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The Ole' Man here has had the SF2 Series since the Day SF2 came out last December. This past Week, I've had the most enjoyable Expirence with SF2 Game Play since owning the Titles, And the most Fun in ThirdWire Games since owning them since 2002.


How did I get that way? I ran a Experiment this past week since I've been recovering from Back Surgery. First of all, They will be Nay-Sayers that say this isn't nessary or that this isn't required. They would be correct. It isn't. But if You want a Performance Gain without adding a outside Program, And or You've experienced things like Decals not showing up at Times or having Phantom .Lod's sometimes, knowing that You've installed the Models or Objects right........This Suggestion is for You.



This is where the Nay-Sayer's are correct. What I'm about to suggest is a bit of a Pain in the Arse.



First of all, I looked at a "Stock" Aircraft from a .Cat. All extracted and placed in It's proper File Locations. I studied it over and decided to make all Aircraft Files look exactly like that. Third party. This is how I did it.......



The first thing is Nameing Conventions of all .INI's related to the Aircraft. In the past, writing (For example) A-1H_data and A-1H_cockpit was OK. But I changed all .INI's to reflect all the .INI's of a "Stock" Aircraft. Examples are:











Notice one thing I'm doing, I'm using all Capital Letters just like the "Stock" .INI's.



Next, All .INI's in the Game from all the Folders. If I've added .INI's from an outside Source, I change the Encoding from ANSI to Unicode just like the "Stock" .INI's from the Game. Yes, All of them. Terrain .INI's. Flight .INI's, Even Effects. Also don't forget TEXTURESET and NUMBERS which is the NumberList also. This is done By opening the .INI with Windows Notepad and "Save As" the .INI. At the bottom of Notepad, There's a Dropdown labled "Encoding". The only two You should be concerned with is ANSI and Unicode. Change any ANSI to Unicode and hit "Save". It will ask if You want to "Replace the Existing File?", Click "Yes".



If You do these two Adjustments, Your Playing Experince will increase 10 Fold. And the Bugs and Gliches would be kept down to a minium.


This doesn't speed up Loading Times because Loading is so Terrain dependent. A heavly Modded Terrain will slow down Loading Time by a bunch.


What a User should see by doing these Adjustments is less Bugs and Gliches and smoother Gameplay. I've also gained some Framerate due to these Changes which is always a Plus. It keeps the Game engine or "Core" reading one Encoding instead of two. The "Core" reading two leads to Problems. It can do it. But just reading one is eaiser for it to manage. It makes sense.


This past Week, I've had a marked improvment in Gameplay. So this Ole' Master Gunny decided to share his Findings with the Community. Remember, This isn't required. But the Improvment is so noticable. I've enjoyed this past Week of Playing because of the Changes.


Just thought Yall' would like to know. Good Luck!



331KillerBee :wink:

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Hey KB,


Could you go over what in the SF2 engine is case dependent, so I know what files I shouldn't change to all caps?



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You must have a huge "clicking-finger" by now, big old muscle :biggrin:

There must be a utility out there to batch convert all the *.ini files to Unicode. And a file manager (like Total Commander) can batch rename all files to upper-case. That's the only way I would attempt this work..

On the other hand, I've been clicking all day myself, fixing the 4xSeasons tiles with that blue transparency line along the edges. :crazy:

Edited by pureblue

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Can you quantify the performance boost in terms of ~ FPS? Just curious...

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Hey KB,


Could you go over what in the SF2 engine is case dependent, so I know what files I shouldn't change to all caps?





I'll use the A-6A for an Aircraft Example:









And in a Skin Folder of A-6A:








For GroundObjects, I'll use the SA-2LE as an Example:





And in the Skin Folder of SA-2LE:





Weapons and Guns are done automatically by conversion with the Editors. Encoding still must be checked for Third-Party Weapons Add-Ons.....



If One looks at a .Cat extracted, You'll see that all Files use Capital Letters on the Files. But in the Case of Third-Party Objects, Lower Case Files may be required for Textures. Avoid Re-Naming any Texture Files. The .LOD's require the Naming to be right-on for the Textures to show.....All other Files in other Folders should already be in Caps. The only exception is Effects. Keep the naming of these the same. Just change the Encoding.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Can you quantify the performance boost in terms of ~ FPS? Just curious...



Yep.....Before I was running in the Upper 20's with a Max in the upper 30's. Now I'm in the mid 40's with a max in the upper 50's without any outside Program like HDR or FPS Limiter.

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That's not inconsequential (the frame rate boost).


So, just to be clear, it's textures and effects (and their callouts within a LOD or an ini) that are case sensitive, but other files are not.



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That's not inconsequential (the frame rate boost).


So, just to be clear, it's textures and effects (and their callouts within a LOD or an ini) that are case sensitive, but other files are not.




As to their respective .LOD's and callouts.....Yes.


The Game Engine is sensitive to Titles (Being Cap or Not) as respects to .INI's and their Encoding.

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Most Members here can relate.....It's called Uniformity. Keeping everything Uniform. Have a Messy Install....Have Messy Gameplay. Have a Uniform Install.......Runs like a Charm....



The biggest difference besides smoother Gameplay and a Framerate boost, Is that the Decals work Flawlessly.......

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Now as an Example of what the "Core" goes through....Download a newly Converted SF2 Third-Party Aircraft from the Download Section here at CA. Un-Zip it to a Temp Folder and then with Windows Notepad, See how many of the .INI's are ANSI and how many are Unicode........If there's a mixture, That's alot of switching back and forth for the "Core" to do.........



Add more than one Aircraft that way......And the "Core" is switching back and forth alot..........

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Yep.....Before I was running in the Upper 20's with a Max in the upper 30's. Now I'm in the mid 40's with a max in the upper 50's without any outside Program like HDR or FPS Limiter.


You are CA Man of the Year if this really works...

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Interesting test KB. I'll give this a try on a clean install next week. Any performance increase is always welcomed.





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BTW.....There is one Texture I re-name....It's the Patch in the Skin Files. I Re-Name it to PATCH for the sake of staying Uniform......

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You are CA Man of the Year if this really works...


Easy there....I doubt that. There are more gifted Artist here that would be more deserving.



Performance Gains will vary. There are other factors too, Such as System Specs (Hardware) and how You run the Game. For Me, I run everything Maxxed out. ON/HARD/UNLIMITED except for Lens Flare.....I just never liked it.....

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Should I also change the entries in the main aircraft .INI file to uppercase? For example:


AircraftFullName=A-4E Skyhawk


AircraftDataFile=A-4E_data.ini <--------------------- uppercase or lowercase? :dntknw:

LoadoutFile=A-4E_loadout.ini <------------------

UserList=A-4E_UserList.ini <--------------------

CockpitDataFile=A-4E_cockpit.ini <--------------

LoadoutImage=A-4E_loadout.tga <--------------

HangarScreen=A-4E_hangar.bmp <--------------

LoadingScreen=A-4E_Loading.bmp <-------------

AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <--------------------

AvionicsDataFilename=A-4E_avionics.ini <--------

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Should I also change the entries in the main aircraft .INI file to uppercase? For example:


AircraftFullName=A-4E Skyhawk


AircraftDataFile=A-4E_data.ini <--------------------- uppercase or lowercase? :dntknw:

LoadoutFile=A-4E_loadout.ini <------------------

UserList=A-4E_UserList.ini <--------------------

CockpitDataFile=A-4E_cockpit.ini <--------------

LoadoutImage=A-4E_loadout.tga <--------------

HangarScreen=A-4E_hangar.bmp <--------------

LoadingScreen=A-4E_Loading.bmp <-------------

AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <--------------------

AvionicsDataFilename=A-4E_avionics.ini <--------



UpperCase on any .INI........Then change the .INI from ANSI Encoding to Unicode.....

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My fault for not being clear enough, but what I meant to say was; do I alter the entries in aircraft main INI directories (including stock aircraft) to correspond to any changes I've made. My example being in my last message

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Now I keep two Machines. One to Fly off of and one to Mod in. My Modding Machine is a "Low End" Machine. I keep it that way because if I can run a Mod off that Machine.....Other Users would have no Problems.....


Now I did above the same in My Mod Machine. The Specs are this:


AMD Athlon XP 2400+ 2.00GHz


ATI HD 2600 AGP 512MB DDR DX10

ATI Catlyst Driver 3/16/09

Windows Vista Ultimate 32Bit

SF2/SF2V/SF2E Jun 2009b Patch




SF2Vietnam without any outside Video Program with GreenHell2, Widesky and all settings on Max except Lens Flare........






I captured it on the "Low Side".....It gets into the upper 50's......

Edited by 331Killerbee

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My fault for not being clear enough, but what I meant to say was; do I alter the entries in aircraft main INI directories (including stock aircraft) to correspond to any changes I've made. My example being in my last message


Nope......Just the .INI Names......Leave this alone:



AircraftFullName=A-5A Vigilante


























Name=USN Peacemakers






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Nope......Just the .INI Names......Leave this alone:



AircraftFullName=A-5A Vigilante











Cheers mate. Just wanted to be sure. Your 'Low End' system has the same specs as my only system. Trying this out now :good:

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You might be on to something there - some jets that were a bit "sticky" moving round them in F6 view are a lot less so - had put it down to them having bigger LODs - will see how it goes


Possibly time well spent :victory:

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Interesting. If this is proven then it's another checkpoint to add in the SF2 modding list.

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Ah, It works and makes sense too..... If You keep everything uniform, The Game will run smoother........

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I tried this last night on a small install of SF2.


It only has Wrench's American South West terrain, the default Desert and the Range.


The only aircraft are FC's A/T-38s, AT-6B, T-6A and the Tweet.


I went through each and every ini or text document and changed them over to Unicode (there were alot!) I also deleted all of the .shd shadow files since they aren't needed anymore.


Long story short. I gained 10FPS. My laptop is only a 1.6Ghz, with onboard 32Mb video. Not a gaming rig at all! But at medium settings, I was getting 15-20FPS. With this file cleanup, I was consistently seeing 25-30FPS. Some minor slowdowns with heavy effects, but not the stuttering as before.


When I get home next week, I'll try this again on my gaming comp that actually has some muscle.


Thanks KB!

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I feel another 'scorched earth' day looming....

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