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Open Letter to Forum from OBD software

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I can understand where Winder is coming from. I have been working on BOBII since 2003 and the BDG's support of BOBII uses the same approach as the OFF development team (hands on and timely player support with both forum support and software updates).


All I ever ask is to "first" try the options and workarounds, do your homework, testing, and analysis before complaining. I hear Winder saying the same thing.


If after all the testing and analysis, a player just can not accept the change or fix, then make a post with specific information about the issue and state everything you have tried. I tend to respond to positive post from players who have truly done the testing and analysis. I tend to not respond in a positive manner to post that state, "it is different and it stinks" with no data on their testing, analysis, options and workarounds tried.


Full function flight sims are massive in their "workload" (design, code, testing, analysis, file management, forum support, etc.) for a small and focused development team. Most players have little idea of the time and work involved (which is fine as players).


I also like to use a "vote" when looking at an option or fix. It is valid to get a group opinion as to if a change is needed but of course each individual's opinion is important (if it comes from a experienced player).


It is very hard for a hard working developer to not become disappointed when a player complains in a rude and disrespectful manner with little (or none) supporting data. It will have a negative affect on the developer’s morale and attitude.

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Criticism should always be tolerated in a free society, but the people who criticize should always remember to be as constructive and polite as possible - there's no need to insult anybody, but apparently that's exactly what happened here with some people. In my opinion, this forum has been the model of good Internet behaviour for the most part, so I'm of course disappointed to see that we aren't immune to the usual BS that's so common in the web.


I hope the developers aren't too dismayed by the few rude comments and realize that the overwhelming majority of people are very satisfied with OFF and appreciate the patching policy, and that most of the criticism we have heard hasn't been rude or uncivilized but mostly constructive.


I was actually surprised they gave all those improvements in the superpatch for free - I know I would have been willing to pay some money for some of the stuff we got as a generous present. I really appreciate this kind of customer support - maybe people don't realize just how rare it is. I've had the experience (misfortune) of once being in contact with the support of a certain major game corporation (which I shall not name here) and I can tell you it was nothing like the service we have here.


In my opinion, OFF is quite simply the best WW1 simulation currently available on the market. The competition does have their strengths, but none of the other simulations come even close to the great features OFF has, particularly in the campaign mode.


So keep up the good work and finish the first add-on so you can have more of my money. My Visa is ready and waiting. :biggrin:

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Guest Barnstorm

WM/Pol/ and the Rest of the OBD Staff:


Thank you for everything you have done for us over the years. I have been here since early P2 and you guys have done an exemplary job. P3 has been worth every penny I paid. You guys owe neither me, nor anybody else here ANYTHING. We are in YOUR DEBT. IF we never here from you again, our contract is more than fulfilled.


Take as much time as you and your families need. We eagerly await P4, at your convenience.



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WM/Pol/ and the Rest of the OBD Staff:


Thank you for everything you have done for us over the years. I have been here since early P2 and you guys have done an exemplary job. P3 has been worth every penny I paid. You guys owe neither me, nor anybody else here ANYTHING. We are in YOUR DEBT. IF we never here from you again, our contract is more than fulfilled.


Take as much time as you and your families need. We eagerly await P4, at your convenience.





I would to add my thanks to the OFF team and the BOBII team a lot of work with little thanks. You guys Rock .

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I've been very fortunate to fly two prop sims – OFF and Bob2 – which have both clearly been made for love rather than money. The development philosophy behind both seems to be very similar, as Buddye (The Man for Bob2) has explained. In both cases I have no idea how the developers gained the skills not only to write the code but to co-ordinate such big and complex projects (and presumably without all sitting in the same room with a couple of years to do it), and in their spare time, and then to keep up such a level of interest in supporting the "players" (for want of a better term). I've still hardly scratched the surface of OFF, and my recent return to flying Bob2 reminded me how outstanding that is too – and how crap a Spitfire pilot I am. So I'll be quite happy playing with OFF till you guys produce P4, and then I'd like one of those very much please. I hope you have a good rest and that you understand how much ordinary chaps like me appreciate what you've made for us.

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What???!!! How can anyone doubt, or criticise the support you guys have offered. I lurk here from time to time, pick up the upgrades and I am enjoying the super patch immensely but the only reason I can do this is because when I received a duff dvd you guys leapt around and arranged a download of one CAB file just for me.


I'm not a regular contributor here, I'm not a regular player (I wish I had more time!) but I recognise the quality of this sim and I take my hat off to the team who created it and support it. I will certainly support the team if I can and if it's as simple as buying the next version to come out then you can have my money right now because it will be worth every penny.



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...when I received a duff dvd you guys leapt around and arranged a download of one CAB file just for me.





THAT kind of support is unbelieveable. I mean really. You could run a business on that type of support alone! Oh ya, btw they have one FANTASTIC product too! :biggrin:

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Thank You to OBD software and all involved in this excellent game. I never expect games to be bug free so I do not have any complaints this game has been supported with excellence that puts the large game publishers to shame. I am anxiously awaitng the next version of this game as this is my personal favorite era of aerial combat.

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I've been around since the days when OFF P1 was still a work in progress. Like many of the long-term OFF'ers I'm enjoying this game very much. This, to me, is the truest successor to the classic Red Baron series of games: a wide-ranging, comprehensive sim that attempts to dig right down into the history. But OFF does Red Baron one better: whereas Dynamix didn't offer much in the way of on-going patches (besides the Super Patch and some fixes), OFF has continued to improved, with repairs being made throughout. It's literally a mix of the classic Red Baron historical, broad sim with the beauty of the active community that made Red Baron the best it could be. This is what happens when you put a corps of true community enthusiasts in charge-- it's a good thing.


I also welcome the critical remarks, as much I like the game. I think that if we can't talk freely about the game here, that we can't do it anywhere. This is, in a way, a "community shop" where raw feedback and ideas come to be and where the game can become better as a result. I will also add the caveat that, while I think critical remarks can be constructive, that when they begin to get truly angry or add threats into the mix, or are made out of disgust, that the tone goes too far.


But I'm enjoying this game-- I remember the days when you'd google WW1 sims every so often, hoping there would be something to replace RB3d. Finally OFF became that game that was long in coming for years.

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Not much to add that hasn't already been said. OBD has the best support I have ever experienced. To top it off, they are extremely friendly and helpful--unless unfairly provoked, which seems to be extremely rare! Are there some things about BHaH that I might like to be slightly different? Well, sure. However, we all have to remember that without Winder, Pol, and several others, who have worked FOR YEARS on their own time to develop their vision of WWI in the air, we wouldn't even have this absolutely wonderful sim to b***ch about. Remember the dark days between RB3D and phase 2? If you don't like the vision that OBD has brought to life, you can always go out and develop your own vision of WWI air combat. I hope you don't mind if I don't wait for your vision to come to fruition!

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after "demanding" this and that, criticizing all the time back in the P1 and 2 days, and generally ranting about each and every nitpick that i thought should be implemented, and getting those answers like "we need more time", it is a "hardware thing, cannot change it", "gawd it's free why do you bother", which i did not want to hear and just ranted on, i hope no one will call me a fanboy, at least i am sure not the OFF team will :haha: .


But this sim in its 3rd iteration has developed in a kind of "thing" and overall experience of WW1 that was unthinkable still in P2, and nobody expected it would once make it to the present state, which is more in a lot of aspects, than i hoped to see some day. There are still some "issues", but they are relatively small, probably due to the internal CFS3 engine, but maybe the OFF team will even tweak this.


So i was very disturbed to hear that the team will stop the development of OFF phase 3 - until i read this is because of beginning to work on phase 4 :blink: . What can i say .. GREAT !! I already have some ideas what you could implement ... :biggrin: hrrrm.


Thanks to the OFF team, keep up the good work !




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Valuable words from a "rantboy" - and very well said, Wels. Can only ditto that.

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I'll throw in a little experiential story ala CJ. I've been playing OFF since P1 having been thrilled that finally, my thirst for a WWI simulator was starting to be satisfied. And it was free as well! In P2, I knew my rig was borderline and when P3 came out, I could barely play OFF. I knew it was my equipment, so I wasn't bitter, but frustrated as I knew I need to update my rig but couldn't yet, so I'd just have to touch it out with minimal settings and, sometimes, slide show combat. Then came the first patch, and the OBD did something, because my frame rates got a little better. Next, fortunately, AMD pulled their head out and improved their drivers further helping my frame rates but still dicey. Now, I must say, with the succession of patches, the OBD team has not only smoothed things out where I can truly enjoy the experience, they've added visual content as well. I don't recall them even being asked to improve this! So, simply on their own and with their diligence, I can now play P3 with very acceptable frame rates without changing my equipment til I can afford it. I am able to reduce my settings and still the scenery and terrain look better than ever before. My heartfelt thanks go out, but it's not enough so I don't even try to express in words.


On reflection, I know one reason I feel the ol' blood pressure rising when someone posts a rant, especially about the team's efforts. These people, as we all know, have done this work on their own time, with their own resources, under their own volition. Though they have rightfully asked for some compensation to offset their expense, it is not their goal. So, we finally, have a group of individuals, doing something for all the right reasons, doing it well and doing it for us, so any decent person would naturally want to see them have success and satisfaction, and most importantly, be recognized for their efforts. With the over abundance of self-centered, greedy, corrupt people who get ahead or, at worst, get away with what they do with little ramifications it becomes hurtful to see the OBD team turned upon. Even in a moment of passion.


This sim is an emotional Pandora's box. So much has been done to make it almost perfect, you want more. It's so realistic, you invest time, effort and emotion and when something doesn't go right either in game or war, that same emotion carries over and can become frustration or anger. You are so grateful for the product and the work put into it, you don't understand when someone else expresses dissatisfaction. I will say that we all need to try to remain calm in all we do with this and it's not easy. Many is the time I've just sat after landing and shutting off, sweating, hands almost shaking, heart pounding, breathing a huge sigh of relief and just listening to the birds and other engines for a bit and 'coming back to earth'. Maybe I need my wife to dress like a french bar maid so I can get a shot of whiskey after I fly too :). As real as it gets.

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"Maybe I need my wife to dress like a french bar maid so I can get a shot of whiskey after I fly too :)."


Oh, come now - surely everyone's other half does that to add to the immersion.....don't they?

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For me to state again that we are committed to making this game even more than a success really seems a waste of time but well that still is the case.



I tried to PM you after some of the recent rants about 1.32 appeared here, just to let you know that I appreciate all of your hard work (Understandably, you are not accepting PMs).


As my English friend used to say, "Keep your pecker up!" or, if you prefer standard U.S. English, "Don't let the b*st*rds wear you down"


Best regards

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"Maybe I need my wife to dress like a french bar maid so I can get a shot of whiskey after I fly too :)."


Oh, come now - surely everyone's other half does that to add to the immersion.....don't they?


Ok, I must have missed the patch that makes THAT happen. Or is it just a keyboard command I wasn't aware of? :haha:



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Oh, I can just imagine how well a command like that would go down...


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