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Edited by suhsjake

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We spent the last couple of days in Cairo at the open air market. The other tourists were taking all kinds of photos, as were we. But I jumped into several and "photo bombed" them. It's so funny. Better back in the days of film. "Who the hell is that guy?"

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WTF? Please tell me that the second pic is fake Growler. That's a prehistoric creature who lived before the rein of the dinosaurs.



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Always wante3d to do this...



Flyin hi I'll bet...



Sure wouldnt want to wake up to THAT!



This'll leave a mark...

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WTF? Please tell me that the second pic is fake Growler. That's a prehistoric creature who lived before the rein of the dinosaurs.




Sea Scorpion.........though now extinct. Probably shopped from a screen grab of "Ancient Sea Monsters" with Zoologist Nigel Marven: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3247691.stm


And now, back to your regularly scheduled thread topic...................





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Sorry, couldnt help myself...



modern clothes design? Im not sure this really is a design...



Imagine the look on his face...

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Trying to keep it amusing and somewhat closer to "G" rated so it doesn't get locked, folks. Just sayin'.

Edited by Growler67

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Nerdy? Weak?



You´re playing with fire, pinky lol.gif

Edited by macelena
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The day Ivan called his RIO a reject there was a LOT of paperwork back at the office.



KIDS AMUSEMENT PARK - You're doing it wrong. FAIL!

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Found this old one from the AAO days.....goes well with October.



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