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I was just goig to take my mother at the airport...

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that's huge!i think it was bringing the Light Metro from Europe...:bye:

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Not bad silver you rustled out a Ruslan

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That's the exact AN-124 that was up here in the Great White North a couple of weeks ago dropping off some Mi-17s. Those Russians do get around, don't they?

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it is taller than the airport building:grin:

Edited by Silverbolt

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My mother didn't need such a big plane, it's more something for a mother in law.....grin.giflol.gif


Hou doe,


Derk this.gif

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My mother didn't need such a big plane, it's more something for a mother in law.....grin.giflol.gif


Hou doe,


Derk this.gif




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Ever see the 224? It's even bigger... if that's possible!?!?!

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Ever see the 224? It's even bigger... if that's possible!?!?!


unfortunately i haven't see the 225, but its sure even bigger, it will be here next month in west of the country, unfortunatelly i live in the center , so i'll not see it :/





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Ever see the 224? It's even bigger... if that's possible!?!?!


Not only possible, but ACTUAL. I saw it at the '89 Paris Air Show. To say it's big would be an understatement. HUGE doesn't really do it justice either. Just sayin'.


BTW, I was there a week after the MiG bird ingestion -> corkscrew. Saw the scorched crater on the infield. Saw it a second time after the trip, from work. It was flying home and passed overhead (EDOT where I worked) from Taunus VOR eastbound. I don't know what altitude it was at, but it was still very big.

Edited by Growler67

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It stayed for a couple of days because of a landing gear malfuntion. Drove past it every day as the A4 motorway

passes very close to one of the Schiphol platforms...... see also http.www.youtube.com/watch?gl=NL&hl=nl&v=AxtrW6m_p2w


Hou doe,






Edited by Derk

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The amazing part is they built a plane THAT big to carry their small orbiter but we've been using a regular old 747 with some reinforcements to do the job of carrying our larger, heavier orbiter for 30 years.

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The amazing part is they built a plane THAT big to carry their small orbiter but we've been using a regular old 747 with some reinforcements to do the job of carrying our larger, heavier orbiter for 30 years.


there was the M-50 but it wasn't good for the task...

btw, they didn't have such of thing like 747 in USSR

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Their "Orbiter Mount" was a ruse, IMO. The payload would've allowed it to do something the west still cannot, deploy a significant number of MBT (T-80's) rapidly to a given theater of operations. Ours generally go by way of "slow boat" or rail (if able - but not to GET overseas). The massive Antonov can haul MBT's like nothing else can. BTW @ Paris, they had a mock-up mounted and not actually "the" orbiter.

Edited by Growler67

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I'm not saying that's the only thing it could do, just that I'm amazed they didn't just convert an An-124 to do it instead.

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I believe it was intended to also carry large parts of the Energiya, this being the reason for its size.

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I believe it was intended to also carry large parts of the Energiya, this being the reason for its size.


Wow... you know, from my experiences with the 'heavies' at the airport, you can never really 'feel' how big a plane is until you have something to judge it by. Like the 747 for instance. You know it's huge, but your mind doens't grasp it until you see it from the back, heading down a taxiway, or your standing under the tail section looking up. Then suddenly it appears big.


Same with the 225... up until I watched that clip of it flying at that airshow where it was doing a touch and go infront of the crowd could you really see just how big that plane is. Until it's next to something that gives your eye a reference point, you just can't grasp it.


That plane is just massive... or ginormous (some kind of new word kids use in today's English language). It's a amazing that a matter of pure physics and a freak principle of nature called vacuum that enables something that enorums to get off the ground. Wow.


I wonder what Orville and Wilbur would say if they could have seen that plane fly.








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I wonder what Orville and Wilbur would say if they could have seen that plane fly.




"Wow, now our mothers in law can make a flight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Hou doe,


Derk grin.gif

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"Wow, now our mothers in law can make a flight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Hou doe,


Derk grin.gif



You gotta love your wife a lot, man

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You gotta love your wife a lot, man



I DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!good.gif (for more than 20 years and that includes three beautiful daughters !!)


Hou doe,



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