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Can anyone point me to a Norwegian F-16 skin?


I have searched through the Modern plane and skin d/l section here and at C5 for such a beast but it is proving elusive. Surely there's one around somewhere?


I'm thinking F-16AM/BM for 331, 332 or 338 Sqdns ;-)


Thanks for your help,





Edited by Baltika

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Hi Baltika


The only Norwegian F-16 skin I have ever seen was over at Avsim, but it was was for the old F-16 model. I have got it but am not sure if I am allowed to upload it here.




Snapper 21




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Thanks anyway :good:


I may just try to do a quick re-decalling of a plain grey skin as a stand-in until something better comes along.

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On patrol, somewhere near Tromsø Lufthavn, Norway:


331 Skv



332 Skv



338 Skv



Need a bit more scuffing, and matching up of fuselage and tail colours, then I'll upload them.


Let's just say they are more "representative" than authentic, but they'll do for now - Norway needs defended :blink:

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I have uploaded an updated version of this skin fixing the missing textures on the tailplane and exhaust nozzle skirting.


That will teach me to upload a file at 4am!

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Any of that stuff at Avsim that I dod can be uploaded here. I think with the exception of Crapuns stuff, all of it can be here. I was the one who go tthat section started when I was writing for them.

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Any of that stuff at Avsim that I dod can be uploaded here. I think with the exception of Crapuns stuff, all of it can be here. I was the one who go tthat section started when I was writing for them.



Thanks Dave,


I couldn't find the RNoAF skin over at the new Avsim.





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Just start downloading F-16 stuff. Its over there. I just can't tell you where right now.

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I think the Norwegian skin was part of the Vipers package that included the F-16A, B, C, D and IAF versions too. I just had a quick look at Avsim and couldn't find it though.

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Cheers for the info, Allen.


I was also wondering about a dedicated F-16MLU which would be closer to the mark for RNoAF?


I seem to remember there was such a bird hereabouts, back in the day?


There is a purpose to all this, of course - campaign building for my massive WIP Northern European terrain. The Arctic chill is heating up in the North Cape. Those who have all the old Janes titles on their shelf will know where this is going :grin:

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Hi Baltika


Am trying to upload the Viper pack here, if I have done it right should be available soon. I was playing around with your new skins yesterday creating a "F-16A_10_RNoAF", found out that they have an AN/ALQ-126 internal jammer, no need for external pods. I was wondering do we have an F-16 with working brake chute?


Anyway really looking forward to your new map, looks brilliant can't wait for it. Don't worry will not be pestering you for a release date, have something to keep me buisy.:grin:







Snapper 21

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Looks pretty enough on a Block 15/MLU but can't get squadron badges nor numbers...... (WOE Series 1)


Hou doe



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Looks pretty enough on a Block 15/MLU but can't get squadron badges nor numbers...... (WOE Series 1)


Hou doe




Hmmm. . .


Check the entries in the decal.ini file (in the RNoAF2 skin folder) are pointing to the correct plane.


My stock ini is set up for F-16A_10, so the entries look like this:-




You will have to change that line for each decal to:-




Where the name of the plane matches the folder name of the plane you have installed the skin folder into, and the skin folder name matches the name of the actual skin folder.


Let me know how you get on. Any probs, give me a shout.


Slainthe :drinks:


P.S. The reason decals 1 - 4 show up (the wing and fuselage insignia) is because they are generic decals which are contained in a CAT file, so you don't have to specify a decal folder for the game to look into to find them. So, don't change the FilenameFormat= entry for decals 1-4.

Edited by Baltika

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Hmmm. . .


Check the entries in the decal.ini file (in the RNoAF2 skin folder) are pointing to the correct plane.


My stock ini is set up for F-16A_10, so the entries look like this:-




You will have to change that line for each decal to:-




Where the name of the plane matches the folder name of the plane you have installed the skin folder into, and the skin folder name matches the name of the actual skin folder.


Let me know how you get on. Any probs, give me a shout.


Slainthe drinks.gif


P.S. The reason decals 1 - 4 show up (the wing and fuselage insignia) is because they are generic decals which are contained in a CAT file, so you don't have to specify a decal folder for the game to look into to find them. So, don't change the FilenameFormat= entry for decals 1-4.


Beautiful..... removed the Block 10 entries but forgot to replace them with F-16MLU, works like a charm now.

Here you see them, defending their homeland .......


Slainthe to YOU ,,


Derk grin.gif


PS: Hope your Sunday was as beautiful as you expected it to be, congrats !!!!yes.gif

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Glad you got the decals t show up :good:


OT: Yes, thanks, we had a fabulous day on Sunday, great turnout fom family and friends to welcome the latest mini-Baltika into the fold, beautiful service and a great party afterwards for the grown-ups. It was the christening of our new arrival, Hector, 10lbs 5 oz at birth and now a strapping lad of 3 months, from the rate he's growing he'll make a front-row prop for Scotland, we certainly need some :yes:


So thanks again, best wishes to your family also.





Edited by Baltika

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About this?


Nice pic, is that a new one or the Team Viper RNoAF skin?


If the latter, it wasn't available here when I started this little project, hence the existence of my stand-in skin. It now is, as part of Team Viper's viper pack d/l.


But, the more the merrier.


Here's why I'm so interested, in case you're wondering:-




I have placed about 40 airbases so far, mainly in Russia, Kola Peninsula, Finland and Sweden. I am working up Norway ATM. This is a "subset" of my massive WIP Northern Europe terrain, and should hopefully be released as a beta, in, say, two weeks :wink:


My intention had been to release a mini-terrain with campaign, but, as always, the tale grew in the telling, so now it is a full-blown independent terrain in its own right. Campaign WIP is set in 2010, with Russia vs Norway, Sweden and Finland, with support from the RAF and the USN/USMC with the full complement of CVW-3 "Battle Axe" based on USS Harry S. Truman. Think an update of the Janes F/A-18 campaign and you will see what I am aiming for.





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No, it's for the still unreleased Mirage Factory Block 15 model

We still have several models half finished (Block 15 with and without drag chute housing), B models

We might only finish those for the SF 2 series...as this is the way ahead

I have prepared another 15 new skins for those, most kind of exotic, not the classical USAF grey scheme

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No, it's for the still unreleased Mirage Factory Block 15 model

We still have several models half finished (Block 15 with and without drag chute housing), B models

We might only finish those for the SF 2 series...as this is the way ahead

I have prepared another 15 new skins for those, most kind of exotic, not the classical USAF grey scheme


Great news, thanks for the update.


Looking forward to the TMF Block 15 :cool:





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