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Kanye West = Jerk

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Wow, another one of his tyraids. Loser, Keep reading




If you all hadn't heard the follow up, Beyonce got up to get her video of the year award and gave the stage to Taylor Swift. Talk about a class act. It was all over the news this morning.



Then Serena Williams gets fined:





Man she was pissed but it was so funny. Oh the call was bad too. Even John McEnroe would of been proud. lol.gif



Finally, got syphilis? Go to Wal Mart.



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Kanye apologised this morning apparently - made himself look like a right arrogant Muppet - which I'm sure he's not :lol:





You wouldnt think Taylor Swift would be that bothered - lets face it she probably saw more talent than Kanye West when she last blew her nose.

Edited by MigBuster

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I just checked out the Williams thing on youtube. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but there are some unbelievable racist comments there. :blink:

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Kanye West: Big money + alligator mouth + no consideration for other people = jerk Seems to be happening a lot more today(entertainers,athletes,etc)


Serena: Apparently McEnroe said that even he was never that bad. Yes,it was a bumb call,but that happens in life. Profanity and racist comments are probably going to cost her more than just a fine.

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Even Carlos Mencia (not exactly a right wing kind of guy) thinks Keyne West is a moron...even before this latest incident. Google it...there's a video that Carlos Mencia did that's pretty damn funny.


I'm disappointed with Serena Williams...up until this point, I thought of her as an athlete to be admired. Getting angry at a bad call is one thing...going into a racist tirade is quite another.



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Hardly a year goes by without Kanye West pulling some ridiculous stunt in music or video awards whether in the US or over here in Europe. Maybe MTV should just stop inviting him altogether. As for Beyonce, she was "once, twice, three times a lady"... Kanye should pay more attention to her attitude than her videos.



Serena: Apparently McEnroe said that even he was never that bad. Yes,it was a bumb call,but that happens in life. Profanity and racist comments are probably going to cost her more than just a fine.


Yeah, they may cost her her sponsors and in worst case scenario, her reputation as an athlete. Come on, when McEnroe says he was never that bad you know you reached a new low in sportsmanship (or lack thereof!).



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