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Ideas for Phase IV (not the ant film)

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Wait until IL2-CK, RoF or Olegs BoB2 are grown up, you have to move up for the future, thats the Intel rule in the game world, always beter/beter/beter... But the game now is good, its only for the future.


Yeah Dutch, we are standing still. We fully intend to bug out now, take the money and run.


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Wait until IL2-CK, RoF or Olegs BoB2 are grown up, you have to move up for the future, thats the Intel rule in the game world, always beter/beter/beter... But the game now is good, its only for the future.


Yeah Dutch, we are standing still. We fully intend to bug out now, take the money and run.




Oeps this is bolt and is normal meaning I'm angry!! Look I only want to say improvements have to be done, :biggrin:  

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I'd like to see a new 'facility', but suspect it's a real FPS killer for it to be big enough to be worth the trouble.


I'd like (though like hardly seems the right word) to see a full on 'over the top' attack, with rolling artillery barrage and troops exiting their trenches and making their way through the wire and shell holes, and off course, the murderous machine guns. I mean the hundreds of troops all on the move. I imagine seeing that for real would etch itself into your memory. Dreadful, but at the same time a massive and breathtaking spectacle.


Fully working men and vehicles which interact fully etc would surely deliver FPS in the low 1's on a good day, but I wonder whether simplified units and smoke etc might deliver a convincing general effect. It might look terrible at 300ft, but if you stay above 2000ft, you begin to get a taste of what a 'big push' might have looked like. You wouldn't even need machine guns, just points to attach effects to. You could put the lack of detail down to camouflage, but the battlefield ambience would be awesome. If it works, there might be other 'mid-range' effects which are designed to look awesome from a distance, specially designed for background ambience that doesn't kill your gameplay.



My second wish, is small but difficult. When you fire tracer for real, every now and then you get a riccochet that pings off in a weird direction. When you see it, you realise just how fast and hard the tracer is travelling. - your pretty 'hose' of colour is actually knocking seven bells out of whatever it's hitting. Let me see now...you could maybe call it the 'Gimpy' effect. :wink:

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Okay, my two cent of speculation:


I would like lots of special events to happen, but close to history.

One thing would be the "lone wolf" Guynemer attacking you out of the sun unexpectedly.

Another: Albert Ball, sneaking up from low, right underneath your tail wing, as he really often did.

And many more 'special events' could be collected by Shredward and made to happen in BHaH.

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Well here's my sillyassed idea. OFF 1919. The war continues. Planes that barely saw action get thier chance to shine. Planes that were on the drawing board take to the air and fly for glory. The 94th Aerosquad fights in thier fantasticly painted 1919 crates. Prototypes from all sides meet in the air for a bit o'fun. Please don't hate me.



Hi Rickity your wish as been answered one of the 94th is waiting in the skins section for you....enjoy.

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Thank you so much Red Dog. She looks fantastic. A dream come true for me. You will see pics posted here of my Spad campaign with her. I feel blessed, thanks.

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I agree with Flyboy PC,


More ground movement, with regards to the ground action of the war, men going over the top, getting cut down by artillery & machine gun fire, taking cover in shell holes attack - counterattack etc... the films all quiet on the western front & the blue max keep springing to mind!


Ive played flight sims for many years inc. red baron, knights of the sky - wings (on amiga) etc.etc.etc.

I must say that im more than happy with the aircraft in OFF P3 BHaH the only things I would want to see is the moving rockers on the engines, moving M.G. bolts & gun jams.


The only main pet niggle of mine is not being able to witness (experience) my aircraft going down after being shot out of the sky fighting with the controls trying to save it.


On P4 please - Please - please no more "Red Mist" let us experience the crash!!! theres plenty of autobiographies in which the pilots who survived mentioned how they crashlanded either in the front line or no-mans land & got back to fight another day.

Edited by Tonyo - legion

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Thank you so much Red Dog. She looks fantastic. A dream come true for me. You will see pics posted here of my Spad campaign with her. I feel blessed, thanks.



You may find it's not perfect but i hope you enjoy it.i will try and do you a full set of the 94th. :good:

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Yes, Tonyo, good idea - crash landings. Pilot may survive, but craft's gear is broken

and it slithers along on the belly.

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Yes, Tonyo, good idea - crash landings. Pilot may survive, but craft's gear is broken

and it slithers along on the belly.



Exactly!! Lower wings shredded to matchwood broken prop blade lands in a tree etc.. etc..- Spot on old boy! :biggrin:

Edited by Tonyo - legion

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You may find it's not perfect but i hope you enjoy it.i will try and do you a full set of the 94th. :good:


A full set, my my. I won't hold you to it but I only wish that some day they could all take to the air at the same time one plane for skin type. Flying Circus my boney bum, hehe. Thanks again Red Dog, best wishes, Jim

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I've got a topper of an idea!


Someone should put OFF in their will, then have an untimely death. Their will be lots of $$$$ and 10K will be a easy thing to pay for. Just think special mention could be made whenever OFF fires up, a picture perhaps, etc. We would of course all be indebted to that most noble individual, and OFF could go on forever .


Just an idea :|







Like all good inventors you need to try this and let us know how it works out. If you're successful, we'll ask for volunteers. Meanwhile, we'll miss ya :rofl:

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I'd like to see the DM extended to the cocpit area

Currently I know I'm being hit mostly by sound and the tracers whizzing by

How bout some shatteered instrument panels and the windsscreen busted up

Or a MG hit and knocked out



Yes, Tonyo, good idea - crash landings. Pilot may survive, but craft's gear is broken

and it slithers along on the belly.

I experienced this in P2

I was testing the Se5 to see if a successful 2 Point Landing could be performed

Made 3 attempts - Boing, Boing, Boing

Pushed the last one too far and nicked 1 of then hangers with the Gear

Not knowing this, on my 4th attempt she just slithered along on her belly

Edited by Duce Lewis

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Blue skying again...


How about some talented modder, like StumpJumper or CaptWinters, making another attempt to build a working Aircraft Carrier with a flight deck that does not plunge to sea level during final landing approach - One that could be used to launch a flight of RNAS Camels on a whatif attack mission against the the Zeppelin sheds in Belgium.



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I like the bomber escort missions because they add another layer of complexity

You're not just fighting for yourself but trying to tactically coordinate at the same time


How about some fighter coop missions?

Balloon Busters could involve multiple Squads

1st to clear the area - fighter sweep

2nd to get the Balloon


Or on Strike Missions be assigned to penetrate enemy lines at the Strikers exit point and escort them home

Would add complexity, where are they?, how long do we linger?, should we go further and try to help?

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