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Guest Eject

Change a nation status

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Guest Eject

Hi, and hello to Dave;


A brief questions re the above topic. Given the geopolitical reality -- at least from early 1990's -- is it possible for me to CHANCE the status if Saudi Arabia and/or Turkey in WOE/WOI to be the enemy of Israel and its allies in the West (USAF, USN, USMC, NATO etc)? Would it be as simple as making changes of the concerned nations in the Nation.ini??? But would the change affect the xxx.cat re nations? Thank you sir

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Yes,it could be that simple.

Change the nation that you want from FRIENDLY to ENEMY.

The game engine will read YOUR nations.ini file and not the one in the xxx.cat.

It's like sitting at your desk. The game reads everything ON the desk before it looks in the drawers(xxx.cat files). If it finds a file ON the desk it doesn't look for it in the drawer.

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Guest Eject

Yes,it could be that simple.

Change the nation that you want from FRIENDLY to ENEMY.

The game engine will read YOUR nations.ini file and not the one in the xxx.cat.

It's like sitting at your desk. The game reads everything ON the desk before it looks in the drawers(xxx.cat files). If it finds a file ON the desk it doesn't look for it in the drawer.


:salute:Thank you Ezlead. Yet, to my disappointment after I had done that way -- Saudi changed to ENEMY -- and saved it, and then flew on a mission it still shot (A-A) Arab nation planes. Perhaps I missed something? Take your time Ez it is past mid-night here in Jakarta, far away from "The BIG One" in Padang West Sumatra" tremor that devestated the city and buried THRRE villages. I shall try again later anyway, awaiting your further guidence; if you do not mind. Thanks again, and regard to Dave.:salute:

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It's like sitting at your desk. The game reads everything ON the desk before it looks in the drawers(xxx.cat files). If it finds a file ON the desk it doesn't look for it in the drawer.


That is quite possibly the best analogy for that that I have ever heard. :good:

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Agreed, that's the BESTest SIMPLEST, most accurate explination of how the Game Engine ™ works I've ever seen, too.


Also, assuming this is for WoI's IsraelME, you'll probably need to extract the terrain's IsrealME_Nations.ini, and make the same changes there, as it MUST match the game's main Nations.ini



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

Wrench, thank you for your input. I have never tried that yet. I did however, on object.cat (aircrafts), when extracted it turned out to be in a huge ixe some 600Megs! I was referring to the Object.cat.


My Qs about the one one you advised me to try; after it is extracted, I should make 'parallel' change right> After that, what should I do next? How do I "roll back" to the CAT file with a new terrain change? Thanks a lot. Awaiting your final how-to in this respect.:salute:

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Just leave the IsrealME_Nations.ini in the IsraelMe terrain folder. You should never re=pack a cat.


Also, looking over the IME_Nations.ini, it's DEFINATELY an 08 and SF2 style, with 'limiting' statements:



TheaterName=Middle East






Location006=Saudi Arabia



Location009=West Bank

Location010=Gaza Strip

Location011=Golan Heights








So, all it looks like you need to do, is add your new 'enemy' nations to the LimitedNationList. Don't forget to keep the numbers sequential!


This 'newer style' makes things a bit eaiser!



kevin stein

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You've piqued my curiosity.


I have done a crude edit to create a 2006 Lebanon War 2, which has more modern aircraft, etc.


Flown it a few times, love it.


Since the Gaza Strip is an indicated location, could be made belligerent and a 2008 campaign created?


Lots of Katyushkas, and the like...

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Probably not, as Gaza is not a seperate nation, like Egypt or Iraq. However, you could concievly edit the targets and nations ini, adding Gaza to Egypt, but keeping the city name the same (changing the location number in the targets ini, so your mission brief would be "fly a fighter sweep over Gaza, Egypt", as would the debrief or medals page)


Or createa a Palestinaian nation in the nations ini (which might mean creating a palestinain air force -- maybe with Piper Cubs or something...visions of Frank Sinatra dropping seltzer bottles just jumped into my head...)


BUT...changing the national alignment WILL messup existing campaigns and other thingys, espeically for 67,73,83 wars, as Gaza is considered "Friendly" in the targets ini


You should still be able place enemy rocket arty batteries, you just need the coordinates to drop the BM-14-16s onto, added to Gaza city. Hopefully, the game engine ™ will still see them as enemy, as stated in their data inis.




















etc, etc, etc


You can place enemy targets in a friendly target zone*. You just have to be VERRRRRRYYYYY careful in weapons delivery!!


*found that out accidently one time; supposedly friendly AAA was shooting at me!! (mind you, I'd forgotten to change the alignment of an army base, so here I am flying a Mig, and getting shot at by -supposidly- my own people. Very embarrasing, up to the point when I ate a MANPADS!


It's worth experimentating with, at least



kevin stein

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Probably not, as Gaza is not a seperate nation, like Egypt or Iraq. However, you could concievly edit the targets and nations ini, adding Gaza to Egypt, but keeping the city name the same (changing the location number in the targets ini, so your mission brief would be "fly a fighter sweep over Gaza, Egypt", as would the debrief or medals page)


Or createa a Palestinaian nation in the nations ini (which might mean creating a palestinain air force -- maybe with Piper Cubs or something...visions of Frank Sinatra dropping seltzer bottles just jumped into my head...)


BUT...changing the national alignment WILL messup existing campaigns and other thingys, espeically for 67,73,83 wars, as Gaza is considered "Friendly" in the targets ini


You should still be able place enemy rocket arty batteries, you just need the coordinates to drop the BM-14-16s onto, added to Gaza city. Hopefully, the game engine will still see them as enemy, as stated in their data inis.




You can place enemy targets in a friendly target zone*. You just have to be VERRRRRRYYYYY careful in weapons delivery!!


*found that out accidently one time; supposedly friendly AAA was shooting at me!! (mind you, I'd forgotten to change the alignment of an army base, so here I am flying a Mig, and getting shot at by -supposidly- my own people. Very embarrasing, up to the point when I ate a MANPADS!


It's worth experimentating with, at least



kevin stein


It might just be.


Cheers for the run-through, Wrench...

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Guest Eject

Just leave the IsrealME_Nations.ini in the IsraelMe terrain folder. You should never re=pack a cat.


Also, looking over the IME_Nations.ini, it's DEFINATELY an 08 and SF2 style, with 'limiting' statements:




So, all it looks like you need to do, is add your new 'enemy' nations to the LimitedNationList. Don't forget to keep the numbers sequential!


This 'newer style' makes things a bit eaiser!



kevin stein


:good::salute:Kevin, I did just nations status, FRIENDLY to ENEMY, did not bother to make any change in CAT. And, it worked. Now I must roll-back my F-14 TomCat of the Iranians of the Shah of Iran era. As well, I will do the same to my Saudi's F-15S (triker). The Saudi's F-5E d/l from here since this morning is battling the Israeli and its allies. Great, I downed FOUR Ausie F-18s using two mid-range (growl) Russian A-A-, and two R-23R that I tweaked not to have growls.


Btw, since you mentioned IsraelME, I was wondering IF I can put inside it the IsraelME2??? I already d/l your latest mod in IsraelME2, placed it seperately in my TERRAIN folder of my WOE. Every time I wanted to take off, all my planes exploded! So, I change in the GamePlay in Option to fly instead from the Air or Near Targets. Same thing occured in my Iran-Iraq Campaign, so I just delete it.


Thank you Kevin and others.:good:

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How does that affect weapons?



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YOu mean the IsraelME targets upgrade, or the Isreal2 targets upgrede?


They're mutualy exclusive ... the're seperate mods designed for EACH of the terrains. Seperatly.


All is explained in the enclosed readmes; re-read them, all will become clear



Dave: how does WHAT effect weapons??



kevin stein

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Dave: how does WHAT effect weapons??




Changing the Nations.ini like he wants to.


(Its a lead up question to have Kevin fully explain the ramifications of said actions to help noobs further their knowledge of modding) :rofl:

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In 08+ levels, maybe not at all. As it seems you CAN add Friendly Weapons ™ to Enemy Aircraft ™.


Case in point: WoI's Jordanian Hunters (clearly enemy A/C) carrying UK bombs/rocket pods -- in the STOCK game.


CiPx2: in the Indo-Pak mod, both side used Bofors 40mm AA guns. I simply create a nationalized copy of the ground object for India, and the gun works just fine thank you very much. Of couse, we know that guns don't have a nationalized attachement type, so that's probably a bad example.


CiP2a: Indian Canberras, Mystres, etc using UK and French weapons with no problems.


However... (or the expected BUT....) in the case of A-A missiles, for example Saudi Eagles, there IS the possibiliby of them NOT having their Sparrows and Sidewinders. This is something I've not experimentated with (meaning: will an Exported=YES AIM-7F/P/M be loadable on an enemy Saudi Eagle) At the worst, a 'nationalized' SAF version is easily created in the weapons editor. Again, only a few minutes work. Dates would have to match exactly, of course, with the operational service dates of the saudi aircraft.



kevin stein

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Thats what i did to have Egyptian HAWK SAM systems;only thing is in single missions even Syria has them despite having Exported=FALSE in both the data ini for the launchers as well as in the WeaponsData.ini

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Guest Eject

Thats what i did to have Egyptian HAWK SAM systems;only thing is in single missions even Syria has them despite having Exported=FALSE in both the data ini for the launchers as well as in the WeaponsData.ini


:salute:Thank you ALL senior modders here, Dave and Wrench among other respected modders and members here. My Qs are all answered, my sincere grats for all your taking trouble to enlighten me. Dave, my simple mods up there re changing nation dot ini, did not affect my latest guns or weaps update or patch: that of Oct 08.


As said earlier, after having serious mishaps three times due chiefly to new updates or patches, I always always always made BACK UPS mostly to my Weapondata dot DAT. This, I guess, the heart of whetever games when it comes to WEAPINS. Like a CPU in a PC.


Thanks again, c you all later. Have a nice weekend guys. I copied this PAGE as a referrence Dave.

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Guest Eject

:salute:Thank you ALL senior modders here, Dave and Wrench among other respected modders and members here. My Qs are all answered, my sincere grats for all your taking trouble to enlighten me. Dave, my simple mods up there re changing nation dot ini, did not affect my latest guns or weaps update or patch: that of Oct 08.


As said earlier, after having serious mishaps three times due chiefly to new updates or patches, I always always always made BACK UPS mostly to my Weapondata dot DAT. This, I guess, the heart of whetever games when it comes to WEAPINS. Like a CPU in a PC.


Thanks again, c you all later. Have a nice weekend guys. I copied this PAGE as a referrence Dave.



:salute:Hi, I am back

How about AllowedWeaponClass=, and AttachmentType=, troughout in the F-15S Saudi? Provided we do not go DogFighting On-Line, I do not think it would hurt anyone here for us (at least me) to enter (1) AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM (depending on the payload capacity of the hardpoints;

(2) AttachmentType=WP,Soviet,China,France,W_Germany,S_Africa,Iran (produced GOOD A-A),and..God Forbids! ISRAEL,USAF,USN,NATO ------ (black market guys!).


The Israeli Military Industry, so is MOSSAD, only REFUSE to SELL advanced weaps to TAIWAN!

I read it in a book, BY WAY OF DECEPTION, and EVERY SPY A PRINCE by two Israeli reporters (1990s). Why TAIWAN? The MOSSAD said, "The following weeks (after the sale) the (TAIWAN) will sell their COPIES!"


No GunEditor was ever needed.....


Yet, ONE RULE, NEVER NEVER go On-Line dog-fighting others with such "dumb mods" .


As for me, I used more and more in not Russo jets, the Chinese SD-10, the French R-522, Russo R-77 which is deadly v MY enemies.....


I had been downed mainly by the SAMs.... in Intercept, Strike MSNs, whenever there were enemy jets, like the F-16s, F-18s, and F-4E, I used my SD-10 first to drop them from as far as 30Km. Laater on, used the medium- and short range a-a when they were at close range.


Well, do not do this "dumb mod" of mine. :grin:

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Guest Eject

:salute:Hi, I'am back guys, just cleaned up the non-moving disk (80Gigs) of my TravelMate mini notebook (1st generation of mini one with 7.9 screen) from an old friend whodunno anything about PC, dumped 3Gigs of trash using the superb WindowsXP clean-up util. And, I accidently found among my hundreds of thousands files, the long-forgotten DL of Su-24! Wow! Yet, they are all Ukrainean, second try when I changed one of the 5-6 skins available by default in each plane, :yikes:what! One of them wore a USAF skin! So, it shot and killed ALL the Russo MiGs, even I chased for a couple of miinutes a desperate MiG-29, and since I have exhausted all my a-to-a (very limited man in this bird), I used my owned install of InternalGun, a 30cal cannon (the statement had been blank under InternalGun, only the title). So, I smashed it to bits! Bye bye Boris!


Then, I tried to see in the main NATION.ini if UKRAINEA is available in WOI. IT WAS NOT! So, based on what Wrench taught me the other day, I added Ukraine as ENEMY, but have not let it fly yet with a Blur Russ Camo.


I may have mistepped somewhere, to make sure I entered the correct statements in there (Nation.ini), would you please -- I bag you man -- Wrench help me out, AGAIN, with the needed text of ADDING a country in there? Thanks alot Kevin. :salute:

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