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A Thread from SimHQ

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I didn't want to have this missed by those who may not visit SIMHQ's OFF section regularly. This thread, "Extremely Delighted with OFF," (click link) was posted by Catch (thanks, Catch) and deserves a look. Maybe some of you would like to add a few comments as well.



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it's a great idea

everybody should say something, especially if they came to off from another game.

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It's a worthy successor to pick up the mantle of RB3D (hardly surprising given the pedigree of the designers).


Nice boy that SimonC.... what a nice thing to say. :grin:



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Yes, it's nicely said, and more: it may make the army of Red Baron 3D enthusiasts

wake up and have a look at a product, that should be perfect to suit them.

Edited by Olham

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It's good to see OFF acknowledged at all; the praise is an unexpected plus. T'would appear the blush is off the Russian rose. Has there been anymore thought given to a Wikipedia article?

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It's good to see OFF acknowledged at all; the praise is an unexpected plus. T'would appear the blush is off the Russian rose. Has there been anymore thought given to a Wikipedia article?


Glad you brought that up, it should have a page there with information and comments.

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Guest British_eh

Thanks Rabu for the link. I sort of knew about the site, but have been mostly happy with you lot here :)


If I may, the last mission for Otto Haboklabber flying out of Jasta 2, on March 13th, I could only wonder about the number of German flights occuring. I usually use the TAC initially to see Wingmen, and such, and I was surprised by the number of German planes in the air. OF COURSE, it was the buildup to the main German spring offensive, and the Germans were out in force gathering info and looking to keep the RFC on the ground, prior to their invasion. What a treat that this has been built into OFF, brilliant!





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For WIKIPEDIA German, I would write the article about OFF.

But I would need some detailed info about the history of the development and the team etc.

If anyone from the team would communicate with me about that via PM, it could be done.

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Okay, thanks Pol, will read those and work it out.

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As I'm not good at composing an article myself, I'm going to wait until someone is done with an article at Wikipedia, English or German. I can then translate it to Greek, my native language. I'm sure, all together we can make it for a good presentation, what you think?



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For the WIKIPEDIA Article, I would like to use very good screenshots of aircraft, single or flying in formation or dogfighting.

If you at OFF OBD have some good ones with your logo in, please post them or PM them to me.


Whoever wants to contribute some, please follow some rules:


1. You should have most advanced graphics. Use highest resolution for the aircraft in workshop, please.


2. pick an interesting wheather - that can be chosen in "workshop QC's". I want some really nice and sunny wheather as well

as huge, dramatic thunderheads, but rather no rainy wash kitchen looks.


3. Pick some really interesting German skins for your German craft.


4. Do the dogfighting like a movie director. Manoeuver your craft to good angles in relationship to the sun and the other craft.

Use the "pause" key and wander around the frozen scene, to get the best angle; zoom in and out to get it right.

Also view scenes or single craft from above - sometimes a good angle. Turn and move around a scene in thunder wheather

so, that you may catch some reflection on the surfaces; that will give it an extra touch.


And after all that work, you should still be prepared, that your pic might not be used, although it is good - I can't plaster Wikipedia

with screenshots, and will have to pick some 3 - 6 pictures, to show the variety of types and skins.

Thank you for reading.

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Excellent idea to get a page into Wikipedia - are there any other areas that might be able to provide additional exposure and publicity for OFF?

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I give up, yes the wiki is a good move but you guys really need to start talking about OFF at other forums including SimHq and many others. Sure it's always nice to be at "home" where it's safe and warm but if we as a group don't start striking out to uncharted waters this is the only place you will find any discussion about OFF. When I posted at SimHq in the thread being discussed here I fully exspected to see a large amount of postings from my brethern here at CombatAce. Instead the thread isn't even a page long there, that is a dismal showing guys. Do you know what my honest assesment of why RoF has the "buzz" so to speak over OFF? Because in the begining several guys made a concerted and well organized and well executed effort to get the word out at every forum, heck they were even starting threads at Subsim about RoF. Not only did these guys get the word out but they doggedly stayed around those forums answering questions and doing a sort of damage control anytime someone posted negatives about RoF and always with back up. I cannot say we as a group have done the same. A few guys here have tried (including myself) but all to often were outnumbered like Custer at the Little Big Horn and no calvary came to help.

It's long past time guys to get proactive rather then reactive with OFF, and right now is a good time since many are feeling very disenchanted with RoF. Be prepared to answer questions you know are going to be asked especially when it comes to the use of the CFS3 game engine for OFF. Just from posting and watching other forums where OFF discussion does come up it is the single most biggest hurtle to convince people it's not that big of a deal. Another thing guys you do realize the internet search engines work off of hits right? So why do you think when you type in WWI flight simulators RoF dominates the pages? 'nuff said.


That is exactly correct. It's all very well Rof showing its true colours, but we've gotta actually make sure it's its death throws. Especially those who defended Rof in its early days, but came to us later. get out there and help the lost become found again.

Rof is on its way over the edge, it just needs a good shove to speed it to its drowning faster.

Edited by matt milne

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Hiya Godz,


I agree with you - I'm off to SimHQ to tell people a bit more about OFF. I might even start a thread inviting people to report on their single player campaigns with their pilots, ranging over the entire Western front from 1915 onwards, complete with anecdotes and pictures. I would have thought one or two ROF jockeys might be quite interested in that....

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I've added a paragraph too (Leaf85). I will play both sims (RoF and OFF) but my time spent already with OFF has far exceeded time in RoF and I've had OFF for less time (early September as opposed to midsummer). I've also tried to advance interest in OFF on the forums we host for the Hussars and I know at least one other gamer who is interested. Not much, but I am trying drinks.gif

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Thanks guys. I have no animosity towards the ROF developers, although I'm sick of being blasted on their forums for the least mention of OFF or any thing that is constructive criticism of ROF. Anyway, ROF does have some really fine points and I actually do hope it succeeds, it's just that I think OFF has really been passed by because of unfair put downs by many of the crowd on the ROF forum, and their close friends on IL2 who seem to have some vandetta against anthing having to do with Microsoft's CFS3.. it's really strange. Anyway, my main reason to post all this is to encourage all to spread the positive word about OFF and all it has to offer and I appreciate all the efforts here.


The comparisons here are striking.. when I went on the ROF forum asking for envolvement by players of ROF who have had lots of time playing it, to help others with the many, very unclear settings and setups, I was again bullied and put down and acused of being negative.. Here, as a contrast, there is positive feedback and the desire to take part and get involved.. a big and positve contrast. As I said, one of the other positive things that goes along with OFF and the people it attracts.



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if every person could recommend off to one other person, our fanbase would double, it's that simple.


granted if you're gonna fly over enemy lines you're gonna take some flak. and die hard supporters will always be that way prefering to sit in the burning barn whilst it falls about them, whilst seceretly regretting doing so, so we can leave them to that. my point is you don't have to engage them at all. we shouldn't be posting on Rof fan sites.


What we should do is find threads posted by people who already have Rof and are specifically looking for an alternative. show them what off is and they'll jump on it.

That way you have people who would really like off, who would be willing to listen to what you say, so you won't take any flak at all.


if i read the market correctly, Rof is a total loss. which means there are a lot of people out there actively looking for something else, and we've got it. Show it to them and they'll go for it.

Edited by matt milne

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if every person could recommend off to one other person, our fanbase would double, it's that simple.

When I like something, that's what I do. I naturally spread the word.

But the problem in this case is CFS3. When I say that word, people will just fly away. That's a real prejudice.

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When I like something, that's what I do. I naturally spread the word.

But the problem in this case is CFS3. When I say that word, people will just fly away. That's a real prejudice.


I know, I know, it's amazing, isn't it? But I think many are coming around as they read others reactions to OFF after having finally taken the plunge and especially after this last patch, which, along with Version 3 itself, has been a huge improvement.

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I was flying IL2 and decided to give CFS3 a try despite the criticisms of it and came to my conclusion that it was garbage compared to IL2. So it gathered dust on the shelf. Then, since Oleg decided to put fantasy aircraft in IL2 instead of the next logical progression of the Korean War (95% of it was already there), I looked around for other sims or upgrades and mods to Mig Alley. I stumble upon the Dogpatch Crew's Korean Skies and that resurrected CFS3 for me. A little later, searching for WWI sims, I found OFF and didn't hesitate nor ever looked back, mind you, I'd already been flying modded CFS3 so I was past my prejudice.


I'd really like to see the efforts of neeoqb and OBD working in concert...kind of like peanut butter and chocolate.

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Well for what it's worth I'm trying to register with SimHQ, so far no confirmation email. I will gladly support OFF as I have tried to do at the Aerodrome. I am obviously biased and will not comment on a sim I have no experience with. The upload is different there so I'll need to figure that out.



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