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Man faces Jail after Urinating on War memorial

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I think it's a language thing Fortiesboy. Just a wrong word here and there and it reads totally differently.


But always remember, God will "cut off all those who pisseth against the wall." It says so in the Bible--several times in fact, at least in the KJV. So OT1H, "piss" can't be a bad word because it's in the Bible. But OTOH, what exactly is God going to cut off?

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I think it's a language thing Fortiesboy. Just a wrong word here and there and it reads totally differently.


I read what Gous says as someday we'll wake up to the fact that those who start the wars aren't the people who have to fight them.


Don't think he's trying to be provocative.


That about right Gous?


Yes I wasn't trying to be provocative.

But I am trying to think aloud here. I don't really care what the thread starter wanted initially. I just saw some posts here and there at the forum (and at the original link, below the news post) and I wanted to post a different answer.


I am not a troll and I don't like Internet arguments. (therefore I don't like provoking them either) But it seems that I must join the masses and judge/lynch/burn/impale etc. etc. the kid without saying something more about war "hero" memorials.


I just posted a different opinion and nothing more.

Edited by Gous

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Whatever the original poster wanted - I hope, not a war here in the Forum.

God beware - this is one of the very rare good ones.

Let's keep it that way.

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Whatever the original poster wanted - I hope, not a war here in the Forum.

God beware - this is one of the very rare good ones.

Let's keep it that way.


I am just the messenger boy! :drinks:

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From Wikipedia:


So yeah. Let's send the kid to Afghanistan. Oh yeah. That will teach him a lesson. One more kid dead for the "War Against Terrorism". (ooo that's seeerious business) Or maybe he will die for the profits of oil and weapons manufacturing businesses?


P.S. I suggest that the moderators monitor this thread, as it may be heading towards dangerous waters.



I did'nt say I agreed with the war in Afghgan - far from it, but that is another story!


Having had friends injured and killed in both Iraq and Afghan - one from Shefiield, and the picture not only showing this idiot urinating on the war memorial, but also on poppy wrealths - I stand by what I previously said.


He would see first hand the full horrors of war and would realise the full meaning of the memorial!

Edited by Beanie

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No offense to anyone here, members or guests. But, the one who made a not-so-funny comedy (a brief film?) recently, whose parts of his piss splatted (perhaps my term here is not correct; I mean his piss was "unintentionally" springkled on the picture) on -- God Forbids! -- JESUS picture hanging on the WALL of the RESTROOM, ever goes to jail!


I read it few days ago in www., ahh, better not write it down here.........

One reader commented that no sane person would even hang his late mom's picture on a Restroom wall!

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I find all the talk of "is this or that war justified?" to be ridiculous

Any fault for getting involved in an unjust war lays squarely on the politicians backs

The soldiers are ordered to go do their duty and with rare exception they perform above reproach

And some of them suffer bodily and psychological injuries, still others sacrifice their very lives

Pissing on the memorials of the honored dead is disgusting and a naively misdirected protest


If you don't like the decisions the politians are making ...join a political party that suites your believes

Vote the morons out of office and help create a more morally correct path as you see it

Then stop and marvel that in this world of ditatorships, theocracies that you are free to participate in government

...and of the countless soldiers who fought and died to provide you that right

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The soldiers are ordered to go do their duty and with rare exception they perform above reproach

Orders are no excuse.

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Orders are no excuse.

This memorial was not to the soldiers who burned bodies at Auschwitz or those who raped Nanking

More likely to those who overcame those genocidal despots

Thank God they were willing to follow thier orders, risk their lives, and liberate those at risk

There will likely always be maniacs who'll murder millions to further their psychophathic whims

There's one trotting around Afghanistan, or maybe Pakistan, who wants to get his hands on a nuclear weapon now

Many an ordinary man, with nothing to gain for himself, is out there chasing him to keep us safe

Can't we even respect a rock that has been placed to honor those who died trying in this noble cause?

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This memorial was not to the soldiers who burned bodies at Auschwitz or those who raped Nanking

More likely to those who overcame those genocidal despots

Thank God they were willing to follow thier orders, risk their lives, and liberate those at risk


I haven't noticed many movies talking about Germans who went to WWII against their will, or for the German kids who were operating flak guns at Berlin (or even armed with guns) during the last days of the War. I haven't noticed many movies about Japs. (some great Clint Eastwood movies though came out the last few years) I have grown tired of movies about Nam, talking about the poor American kids who went there, got killed,maimed or got addicted to smack and ended up chasing the dragon back home. I have not seen any movies about VCs though (oh wait, these were bad Commies right?) or much fuss about Agent Orange.

After all, these countries don't have a Hollywood supporting them or an entire country based on TV/cinema entertainment.


But what's my point anyway?


It's all about the mass media. Humanity used to fight with clubs and stones, spears and swords for land or resources. Then they started wars about religion which makes sense, as these were dark times, and people were hooked up on religion. Now we read about these stuff at history books and laugh our arses off. Then there were some social/economic (and outrageous peace treaties) factors that lead us to both World Wars. Today, the modern economic system cries out for even more and more profit. So let us create movies about all the poor American kids who died at war. Let us all shout that the US are always right, just and will always be trying to help the poor nations who are suffering under repressive regimes. Let us all show that the US is the Superman of this world, always saving the damsels in distress. And all these will lead me to the next part of the reply:


There will likely always be maniacs who'll murder millions to further their psychopathic whims


I bet your country never gave a CRAP about the fundemetalistic, repressive and ourtageous regime in countries at the Middle East. They never cared about women there being treated like animals. Money, Money and Money again is the main reason for these wars. And of course, the profits of the big oil and weapons companies will be excessive. So what will make these wars just to the people of America? Let's use the Mass Media to brainwash 'em. Let us make them believe that once again (that's why I wrote all these stuff about movies) the United States of America will save the world from the mean dictators and will rescue the suffering women and children in a land far far away. Let us make them believe that we care about the lives of the poor natives there and in addition want to strip the eeeviiil politicians there off them nukes. So that every proud American would say:


There's one trotting around Afghanistan, or maybe Pakistan, who wants to get his hands on a nuclear weapon now

HAHAHAHAH!! THIS REALLY CRACKED ME UP! :rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol::rofl::heat:. I almost fell off my chair while reading this line!


I guess this concludes my overall response. Mass Media is a huge weapon and if a goverment uses it correctly it could make poor guys like DL believe that there are REAL NUKES out there, and that the US must overthrow the evil psycho rulers there..... But the real winner will always be the big companies.


Many an ordinary man, with nothing to gain for himself, is out there chasing him to keep us safe

Can't we even respect a rock that has been placed to honor those who died trying in this noble cause?


Wake up. The real enemy is your own goverment sending these brainless kids out there for their own profits.

Edited by Gous

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It's all too easy to blame the big bad bureaucracy

It's all a conspiracy, government, business, movie industry, they're all in it together

Never has there been an easier target ...it can't answer back ...Muh hah haha haha hah!

All a bunch of misdirection to hide the real point we're debating "Should we honor/respect those who died in persuit of freedom and the memorials to them?"


But to answer your questions:

Probably not any movies about reluctant German soldiers is becuase the time to resist came many years earlier

How about Kristal Nacht when people were dragged out of their houses just because of their religion?

But all stayed home as long as they're not attacking me, I'm not getting involved

Rightly so, the movies are made of the Brits, Ausies, Canadians, Frenchmen, and Americans who put this nonsense to an end

(Sorry if I missed anyone)

Can we respect monuments to these heroes?


Yes I do believe their are real Nukes out there!

Let see, Russia is an unstable, quasi-democracy (at best) with a lingering cold war grudge

They're already teaching the Iranians how to make nukes

And Iran, the #1 sponsor of terrorism in the world, not a good combination eh?

Let's see now ...#1 sponsor of terrorism and #1 terrorist, who crashes jumbo jets into office buildings

Don't you think it should be stopped here rather than having another North Korea on our hands?

Can we respect the monuments to the soldiers who are trying to prevent this?


Nope, USA is not perfect, we struggle with difficult issues as all democracies do

Why don't we use the UN for what is as intended, to ensure world peace?

US can't do ourselves, we're bogged down in 2 wars against despotic foes right now

Many nations have agreed and are fighting for peace right along side

Or should we say "They're not attacking me, I'm not getting involved"?

Or better yet ..."It's the governemt, big business, and the movie industry making this all up!!!!"


We've gotten way off course here

This thread was started about a simple issue

A drunken young man who pissed on a memorial to those who died in pursuit of freedom

Should we respect memorials to those who died so we can breath free?

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If anyone is interested in a film made from the German Viewpoint, may I recommend 'Cross of Iron' :drinks:

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Cross of Iron is also a good book.


Another book about WW2 Germany is 'The past is myself' by Christina Bielenberg, not sure of the spelling of her name. She was British, married a German lawyer in the mid-thirties and stayed in Germany till the end of the war. He was lucky to outlive the war as he was connected with the July plotters. Overall, it is a very interesting book written (of course) from a woman's point of view and about as far away from Vera Lynn as you can get. The descriptions of what Germany was like in 1944/5 are an eye-opener.


She and her husband went to live in Eire after the war. Nice and peaceful there, if a bit wet.

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Yes I do believe their are real Nukes out there!

Let see, Russia is an unstable, quasi-democracy (at best) with a lingering cold war grudge

They're already teaching the Iranians how to make nukes

And Iran, the #1 sponsor of terrorism in the world, not a good combination eh?

Let's see now ...#1 sponsor of terrorism and #1 terrorist, who crashes jumbo jets into office buildings

Don't you think it should be stopped here rather than having another North Korea on our hands?


The US have a bunch of Nukes too. Why do you think the political situation in your country is more stable than the Russian?

I also noticed that you used the word "terrorism" 3 times in like..eh...10 words. Oh wait! That's the same frequency the CNN uses the word as well. "War against terrorism" "USA under attack again" "Muslim Terrorists under my bed" "Nukes threaten our democracy" "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE OMGOMGOMG"... But once again, America will save the world from the terrorists the commies and those god-damned Muslims! BWHAH!


Let me give you a piece of advice. Close the darn TV box, paint it blue and throw it into the ocean...you won't be talking like a CNN reporter anymore.

Edited by Gous

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Interesting enough points..though I feel we have wandered away from the original thread somewhat?

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Let me give you a piece of advice.


No - Why don't you get off your soap box and stop hi-jacking this thread. It's about ordinary men and women who went to be soldiers to do their thing for their country in time of war, and who died, and to whom a memorial was made - then some drunken yob pissed on their memory.


It is NOT about what you are continually trying to take it to- a tirade against all western countries who went to various wars, for reasons which you allege. ( May be relevant reasons, may be not ). Either way, I object to your motives.


After the first time I admonished you for misrepresenting this thread, someone excused you because of language difficulty. Well, you have proved that that was not the case.


There is no ambiguity about your language- what you are saying is clear. To me, it is objectionable in this thread .


Perhaps it is time that the mods closed it.

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No - Why don't you get off your soap box and stop hi-jacking this thread. It's about ordinary men and women who went to be soldiers to do their thing for their country in time of war, and who died, and to whom a memorial was made - then some drunken yob pissed on their memory.


I never hi-jacked this thread. I got frustrated by watching people saying that this kid should go to Afghanistan. Then as you said, I chose to say some stuff about today's wars and why IMO people should refuse to support, let alone go fight for "their country" in those wars. So I think it is relevant and I am not off-topic. It is not in your hands to decide the way a conversation will develop.


Anyway, I don't wish to insult any other forum member here. Different political beliefs should not turn this forum into a war zone. But I will keep supporting my principles and opinions at all times. I have said some different things than many others here but I have only got criticized by other members. Maybe you should try to see the difference between different and wrong...


If you think that we drifted off-course you may shut it down. And I am sorry if I caused this, but I just can't stop hearing the same cr4p over and over again for years.

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Well, if the mods don't close it, you guys might as well stop answering each other.

It is obvious, that you have a very different oppinion about all this, and that is your

very democratic right. But I don't believe, you will convince each other, and then, what

it will become, is a kind of war. Your oppinions are made clear and can be read still.


I thought we had come to the conclusion, that beliefs (religions) and politics should be

kept out of here, because they inevitably lead to confrontations and often to hard words.

And this question is more or less political - political about social and juristic aspects,

and about military actions or wars.

Please stop this yourself - we don't need the moderators for it, do we?

Edited by Olham

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It is obvious, that you have a very different oppinion about all this, and that is your

very democratic right. But I don't believe, you will convince each other,

Yeah, it's run it's course

But I don't think we got nasty or personal otherwise the Mods would've squashed it

Cheers Gous!

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