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Does this work with stock setup, or those files are already in proper format?

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All the inis Ive seen apart from the campaign ini files are already in Unicode in SF2

Edited by MigBuster

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I'm just wondering if these improvements apply to Single Missions only; cos I've spent the past two days sorting out EVERY .ini and .lst file in EVERY folder (and subfolder) of SF2 but I've got the same framerate for my campaigns.

Don't get me wrong, I can see a noticable difference when flying single missions, but campaigns are still between 8 and 12 FPS at best.



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Is it safe for one to assume that the terrain inis would also need conversion to Unicode???



kevin stein

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Is it safe for one to assume that the terrain inis would also need conversion to Unicode???



kevin stein


I've converted all my terrain INIs and it hasn't been to their detriment :no:

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Gr.Viper :

Migbuster : It will work for both Stock or Modded Install. Terrains come stock with the .INI's in ANSI. It doesn't hurt to convert them. Every littlebit counts when it comes to Framerate Increases.


Ultramax: It should work for both Single Missions and Campaigns. There's alot of Factors going into playing in Campaign. First, You must take account the Mods You have installed. Especially ones that releate to Terrains. Such as .TOD Increases that increase Trees and Buildings. Enviroment Changes. Object Traffic. What I mean by that is in Campaigns, There are more Objects rendered in the Game on a regular basis than in Single Mission. I've never seen Traffic in Single Missions like there is in Campaigns. More Objects, More the Game Engine has to Render out. With that, The Parking of Aircraft at Airbases take it's toll too. There's alot more Factors in Campaigning that would slow down the most Souped Up Computer.



Keep in mind, I wouldn't sell You a bad Bag of Goods. Any Improvement over What Anybody had before doing this is a Plus.


Going Foward......Not Backward.




331KillerBee :wink:

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Ultramax: It should work for both Single Missions and Campaigns. There's alot of Factors going into playing in Campaign. First, You must take account the Mods You have installed. Especially ones that releate to Terrains. Such as .TOD Increases that increase Trees and Buildings. Enviroment Changes. Object Traffic. What I mean by that is in Campaigns, There are more Objects rendered in the Game on a regular basis than in Single Mission. I've never seen Traffic in Single Missions like there is in Campaigns. More Objects, More the Game Engine has to Render out. With that, The Parking of Aircraft at Airbases take it's toll too. There's alot more Factors in Campaigning that would slow down the most Souped Up Computer.



Keep in mind, I wouldn't sell You a bad Bag of Goods. Any Improvement over What Anybody had before doing this is a Plus.


Going Foward......Not Backward.


Don't worry bud. My earlier post was anything but a criticism. For all the work involved, this mod is a definite hot topic. My heavily edited DesertPlus, plus the fact that it's used in my SF2 campaigns is the obvious guilty party.


I'm definitely going to use this on my other SF2 platforms :yes:

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here's some basic code to turn ANSI into unicode, care to modify it to cover the rest?


Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2")

Set oFiles = oFolder.files


For each file in oFiles

If Right(file.Name, 3) = "ini" Then

Set ANSIFile = fso.OpenTextFile(file.path, 1, False, False)

ANSIContent = ANSIFile.ReadAll

Set UNICODEFile = fso.OpenTextFile(file.path, 2, False, True)

UNICODEFile.Write ANSIContent

End If


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Maybe somebody in this Community that's into writing Code can add to it.......



As for Me, My 6 Installs of SF2 on two different Machines is already done........

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here's some basic code to turn ANSI into unicode, care to modify it to cover the rest?


Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2")

Set oFiles = oFolder.files


For each file in oFiles

If Right(file.Name, 3) = "ini" Then

Set ANSIFile = fso.OpenTextFile(file.path, 1, False, False)

ANSIContent = ANSIFile.ReadAll

Set UNICODEFile = fso.OpenTextFile(file.path, 2, False, True)

UNICODEFile.Write ANSIContent

End If



Is this done from the DOS command window? Would save ALOT of time.



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Is this done from the DOS command window? Would save ALOT of time.




nope it's a VBS script, (visual basic) basically it need to do a recoursive search through all the directories and fix them

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Is this done from the DOS command window? Would save ALOT of time.




OK, I tried the script. for some reason my install hates unicode, no weapons, no controls, nothing


time for a clean install

Edited by Maj_Jedi

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OK, I think it is working. download stringconverter.exe and put it in the root of your saved games\thirdwire folder




copy and paste this into a file called runme.cmd in the root of your saved games\thirdwire folder


for /f "delims=." %%I in ('dir /s/b/x *.ini') do (
ren "%%I.ini" *.txt
stringconverter "%%I.txt" "%%I.ini" /unicode
del "%%I.txt"


this renames the ini file to .txt converts is to a unicode file called .ini and deletes the text file


I've tested it (a little) with SF2, vietnam, and europe with the june 2009 update and killerbee's weapons pack.


use at your own risk

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Interesting....didn't work at all for me. It executed, but the ansi encoded files are still there, unchanged.

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Interesting....didn't work at all for me. It executed, but the ansi encoded files are still there, unchanged.

hmmm. on 2nd look the killerbees stuff didn't work. but re-installing killerbee worked. I tested it on win7 x64. what version are you running it on?

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hmmm. on 2nd look the killerbees stuff didn't work. but re-installing killerbee worked. I tested it on win7 x64. what version are you running it on?



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you might have to fiddle with it. i don't know where the XP version puts those files

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you might have to fiddle with it. i don't know where the XP version puts those files


The Thirdwire folder resides in "My Documents", in XP.

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The Thirdwire folder resides in "My Documents", in XP.


did you put both files in the root of the thirdwire folder?

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it shouldn't make any difference, but are they already unicode?


try this: open a command prompt and run stringconverter.exe <old.ini file> <new ini file> /unicode and see if that makes any changes

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it shouldn't make any difference, but are they already unicode?


try this: open a command prompt and run stringconverter.exe <old.ini file> <new ini file> /unicode and see if that makes any changes


The reason it didn't work the first time, was because there was a typo in the code that you'd posted.

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The reason it didn't work the first time, was because there was a typo in the code that you'd posted.


well, where's the typo?? <G>

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for /f "delims=." %%I in ('dir /s/b/x *.ini') do (ren "%%I.ini" *.txtstringconverter "%%I.txt" "%%I.ini" /unicodedel "%%I.txt")

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for /f "delims=." %%I in ('dir /s/b/x *.ini') do (ren "%%I.ini" *.txtstringconverter "%%I.txt" "%%I.ini" /unicodedel "%%I.txt")

I don't see it, it's all run in one line, it's supposed to be:

for /f "delims=." %%I in ('dir /s/b/x *.ini') do (

ren "%%I.ini" *.txt

stringconverter "%%I.txt" "%%I.ini" /unicode

del "%%I.txt"


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