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anyone want to lend a hand ??? cockpit,,skin ,,FM



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Count me in!

I was thinking of using the P-38 pit; has a wheel and twin engine annunciator, but I want to look at it more, as the BW has a radar screen directy below the gunsight.


D/Led about 140 megs of books on pdf for it last night ... unfortuantely, the WarbaridTech didn't have the usual goodness I thought it would. Although, the Schiffer had some nice pictures. Still after the Osprey "P-61 Units" book. Nose art will be problematic ... still working at it.


btw: which version will this be? Your screenie looks like at late-series B, as it has the upper 4 gun turret.

FM wise I can't do too much, but have some idears....according to of the books I got yesturday, it should compare favorably with the P-51D & P-47D/N, performance and handling wise. Suppose to be VERY manuveralbe for a medium bomber sized fighter. as in "holding it's own against the Mustang". Hope to find some charts that someone (or anyone) can use to figure out FM data.



kevin stein

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Unfortunatley, NOT in a 06 level game. It only works post-08 and NextGens



kevin stein

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there was a "a" missing I ment "area" not are.. and was refering to veltros work, if he models it nice from in and outside than we can use the open pit method, I think it works when all is done the proper way!

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Awesome :yikes: !! If he canopy frames shape are rightly modeled and the inner frames/cockpit has its own skin, we can apply the open cockpit method until a custom cockpit is ready. Useless to say that both pacific and europe skins are in need... :clapping::drinks:

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i think maybe 1% team would give a hand in FM side....

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Question: Top Turret: whole turret turned ? or just cannons moved up and down ? also it has the cannons in the belly,,which are the main guns ?

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The top turret can act as a regular defense turret, wich was controled by the third crewman seated at the rear dome, or fixed to fire along the cannons to the forward. I realy don't know if both ways could be modelled...

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The top turret can act as a regular defense turret, wich was controled by the third crewman seated at the rear dome, or fixed to fire along the cannons to the forward. I realy don't know if both ways could be modelled...


dont think it can be modelled both ways...having that problem with my Defiant WIP.. also i can always remove the top turret for the A model

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I just read in a book that most of the time the turret was used fixed to fire ahead, if not removed. This allows the crew to be reduced to only two man. :salute:

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Most A models, and about half the Bs had the turret removed due to severe buffeting issues. (they were also more needed for the B-29s, which used the same one for the front/top unit), which left the aircraft with the 4 20mms in the ventral tray.


It was controlled by the gunner, the dude in the #2 seat. It could be locked in the forward position by either the pilot or gunner, and fired along with the 4 belly 20mms. It could also be independently controled by the gunner to engage targets, pretty much like any other turret.


The Radar Operator sat in the rear section all by his lonesome, seperated from the pilot/gunner by the turret well/mechanism (warbird tech #15 has some great exploded diagrams from the assembly manuel)


One of the books has a great diagram of the turret's firing arcs, and the 'inturuppted' regions so it dodn't shoot off it's own vert fins and props. I can post that, if you want.


Bs were also used in Interdictor roles in both Europe and PTO, and could carry (in-theatre rigged) HVARs or tripple bazooka units, but bombs and up to 4 drop tanks were available via factoy hard points.


now up to 200+megs on books -- FINALLY got the Osprey one and it's some fantastic pics of nose arts. Gonna be making a LOT of decals!!!


A models were mostly OD/Neutral Gray, all Bs were night black, usually heavily weathered (that's gonna be fun!!!)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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That's it Wrench!!! I also notice that the radome was translucid. It can be done easily for this simm. :salute:

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I don't know about that...that would add a HELL of a lot more work for Veltro....having to make and animate the spinning radar dish and the electronics boxes. It would probably effect the 'no cockpit' view, too. Personally, I'd just skin it over with a very light gray to represent a slight di-electric paint coating on the fiberglass. Much easier for all involved!!!


note to Veltro: you doing 2 complete lods, with and without upper turret? May I reccomend just one, WITH turret. The gunbarrels, turret assembly etc can easily be removed with the 'hiding stuff' data ini edit, like I did for the DATs B-25B (Midway) to remove the belly turret and the P-26 (Chinese) to remove other various and sundry bits. This way, you only need to make one LOD, and we can create 2 complete aircraft. The Edits are super easy when one has the OUT file (and the names are easily IDed).



kevin stein

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Hey Veltro


I think these will come in extremely handy to you. I recommend keeping the turret forward firing only.

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Nice shots Dave!!! (good one sneaking in the Okha!)


Don't suppose you can get some as to the landing/taxi/running/formation light positions? None of my books show them. well, not all of them -- there's a taxi light on the nose strut.

No rush, of course.


btw, those pics would a great addition the Aircraft Resource Center's Walkaround collection.



kevin stein

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Hey Veltro


I think these will come in extremely handy to you. I recommend keeping the turret forward firing only.



they do


thank you

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It would probably effect the 'no cockpit' view, too.


Hmmm, if Veltro did decide to put the nose bay details in, could the line ShowFromCockpit=FALSE be used to negate the presence of those objects even in the "no-cockpit" view?

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I've a hard time seeing how that can be over 40.000 triangles as it doesn't look that highly detailed. Can you post wires please?

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Stunning by all means :yikes: !!! Veltro2K, sorry for bother you again, but many P-61Bs in CBI front used a IDF ball just behind the removed turret. Would be nice to have it "inactive" for other fronts and them activated for the proper ones. This could be done be inside the DATA.INI as the example:

























DestroyedNodeName=IDFBall<-------name of the object








and so on....


The exemple above is to hide the object. Needless to say that without the "Component[013]=Remove1" it apears normally.

Please, consider this. Thanks a lot!! :good:

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