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American Constitutional Crisis - Confederacy 2010

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For those who missed what kicked this off:-




Here's how that OOB is shaping up:-



Confederate Air Forces



Texas Air National Guard


182 FS, 149 FW


Lackland AFB, San Antonio



Florida ANG


159FS, 125FW


Jacksonville ANG Base



Tyndall AFB, Florida

2FS - F-15C/D

43FS - F-22A

95FS - F-15?



Georgia ANG


116th Air Control Wing

Robins AFB

E-8 Joint STARS



Alabama ANG

187FW - Dannelly Field, Alabama

100FS - F-16C/D



Louisiana ANG

159 FW - NAS/JRB New Orleans

122 FS - F-15C



South Carolina ANG

169 FW - McEntire Joint National Guard Base

157 FS - Swamp Fox - F-16C Blk 52




Unionist Air Units



1st Air Force (1AF - AFNORTH)


Mass ANG

104FW, 131FS - F-15C


120FW, 186FS - F-15C - Montana


142FW, 123FS - F-15A/B/C/D - Oregon


144FW, 194FS - F-16C - California ANG


148FW, 179FS "Bulldogs" - F-16C - Minnesota ANG - Duluth Int Airport


158FW, 134FS - F-16C - Vermont ANG


177FW, 119FS - F-16C - New Jersey ANG




9th Air Force - Shaw Air Force Base - South Carolina


1FW, 1FG - Langley AFB, Virginia

27FS - F-22A

71FS - F-15C/D

94FS - F-22A


4FW, 4OG - Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina

335FS - "Chiefs" - F-15E

336FS - "Rocketeers" - F-15E


20FW, 20OG - Shaw AFB, South Carolina

55FS - Fighting 55th - F-16C

77FS - F-16C

79FS - F-16C


23FW, 23FG "Flying Tigers" - Moody AFB, Georgia

74FS - Flying Tigers - A-10

75FS - Tiger Sharks - A-10


33FW, 33OG - Eglin AFB, Florida

58FS - F-15? (Air Superiority)


12th Air Force - maybe??





I have deliberately split the units stationed in the Carolinas, Florida and Georgia for that "brother vs brother" vibe of the Civil War. Suggestions, comments, etc etc most welcome. I think I'm gonna need a bigger map of the USA. . .


For the avoidance of doubt, this is intended as a "what-if" scenario for entertainment only, although, as always with my scenarios, I would prefer if those flying them bore in mind the simple "lest we forget" lessons of the last hundred years of world history. And, I bought my poppy today for the servicemen and women of all nations, not the politicians.


Having said that, I'll be with 100FS out of Alabama, no question :grin:

Edited by Baltika

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Not sure about the F-15E units... I figured that any Annexation by the Confederates would force the USAF to move them North, to like Maryland (Andrews AFB or environs) or so... seems like they're stuck behind enemy lines. And F-22As in CAF hands? Not sure anybody would let that fly (no pun intended... sort of :smile:)


Unless you're talking "pre-war" locations when it all kicks off...

Edited by EricJ

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Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, why?


"USA 2010:-


Against the backdrop of challenging world opinion and the continuing war on terror, and the ever-growing clamour following alleged civil and human rights abuses, coupled with growing crime and murder rates on the domestic front, the liberal and progressionist leader of the USA proposes a new Bill of Rights to Congress. Abolishing the Right to Bear Arms and the Death Penalty, the Bill provokes the greatest intellectual and popular debate on the state of the American Nation for 150 years. When the Bill passes the first stage of the legislative process, a powerful lobby of State Governors demand a referendum of the people before the Federal Government proceeds further. The referendum is held, but the result referred to the Federal Supreme Court following a "miscount" in a crucial swing State.


The Bill is passed on the authority of the Supreme Court. Allegations of political interference in judicial independence are levelled, but the Washington Administration holds firm. The Federal Government issues an ultimatum: an amnesty for all citizens who surrender their weapons within 30 days, otherwise face prosecution to the full extent of the new law.


The State Governors of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina responded: no citizen shall be required to surrender any weapon, invoking the Second Amendment as interpreted by the US Supreme Court Decision of "District of Columbia vs Heller" 2008 07-290.


Washington is unimpressed, citing the authority of the legislative process of the Federal Government. Popular demonstrations in the southern states multiply. As the western world looks on in horror, the Federal Government mobilises national troops to "maintain public order in disruptive States." The State Governors protest that Federal military intervention over State boundaries would transgress local jurisdiction - to no avail. As the first Federal soldiers cross State borders, the Governors call out the militias in defence of their citizens' constitutional rights. With emotions running high, the call is answered. . ."

Edited by Baltika

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Not sure about the F-15E units... I figured that any Annexation by the Confederates would force the USAF to move them North, to like Maryland (Andrews AFB or environs) or so... seems like they're stuck behind enemy lines. And F-22As in CAF hands? Not sure anybody would let that fly (no pun intended... sort of :smile:)


Unless you're talking "pre-war" locations when it all kicks off...


Fair comment, I confess to absolutely no knowledge about how these units are stationed, administered, controlled, or answereable at all, other than what is available on wiki. What struck me about looking at it, is that how many of the USAF fighter units are stationed in the (former) Confederate States. In fact, I had to swap some over to Unionist loyalty to balance things up, on a purely territorial basis.


I accept that it is totally fictional (and possibly delictual, to use a traditional Scots legal term) to suggest that serving members of a Nation's armed forces would turn their arms on fellow members of that same nation's armed forces. Absolutely no disrespect is intended in that regard. But, most nations have faced civil war at some point in their history for whatever reason - and that is precisely what happens.


I was proceeding on the basis that the ANG units would have stronger (emotional, if not legal) ties to their home states than the federal USAF forces stationed there, and that State Governors would have powers to call out National Guard Units - which may or may not be heeded. There is also the possibility that there is a General or Air Commodore (or whatever) around who fancies himself as the next General Lee - but reckons he can crack it this time. Hubris has led to many a downfall on the battlefield - but it has also led to a change in the course of world history.


Like I said, it's for fun only. There are enough people around who like to re-enact Gettysburg or whatever that I thought it might be of some interest.


But, I am happy to be corrected on any of these points. . .

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That's good in itself man :good: I like it!


Ahh you replied while I was on the phone... All in all it's about the states "seceeding" from the Union. As far as that.. I recommend highly "Against All Enemies" by Harold Coyle to get a good idea fictionally on how it would pan out. Generally I would go through the notion that the states pilots would feel "nationalistic" (to use the term loosely) towards their state, but you have to remember that the military is a hodepodge of alot of people from different states. I would say that various fights breaking out at airbases, "nationalistic" states forcing non-residents out, etc. etc. It's a big mishmash if you want to delve into it, but the story you wrote is good enough.

Edited by EricJ

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Of course the only issue is that custom skins are out of the question, since it just started, so it'd be interesting for some US vs. Former US hardware though... How does the US Navy fall under this? Will those assets be affected to?

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Hi Eric, thanks for the feedback, I'll take you up on that reading recommendation.


Must admit, I hadn't thought how the Navy would fall into this, I'm open to suggestion. My gut feeling is they'd be more inclined to take the side of the Federal Government, having less obvious "regional" ties and for the mish-mash effect you cite. But who knows?


Well, test-build campaign file is written, using Wrench's ASW rebuild terrain, for Texas.


I have to write up a couple of win/lose texts, and unit text files so you know what side you are on (Friendly and Enemy units are all selectable from the USAF dropdown) then I'll fire it up. What I am finding is that it is very hard to survive at all going up against Eagles and Raptors, even if you are flying the same.


Needs a readme, then it can go up.





Edited by Baltika

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Well the only issue I would really see with the Navy is the personnel from that state up in arms too... in "Against All Enemies" there was a general amnesty given amongst the Army units involved (the state of Iowa decided to become it's own state) and stuff around that.. but wow, almost ready for upload? Nice..

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Basically, the problem is that the military has to be subservient to the political arm of the US Government (in the case of lawful orders), otherwise that opens up a very dangerous door.


However, what if that government goes directly against the Constitution of the United States?


For instance, the oath of enlistment in the US Armed Forces:


"I,(your name) do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."


Note that there are a few possibilities of conflict within the oath. What if the executive or legistative branch oversteps it's bounds Constitutionally? Who interprets that? From the oath, it could be down to the individual.


Baltika, I like this idea...but I'd have to agree with EricJ, I'd say it would be chaos at the individual bases for a while...




PS And the 100th FTS is my old unit...til they took it away from us....grrrr....

Edited by FastCargo

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I like the sound of this campaign m8. F-15C vs F-22A. Im already drooling at the thought of it......good.gif

Edited by MaverickMike

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In testing now.


It's reaally hard to survive for any length of time.. .

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Just my 2 cents, would never happen again. There is far out then there is out in left field. This is the latter. I can think of 10,000 other scenarios a lot more fun than this. Like Iceland, 1985. Red Storm Rising/NATO Fighters 5, hint hint hint......

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Just my 2 cents, would never happen again. There is far out then there is out in left field. This is the latter. I can think of 10,000 other scenarios a lot more fun than this. Like Iceland, 1985. Red Storm Rising/NATO Fighters 5, hint hint hint......


Fair enough, just a crazy idea. I can't see it really happening myself, just a "what if?"


I must say, as campaigns go, it is pretty much unsurvivable, on either side. Treat it as an OTT Red Flag style scenario and leave it at that.


As for Red Storm, I'm with you. Normal service will now be resumed :salute:


For those crazy enough to want to try it, here it is:-



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As for Red Storm, I'm with you. Normal service will now be resumed Salute.gif


Carrier on carrier action, which is almost better than girl on girl action. Wait, what, he said? :lol:

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Just my 2 cents, would never happen again. There is far out then there is out in left field. This is the latter. I can think of 10,000 other scenarios a lot more fun than this. Like Iceland, 1985. Red Storm Rising/NATO Fighters 5, hint hint hint......



just a "what if" dave just a "what if" nothing else.

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Definitely agree with a red storm rising scenario. That would be cool. If my memory serves me correct doesnt a US carrier nearly get sunk in that book by backfires (or isit badgers). Would be really cool to try an intercept mission as an f-14 pilot to intercept them bombers.....



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Badgers and Backfires, the Badgers launched drones that allowed the Backfires to swamp the defenses... Though I would rather go girl on girl, but 'nuff said on that topic. Still it is a good what if scenario that isn't too bad of an idea, just need Wrench to concern himself with a SE USA map rather than harassing poor posters on putting screenshots for their downloads and the all time favorite, "WHERE'S THE README!!!!" In all seriousness it'd be nice, but then again the America SW isn't bad but some distance to offset some of the hellacious firepower would be nice...

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Get your "official" release right here:-




I have bundled it with a more traditional Blue vs Red campaign, all the USAF/ANG units from Confederacy campaign on the same side vs a South American Neo-Fascist invasion of the USA.


Remember the Alamo!!!!!!!

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Guest Eject

Not sure about the F-15E units... I figured that any Annexation by the Confederates would force the USAF to move them North, to like Maryland (Andrews AFB or environs) or so... seems like they're stuck behind enemy lines. And F-22As in CAF hands? Not sure anybody would let that fly (no pun intended... sort of :smile:)


Unless you're talking "pre-war" locations when it all kicks off...


Fly as well the USAF version of Su-27! Could be really awesome I guess. Re any doubt about such scenario, another Civil War in the great USA; in fact I wish to post at least two really "controversial" Sites, all in the USA that "the establishment" dislike very musch. When free infos arer blocked by those in Power, and paid by the taxpayers, this will lead to open resistance -- every where on the globe. Believe me. One of the Sites really scares me as to what CAN really occur in the USA, in the not too distant future...........


I decided to NOT post the link here, lest I am be regarded as "lunatic" .......... I shall post my other email here in this site, if anyone is interested to read the many really HOT current issues, in Russia, in Europe, and in the States. Have u read that recently some F-16 squdron in the East Coast just repelled STRANGE flying objects, unidetifiablem yet some residence said they head the sonic boom of those strange craft??? One RAPTOR crashed in the incident!


Thank u for your time and attention. Get ready people, something real BIG might happen in the USA. Who control all the Nukes in the States? The Fed Gov and top brass of USAF and Pentagon. Pardon my misspellings....

Edited by Eject

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If anyone here reads "soldier of fortune" (no, i'm not in a militia, lol) they may have happened upon an article about surviving after "the breakdown". People fighting for food, etc. and so forth. My thought is, what would happen to all of our high tech hardware if there was a massive, armed divide between members of this great nation.


There was a movie on HBO a long time ago called "The Second Civil War". The premise is that the fed government begins forcing states to accept large numbers of refugees from foreign nations. In fact, in their time line, Rhode Island is almost entirely Chinese, including a Chinese speaking governor. When the state of Idaho closes it's borders to these refugees, the fed gov calls up the military to escort them into the state. In the meantime, the state of Idahos failing governor calls up the national guard and the state militias to stop them. When he finally does succeed from the "union" a number of states follow his lead, ironically including Rhode Island. He decides to allow the refugees to enter, but it's too late, and as they cross the border, battle erupts. There was no showing of air support, but one can only imagine the carnage that must have followed.


This, I do not believe, is plausible. But you never know.

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The only problem is that we don't have a Midwest USA or Eastern USA map to work out these ideas. If I was a map builder I'd probably do something like that, but overall good theories..

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I can whip up a terrain sometime, centered on Montana ANG natually. But I can't tile.



If you go back a few decades, you can use real airplanes, and Dave won't have a fit since it would be obviously fantasy that never happened, like I prefer LeMay~esque era nuc fantasy.


And going back you get F-106 Revenge of Operation Highspeed.


What really happened at William Tell. :yikes: ~> http://www.yolo.net/%7Ejeaton/century/106/26106.htm



Defending America's skies.


Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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Ya know that's a really good idea. Keeping Dave from having a fit is always high on the priority list (hehe, just jokin guys :drinks:)


Bringing it back a few decades will really bring down the pk on the first barrage of missiles in a fight, so some of us may actually survive the merge to get into the good ole turn'n'burn. Blue vs. Blue fights are a pretty sweet hypothetical situation, thats why we all love Red Flag. :ok:


If ya'll want any help with missions, shoot me a PM!

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Well still... a Montana map (or equivalent) would be good for all times, not just the days of old. But you are right Sakai, a modern Blue vs. Blue scenario would be very bloody indeed, but I'm game for a new US map to work those ideas..

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