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dewoitine d 520 WIP

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Now that's just beautiful!!!

Battle of France, Algeria, Lebanon/Syria anyone? Italian and Bulgarian skins too. I really fancy a yellow-tailed D520.



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Definately need some Vichy skinned ones for whenever I get the "Torch" map finished (and that really means, when it gets started!)



You know, Gepard's Israel2 opps-Suez- map would be just the ticket for that....in fact, I have a start on a WW2 version of it around here somewheres.....hmmmm...definately need to redo the 'front line' bits.....



kevin stein



EDIT: I meant the Suez map ... unfortuantley, missing Alex, as it's just beyond THe Wall. Was looking at it last night;

Edited by Wrench

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Thank you, Veltro. Another beautiful model. And another plane I've always wanted to fly in the sim.

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I'll get started on the screens ASAP....


just got the Mushroom Yellow on the D-520, as I don't/didn't know diddly fiddely about it... fascinating aircrft! Outperformed the 109D/E!! Interestering!


Also, don't forget we have the French 7.5mm mgs in the WW2 Weapons Pak; courtesy of Heck Mitchell as he made them for my ADA Hawk 75 and DB-7.


Battle of France anyone?? (which might mean actually finishing that 25 Squadron Battle skin I started 2 years ago...)



kevin stein

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Ok its finished... It could still use some Wrench screens, and a better skin, or keep this temp skin and add squadron decals..





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I should have the screens for you in a couple of hours ... just have to finish "modifying" the box arts, then install them, and shoot them too you.


Decals arn't too hard ... just need the production numbers, and the font like what Heck used on the Hawk 75. UVMaps are always a plus (lined if possible -- helps in cheating to create the panel lines! Yeah, I'm THAT lazy!! <grin>)


I have the colors in my PS pallete, left over from the ADA DB-7 and Hawk 75, I'm sure I could figure out the patterns from the profiles I'e got. Or, I'll be happy to pass the PDFs on to whomever might need them


Just ask!



kevin stein


ps: from that screenie, I'd say the rolling radius on the tailwheel is too high!

Edited by Wrench

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ps: from that screenie, I'd say the rolling radius on the tailwheel is too high!


thank you


and fixed

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Nice, the best French built fighter of WW11, shame it flew on both sides though! yikes.gif

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I'll get started on the screens ASAP....


just got the Mushroom Yellow on the D-520, as I don't/didn't know diddly fiddely about it... fascinating aircrft! Outperformed the 109D/E!! Interestering!


Also, don't forget we have the French 7.5mm mgs in the WW2 Weapons Pak; courtesy of Heck Mitchell as he made them for my ADA Hawk 75 and DB-7.


Battle of France anyone?? (which might mean actually finishing that 25 Squadron Battle skin I started 2 years ago...)



kevin stein





Veltro very nice stuffgood.gif

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Sorry guys


I seem to be holding things up. I've been looking for a "good" source of panel lines and finishing a few other projects. I got a copy of the Mushroom Models (Yellow Series) book on the D.520 today so I will start in earnest tonight.


My local technical bookstore has the Mushroom Models book on the CR.42 Falco as well. I might pick that up after payday. Yet another aircraft book to sneak into the house so the wife doesn't spot it.



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Shoot, Lloyd, I've have given you a copy of Mushroom D.520 on pdf if I'd known....


none of the sites have the mushroom YS on falco (even farposst), so I'm glad you got a copy. (couldn't talk you into scanning it to pdf could I??? <wink>


Ed, I sent you the screens, right??? I disremember!



kevin stein

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That's a bit of a bugger. It cost me NZ$45 and the book on the Falco will cost the same. As for me making a pdf - 'well you never know your luck in a big city!'



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Shoot, Lloyd, I've have given you a copy of Mushroom D.520 on pdf if I'd known....


none of the sites have the mushroom YS on falco (even farposst), so I'm glad you got a copy. (couldn't talk you into scanning it to pdf could I??? <wink>


Ed, I sent you the screens, right??? I disremember!



kevin stein


RGR Kevin..have them

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aren't these Falcos???


"Beware, I'll Scratch You"


love that insignia, as a 'cat person', of course. Hope to see that as a decal on the skin. Hell, I'll probably make and send it off to whomever winds up skinning it. I'm not too good at RA camo.



kevin stein

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aren't these Falcos???


"Beware, I'll Scratch You"


love that insignia, as a 'cat person', of course. Hope to see that as a decal on the skin. Hell, I'll probably make and send it off to whomever winds up skinning it. I'm not too good at RA camo.



kevin stein



Love them Kitties



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This skinning the D.520 is taking longer than I thought. The mapping for the wings is more narrow than the wings themselves so I'm having to adjust the panel line templates to fit. It means re-sizing them to be the same width but reducing the length (the technical terms is "squishing"). Once I'm happy with the location, then I can move one to painting the panel lines and doing the drop-shadows to give a 3D effect. No lumps and bumps in the fabric like for the Condor to replicate this time. I've decided on my colours and camo pattern, so once the panel lines are in place it's full steam ahead.



Pay-day today, so I'll pop out and get that Mushroom Models book on the Falco.



Edited by LloydNB

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Cooolll!!! I'm REALLLY glad you're doing the skin ... my skills with fabric are, for lack of a better word "wanting".


You let me know what you want that I might have on pdf, and we'll arrange the trade! :drinks:


I'll whip out some decals for the squadron insignia, those that I can find in 3 or 4 books on the RA.


Ed; pm inbound



kevin stein

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4 Esc. GC II/7 nearly ready.



I need to change the spinner colour to black, add the individual aircraft numbers to the tail and apply some 'noise' over the entire aircraft. I might also see what can be done to the give some depth to the areas over the pilot's shoulders.



Edited by LloydNB

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