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Er ist da! It arrived! "Blue Max" returned home!

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bullethead: Its funny you were writing about former enemies. an that now you associate with them. Just a week or so back at a Jiffy Lube, I swear that I had seen the guy changing the oil sometime ago. The only thing was that I remember that he was wearing black P.J s and holding an AK 47 in a tree line by a rice paddy. Time does change things. blink.gif

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BTW, my good little wifey is as I call her "a postal authority". It's good money and now she drives the LLV instead of the beater we bought for her to deliver with.

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Just a week or so back at a Jiffy Lube, I swear that I had seen the guy changing the oil sometime ago. The only thing was that I remember that he was wearing black P.J s and holding an AK 47 in a tree line by a rice paddy. Time does change things. blink.gif


Did you ask him about it? If not, got back tomorrow and do so.


Had he and I but met

By some old ancient inn,

We should have set us down to wet

Right many a nipperkin!


But ranged as infantry,

And staring face to face,

I shot him as he at me,

And killed him in his place.


I shot him dead because--

Because he was my foe,

Just so: my foe of course he was;

That's clear enough; although


He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,

Off-hand like--just as I--

Was out of work--had sold his traps--

No other reason why.


Yes; quaint and curious war is!

You shoot a fellow down

You'd treat, if met where any bar is,

Or help to half a crown.

-Thomas Hardy, "The Man I Killed"


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Or perhaps this:


I shot him, and it had to be

One of us "Twas him or me.

'Couln't be helped' and none can blame

Me, for you would do the same


My mother, she cant sleep for fear

Of what might be a-happening here

To me. Perhaps it might be best

To die, and set her fears at rest


For worst is worst, and worry's done.

Perhaps he was the only son. . .

Yet God keeps still, and does not say

A word of guidance anyway.


Well, if they get me, first I'll find

That boy, and tell him all my mind,

And see who felt the bullet worst,

And ask his pardon,if I durst.


All's a tangle. Here's my job.

A man might rave, or shout, or sob;

And God He takes takes no sort of heed.

This is a bloody mess indeed.


-Ivor Gurney, "The Target"



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Just got home from a two-day road trip and was very glad to read that the medal has arrived safe and sound. Wear it well Olham, it is a highly deserved honour Sir! Salute.gif


BH, great little dittys there, I'm particularly fond of the Thomas Hardy one.


Olham...Bordeauxred Baron...hee hee


Paarma, if you are looking for a very good quality Blue Max at an affordable price, Wagner of Berlin made a lot of them, (they will have a "W" maker's mark). Wagner and Sons were one of the original medal makers in Germany for many decades. Also, a genuine WWI issue Orden Pour l'Merite with documentation of proof is nearly priceless, and on the extremely rare chance than one might actually come up on auction it would go for tens of thousands of dollars.





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Well, Duce, read Carrick's line about the post girls there. It is similar here - nothing to envy me for.


Bullet, that first poem is very good about that inner conflict. I had a picture in my mind, of god and

devil, sitting in a tavern, getting drunk; and god asking the devil, why he decided to act the way

he does. And the devil answers: to have it my own ways, I had to be different to you.

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Is that original, or well written, Creaghorn? Thanks!



don't know if original. it's from ol red baron3d when you received the PLM. at least from remembering and in the german exe version.

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