter between energy fighter

and turn fighter. The Dr.1 is the most agile craft - a real turn devil. And almost all have two guns standard.

And the best of all - much nicer and individually painted (we have a helluvalot of great skins on board, plus

the download sector with skins designed by simmers (like me) for you to use.

To abridge the waiting time, you should read the Tips sticky thread, and the FAQ on www.overflandersfields.com

All the best!

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Yes, but if you fly the camel, you have the goods to take out the Richtofens....both of them!



Brothers Richthofen taken down by Camels? HA! Manny was taken by 2 things... disregard for his own rules (and that of his mentor's).... and an Aussie MG. Which means he never lost a dogfight.


A Camel? It's only as good as the turns it makes... other than that... it's open season. Can't climb, can't dive (slow), can't outrun... but it can turn. Using proper B/Z techniques gets you plenty of Camels on your kill list.



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Exactly, OvS. I've given up collecting trophies, cause they all have the same camelsh*t green

and don't harmonise with my wallpaper. Mmuahahahaa!!!


Oh, and Iscin: you have not bought a GAME - but you will soon learn that. Mmuahahahahaaa!!!

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er just a correction there, POSSIBLY an Aussie MG.. :) but also possibly a Camel pilot, lured into position by another Camel pilot... aaahh.


A bullet from slightly below.. in a moving dodging twitching DR1.. easy to come from behind mwhahahaa.

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Did anyone see a Camel to MvR's below right?

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No but his Dr1 isn't glued to a pole.. it moves rolls ,banks, twists (as a camel is behind him and hes chasing another and being shot at :) )


I suspect we've been around this once or twice :) just playing the devil..

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Oh sure he always flew on the level didn't he. Why would he get that tri-wing twitching about and upset his breakfast?

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And yet another lengthy argument about who killed the Red Baron?



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And yet another lengthy argument about who killed the Red Baron?



Oh God... here we go AGAIN!!!!


From the Summary of posted report... as well as I have seen the Nova special on this and I agree 100%...


Popkin deserves the credit for the kill, which means, MvR never lost a fight he engaged.


"SUMMARY The Official post mortem examination report is, in all probability, flawed and it is most likely that the bullet track was along a line joining the entrance and exit wounds. In other words the bullet came from behind, below and lateral to von Richthofen. There is little doubt that the bullet penetrated his heart and was fatal. Neither Captain Brown nor Gunner Buie could have inflicted such a wound.


The only known gunner that could have done so was Sergeant Popkin when he opened fire for the second time when Richthofen was turning away from him. Richthofen then lost control of his aeroplane and crashed, he was dead when his aeroplane hit the ground.



From the evidence of the postmortem examination and from eyewitnesses it was therefore most probably Sergeant Popkin who fired the fatal shot, although a lucky shot from an unknown soldier firing his rifle can not be excluded. "



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And yet another lengthy argument about who killed the Red Baron?



Check Six,


I always thought it was a .303 bullet that killed MVR as opposed to Roy Brown (209 Squadron) or Cecil Popkin (Aussie Machine Gunner?




I have killed plenty of camels, attempting to fly one is usually a good way of killing it (and my pilot).




Edited by Rugbyfan1972

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Oh God... here we go AGAIN!!!!


Popkin deserves the credit for the kill, which means, MvR never lost a fight he engaged.



I respectfully disagree. While a ground gunner and MvR not following his own rules may have been the cause of his death (as opposed to a certain Canadian pilot), please remember that he WAS shot down after recieving a bullet wound to the head from an enemey aircraft earlier in his career. He suffered migraines for the rest of his short life as a result of the wound and there is ample speculation that the wound itself contributed to MvR forgetting to follow his own rules of flying too close to the front lines.


None of this detracts from his spectacular ability to choose targets who were most vulnerable to his excellent gunnery skills, or his wisdom of knowing when to avoid a fight he couldn't win. It was often noted that he was merely an average flyer (as opposed to someone like Voss who appeared to be a master at air combat manuevers), but an excellent shot and a good judge of when to engage. An awful lot happens in war though and it is impossible for anyone to account for every possible variable. Was MvR killed by a Canadian in a Camel? Probably not. Was he ever shot down by an enemy aircraft? Yes, indeed he was. Regardless, he had won the respect and admiration of BOTH sides of the war. That is a feat few men ever accomplish and he is duely recognized for it.



Edited by Hellshade

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The real fact is, we'll never know.


Easy to shoot someone under the arm from behind, very easy. Dip the nose slightly tiny bit of roll left.. baam. I don't see why that's "ruled out".


That guy said "most probably"


That is definitely not "definitely" :)

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Sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I bought OFF 4 hours ago and Avangate still says the order is pending.


Welcome aboard! New guy buys the drinks! :drinks_drunk:

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...and yet another victim for the AI pilots to chew on.


Welcome aboard. :clapping:

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Just wanted to welcome you Iscin. May you get your disk very soon and get it loaded and operational asap. Should you have any problems or questions someone= anyone smarter than I in this forum will be very happy to lend a hand and get you airborn. I look forward to reading about your OFF experience and impressions. Best wishes, Jim

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Welcome Iscin

Your in for a real treat



Godzilla is right, and your in for some hair pulling( your own of course), and some very colourful language, again your own.


Have fun!!!!!!!!!!, just keep telling yourself it's a game, even though it doesn't feel like it.

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