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Navy ATC


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Totally irritated at the "War on Terrorism" right now. Just found out that a kids that I've known since he was 9 was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan yesterday. Just wish my fellow service members were all home. Such a short life for a fine soldier.

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Totally irritated at the "War on Terrorism" right now. Just found out that a kids that I've known since he was 9 was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan yesterday. Just wish my fellow service members were all home. Such a short life for a fine soldier.


ATC, i know how u feel, a guy I grew up with and was a good friend of mine was killed right in front of me, so I kind of know what ur going through and how u feel. I knew him since we were both in I want to say kindergarten. We were friends for about 20 yrs or so. I am sorry for his death, but I dont want to come off sounding like a prick or a dickhead, but you know as well as I do that is the risk we all take when we put on the uniform to serve our country. Again, I am sorry.

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Service is an Honorable calling. It is sad when anyone passes, but tribute the honor of his service and he will always be remembered well. For ALL those who have served in past present or will in the future, :salute:


ETA: A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'United States of America' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

Edited by Growler67

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ATC, i know how u feel, a guy I grew up with and was a good friend of mine was killed right in front of me, so I kind of know what ur going through and how u feel. I knew him since we were both in I want to say kindergarten. We were friends for about 20 yrs or so. I am sorry for his death, but I dont want to come off sounding like a prick or a dickhead, but you know as well as I do that is the risk we all take when we put on the uniform to serve our country. Again, I am sorry.



I totally agree. Been doing this for over 17 years and proud of every minute of it. As should every service member should. Just a shame that someone is lost at such an early age. No offense taken. God bless the USA!!!!!

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That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no

longer understand it.'


So very true.


Saw a quote one time that said, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english, thank a soldier."

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Hopefully some day the politicians and world leaders finally figure out a better way to solve problems between them then war. I can hope.

Edited by Jarhead1

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it's a shame to hear about young people die to protect others

sorry for your lost and his family..





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it's a shame to hear about young people die to protect others

sorry for your lost and his family..







Thanks all for the words of encouragement.

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Hopefully some day the politicians and world leaders finally figure out a better way to solve problems between them then war. I can hope.


As long as they don't have to face the consequences of their decisions (meaning: as long as they don't have to be in the front line with a gun in their hand), it will never change!

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Yeah but we can all hope someday they come to their senses

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I am so sorry to hear of this loss. One of my sons was hit in Iraq with an IED and it F**ked everyone in that Bradly up bad. He's home now but with PTSD and other problems. Take comfort in the knowledge that every Vet and Service member worldwide grieves with you.


Jarhead, you and I know that as long as there are young men and women willing to serve their country chickens**t politicians will hide behind them for their political and monetary gain. I didn't always feel like this until my own kids and squadron mates went to war.

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I think it's time for NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan / Iraq.

It is a hopeless case.

It turned into another Vietnam.

These two countries like Vietnam were never conquered.


It destroyed all the major terrorist groups existed.

It's time to go home.

It really makes me sad to die so many soldiers and many civilians.

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I think it's time for NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan / Iraq.

It is a hopeless case.

It turned into another Vietnam.

These two countries like Vietnam were never conquered.


It destroyed all the major terrorist groups existed.

It's time to go home.

It really makes me sad to die so many soldiers and many civilians.



Marcos, the Problem isn't the countries itself...but who is keeping them...

Vietnam Was massive supported by China and USSR, the Afghanistain was supported by USA in 80's and now it's being supported by some Gulf Countries Donators and Iran, well its funny that more US sanction them, more the talebans get weapons...

Taleban,Iraq ,Hamas, Hezzbola... its the same case...it can't be solved in Mam-Man Fight.

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Condolences to the bereaved family and friends.


If our President is not willing to support General McCrystal's request for the minimum operatonal troops necessary to achive a modicum of victory in Afganistan, in my opinion, General McCrystal should resign and the troops should be withdrawn forthwith. If other NATO forces wish to step into the breach, welcome. Dying a death of a thousand cuts over an indefinite period proping up an allegedly illegal government with inadequate support from home sounds more and more like Vietnam. Do the Nixon thing, declare victory with honor and bring our men and women home.


Ok, off of my soapbox for the day. Earnest thoughts and prayers for our men and women doing what it takes to keep us safe at night and for the families of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

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During Operation Panthers Claw (in the lead up to the Afghan elections) 10 British soldiers lost their lives. Out of a population of thousands, only 150 people in that area turned out to vote, that's just 15 people for every one of those lads that came home in a box. Then we hear that the Afghan government has passed a law stating that it's ok for a man to starve his wife to death for refusing to have sex with him. Just what the hell are we out there for then, because I thought we were supposed to be giving them a better life?! :rolleyes:


Maybe I've truly matured now because the more I see, the more I realise that that fecking place is not worth a single drop of a NATO soldier's blood. It's time to stop the lies, bring our lads and lasses home, and let Karzai fix his own damn problems. If our troops were laying down their lives in the defence of my country like they did in WWII, then that would be different, this just seems to be a futile waste of young lives for no discernable purpose.


I think this sums up Afghanistan quite nicely! :deadhorse:


Rant over! :grandpa:

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