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27th mission


Maj Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 15.01 – Landing : 15.52


Target : Osnabrück, Sweep


2 Il-28


Buick 11 : Maj Sean Rosewood


Buick 12 : 2Lt Billy Pickett


Buick 13 : Capt Clifton Massen


Buick 14 : 2Lt Gerald Day


Buick 21 : Maj Richard Howerton


Buick 22 : 2Lt Kelly Wells


Buick 23 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Buick 24 : 1Lt Gordon Smallwood


Report :


Big show today, but no big fight.


8 ships to perform a fighter sweep over Osnabrück, the CO leads the 2nd flight and I’m in charge of the 1st. After take off I reached level 13 and set a direct course, there’s no time to waste. In fact I lost that time doing a 360° to hit the ingress waypoint of the target area. Once there, with the 8 “six” dispersed in the sky, we started to look for some bandits. There were only 2 bombers marauding and I soon got a lock on one of them.


I launched an AIM-4F and took him out. We turned to engage the other and I fired an AIM-4G. The Falcon did a surprising trajectory, diving to the Beagle but missed it. I did a 270° turn trying not to lose sight and get the 6 of the bandit. There were three spots on the scope, I guess there were some of my wingmen right on the tail of the Beagle. So I carefully locked on the right spot and launched my last AIM-4F. The Beagle exploded right before my wingies.

Nothing more to do here today, we RTB.


Our forces are in Osnabrück. The enemy left the Netherlands.

Edited by Cliff11

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my NATO fighters install crashed so it's the end of the 1968 campaign over Europe with the 87th FIS. :dntknw:

Too bad...


I saved the pilot file and maybe I will go on with Maj Rosewood for another campaign.


Thanks for reading

(but you'd better share your stories you too)

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Thats not too good... I am now wondering what my next one is going to be after the new update for NF4+ Maybe a recon campaign to make it interesting... I have been toying with a pure attack setup maybe with the Tornado... just working out who...

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Thats not too good... I am now wondering what my next one is going to be after the new update for NF4+ Maybe a recon campaign to make it interesting... I have been toying with a pure attack setup maybe with the Tornado... just working out who...


I've done a lot of Recon flying. It is really different and intense challenge since you are pretty much on your own relying on guile and speed to keep you alive. Unlike Strike missions where you can use standoff weapons, you have to actually overfly the target while straight straight and level.


In the ODS mod, IMHO Recce work is THE single hardest thing to do.






Been been having some problems in the real world but i'll be back sometime soon. My current joystick is pretty much worn out and i need to replace it.


Good luck to everyone and it's nice to see the reports!

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Went in three flights strong but the pickings were meager. Gunned down a MIG21 that damaged my wingman and had a long but unsuccessful fight with a real honcho. Tried to lure two into chasing me back to towards the front until their fuel would drop and i would stalk and shoot but it didn't work as they ran for home at high speed and my fuel was getting low also.


Better luck next time i guess

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Hi Lt!, at least you managed to RTB, if it was easy it wouldn't be that fun.


There's too many cool planes, I just don't know which one to choose :


"What if" french F-47N, french AD-4NA Skyraider, RAF Canberra (with the Norden bombsight) in the France vs UK campaign

OV-10 in the ODS campaign

B-57G (by night), F-4D over Vietnam, F-4G over Europe

Anything from the US Navy...



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Okay my new Campaign is on... I am going to be driving the A-10 over Europe SF2 Nato Fighters IV+ to see how long I can survive... I was testing out the Tornado GR1B but I think after all the high speed flying I have been doing the A-10 is just the way to cool it down... will post more once I have more...


And LT remmeber get what you can and go home as going for one more causes a minor problem like getting shot down...

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Campaign Red Storm SF2 Europe Nato IV+


Pilot Lt Ted "Sniper" Hawke.

Airfield Leipheim


Sortie one...


War has been on the cards for months from what the Intel guru's say. Me I ain't sure though I know this much flying a Hog over the pond is not a pleasant way to spend 14 hours or so... Been here 2 weeks getting to know the area and practising flying off the Autobahn's etc (hope it doesnt come to that as we already lost one jet to it hitting a bridge thankfully the driver got out okay). Anyway as the Intel guru's stated war arrived with a bang... 28th October it started out and man life got interesting just hope I survive. We got called at dawn to be on standby... We launched about 06:20 and headed out to provide Close Air Support... Its what the hog does and does well...




4 A-10A's


6 Mavericks (2 with AGM 65D and 2 with AGM 65B)

2 Rocket pods

2 Winders

Jamming pod

Full gun


Okay take off and form up was straight forward just like out of flight school apart from the extra weight of ordnance that is, we joined up and head to the target area at 300knots 5000ft in case of trouble we can head on down. We where directed to make a rear attack on a Russian Armoured Regiment which was attacking a very very thin line of our guys I think all they had was 6 tanks dug in and ground troops not a good place to be with a Russian Armoured group headed your way as we moved in a pair of Mig-21's bounced us looked like they where recon Mig's anyway I ordered the others to attack the ground units while I dueled with the Mig's and planted a Sidewinder into one of them the other though was bagged before I could line up the gun on him as my second winder had missed... That fun taken care off it was time to go to work and hit the tanks T-72's I was told well I noticed on my attack my wingmen getting shot at from 2 gun batteries so one Maverick silenced the Zoo and the rockets finished the M1939... My wingmen where doing a sterling job of dealing with the tanks and I waded in firing my 5 Mavericks for five and then setting to work with my gun which killed another 14... And you wonder on the nickname... My number 2 took a hit from an SA-3 but still made it home this hog is one tough mother... But wing 4 didn't make it we had him call SAM launch and that was it... Anyway after finishing off the ground units 3 and me joined up and went after 2 caught him up about 50 miles west and we then shepherded him home we all landed okay but looks like one jet is in for some serious work...


Kills for me


21 Tanks 1 ZSU-23-4 1 M1939 and one Mig-21


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I have been feeling a little bit of a lack of immersion from the TW games lately, so I think I might join you guys with a DiD campaign (haven't done one before). Just need to decide on where to start...


Thinking about A-10's in '79 or maybe an F-16. Or, I may go with A-1's in vietnam... hmmm....

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I have been feeling a little bit of a lack of immersion from the TW games lately, so I think I might join you guys with a DiD campaign (haven't done one before). Just need to decide on where to start...


Thinking about A-10's in '79 or maybe an F-16. Or, I may go with A-1's in vietnam... hmmm....


why the lack of immersion`?

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why the lack of immersion`?


Basically because I've been playing the "opposite" of DiD. Using one pilot over and over even if he dies, reflying missions, etc... I think it's just getting kind of old and makes it hard to care. I think DiD will fix that.


Are you guys all using Hard setting for fuel? I've always thought the lack of aerial refueling justified easier fuel settings, especially without ALT-N.

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Yes sir :)


Hard setting for fuel and weapons.


It makes you think about fuel consumption, external tanks to carry, easy on the throttle (not too much or you're late), full afterburner only for emergency.

And you have to save fuel to get back to home base. I like it that way.

Edited by Cliff11

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I have been feeling a little bit of a lack of immersion from the TW games lately, so I think I might join you guys with a DiD campaign (haven't done one before). Just need to decide on where to start...


Thinking about A-10's in '79 or maybe an F-16. Or, I may go with A-1's in vietnam... hmmm....


Flying a SPAD in WOV GOLD is a major challenge. The flak in some places is pure EVIL!

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Another successful mission marred by the loss of a pilot.


The 136th was tasked with a strike mission so we were going to be there escorts. Took two flights at 10,000ft and all was routine until Tiger neared the IP. Tiger lead called tally ho on some Fishpots and we had a MIG-17 at our 6.


Everyone punched tanks and the fight was on!


I gunned down a MIG17 just a second after it got 2LT Roger Kirk. I just wish i could have been quicker because it was pretty obvious that he had no chance to EandE so far behind the lines. Also bagged a Fishpot with an AIM9 that 1LT Lesan had damaged with another missle.


Lesan and CAPT Chuck Cooney shot down a 17 and a Fishpot respectivly.


If only Kirk had a few seconds more.



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I have been feeling a little bit of a lack of immersion from the TW games lately, so I think I might join you guys with a DiD campaign (haven't done one before). Just need to decide on where to start...


Thinking about A-10's in '79 or maybe an F-16. Or, I may go with A-1's in vietnam... hmmm....


The more the merrier... and flying the A-10 is a tough prospect bit like driving the A-1... as you can't run from much but it does add to the fun... Also flying with the fuel on Hard makes you think more also for some of the later jets as you are based in Germany it isn't too difficult unless you are on a deep strike then its a balance between fuel and weapons...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Flying a SPAD in WOV GOLD is a major challenge. The flak in some places is pure EVIL!


Ohhh you sure have that right must admit thats my only fault with NATO IV+ not enough flak... but saying that there are enough SAM's of both flavours to keep you honest... especially the SA-13 when striking airfields thats a killer...

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Missions 2 & 3


29th Oct


Sortie 2.


Well we got called on a strike mission to hit fuel tanks... different type of tank but they burn real good...


2 A-10


2 Mavericks

BSU-49 Mk82

2 Rocket Pods

2 Winders ECM Pod


Well off we go just me and 2nd Lt Dethelsen. It was only a short 20 minute flight to an Airbase the Commies had taken yesterday I ordered Dethefsen to hit the triple A in the area while I went in and hit the tanks shame he started out on the other side of the base... I loosed a Maverick at a ZPU-1 on my egress route and then hit the rockets to kill the fuel tanks got all of them in one burst. As I was coming off Dethelsen hit a KS-19 as I strafed the Radar setup killing the ASR Radar and the control hut with what was left of my rockets as the guns had gone quiet I made a quick second pass and hit the Ammo Bunkers and gunned the water tower whilst spraying the barracks area with my gun... We headed home and got jumped by a Mig-21 which Dethelsen killed with a winder though he took some hits...


We where home after an hours flying


Kills for me


4 Fuel Tanks

1 YPU-1


ASR Radar


Ammo Bunker

Water Tower that 30mm does cut things apart rather well.


Sortie 3.


Longer flight this time as we where tasked to do SEAD up North.


2 A-10


2 Winders ECM Pod

6 AGM-65D

2 Rockeye

1 Tank


Okay SEAD in an A-10!!! Well take off was smooth and join up was blissful heavy overcast at around 10000ft wasn't going to be an issue as we planned on flying there at 8000ft. Headed into the area to begin suppression and got surprised by a S-60 battery we both took out a gun but I took a couple of 57mm in the airframe and 1 in the Port Engine... That nearly ruined my day as I sprayed the gun site and got out quick we then hit the Airfield as planned but I stood off and loosed my 5 remaining mavericks killing quite a bit and 2nd Lt Graham hit a couple of guns as the raid came in behind him unloading onto the runway as I over flew the fuel area and dropped my Rockeye's well I needed to lighten the jet... and we steered out of there thankfully the Engine out situation wasn't too much of a problem. Well that was until a pair of Flankers came screaming down on us gunning Graham out of the sky with a heat seaker... But that Flanker died as I fired my 2 Sidewinders into him watching him pump out flares that did no good apart from aid the missiles into his engines. The other Su got wary of overshooting me as I was just about managing 250Knots at best so I stayed in the weeds and didn't plan to climb about 500ft to give him a chance he soon gave up and went in search of easier pray. Me I steered direct for home and after 45 minutes I arrived and put the bird down on the tarmac. Needs a new engine and out wing panels but apart from that she's okay. No word though on 2nd Lt Graham as I didn't see a chute he's presumed dead...


My kills


1 M1939

2 BTR ZU-23

1 S-60



1 ZPU-1

3 Fuel Tanks

1 Su-27


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Whats wrong with this picture... Oh thats it the port engines gone...


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Well looks like we are gonna need some hammers to sort this out...


Also I was advised I was getting the Silver Star for yesterdays tank busting effort... dont know why as it was a team effort... I just killed more tanks...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Great mission! :salute:


Only in a Warthog would have been able to accomplish the mission despite such damage. Any other plane would have been gone for sure.


It's always nice to get a small bit of payback for a squadron mate.

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Hey, can I get in on this? I know the rules and all that, and I just started a fresh Rolling Thunder Thud campaign in stock SF2:V.


Do I have to wait for the beginning of October or something, or can I go ahead and put up my pilot?

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Hey, can I get in on this? I know the rules and all that, and I just started a fresh Rolling Thunder Thud campaign in stock SF2:V.


Do I have to wait for the beginning of October or something, or can I go ahead and put up my pilot?


No Rambler don't have to wait just post your pilot and follow the rules at the begining... As posted in the first post...


As to the hog still flying yeah taking hits is what its designed for but tangling with Migs etc isn't a good way to stay alive... unless you get them down into the weeds and the AI doesn't like that area too well... I also have 2 unconfirmed kills as well if you call Controlled flight into Terrain a kill a pair of migs came down from on high and couldn't pull out in time 2 smears in the grass...


Also I do try and avoid being shot at saves on Hammer Time... but sending a pair of Hogs on a sead mission isn't exactly fair...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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I started a Steel Tiger campaign, VA-52 "Knightriders" flying the A-1H Skyraider.

I've been shot down by the AAA during the 2nd mission :dntknw:

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Edited by Cliff11

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Hey Cliff,


it takes a while to adjust to the flak while in a SPAD. You can't go high speed so you have to choose your routes and tactics very carefully.

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Going from Super fast to slow means you have to approach it with a different mindset... on how to survive means more jinking around etc... Also means no running away from fighters...

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We got lucky not to lose anyone today. As far as i'm concerned it was a fiasco.


With all the friendlies in the area we should have scored well but lost two birds. 1LT Lesan's to a MiG19 and 2LT Tucks to a MIG21 missle.Damn good thing the fight was over our side of the front so they were able to jump to safety. Most likely the main error was only going with a single flight. Perhaps a second one would have kept the enemy on the defensive.


I got two gun kills, both MIG21s. Could have gotten a third after chasing him for about 25 miles but he was really good and i was really bad. When i finally decided to saddle him nice and close, i was out of ammo and so could only go home. Intell tells me that judging from the radio traffic they intercepted, one of them was a high ranking VIP. Glad to know that! One less ace for us to worry about.

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2Lt Ted Frederick (If you've read Rolling Thunder, you know) completed his third mission today with the 563rd "Ace of Spades" squadron out of Takhli RTAFB. It was a two-ship SEAD south of the Hanoi area. Frederick was flight leader with 2Lt Brestel flying on his wing, both pilots in F-105Ds with eight CBU-24s and two LAU-3As each, along with centerline fuel tanks.


Frederick sighted several AAA sites and rolled in, designating a target for his wingman. As Frederick pickled two CBUs at an enemy radar site, 2Lt Brestel was hit by several rounds of 23mm ground fire at low altitude and ejected shortly thereafter. 2Lt Frederick continued the mission alone, scoring 7 targets destroyed: 1 radar, 1 recon car, 2 ZPU-2, 3 ZSU-23-2.


This was Frederick's first mission with the loss of a wingmate. 2Lt Brestel is listed as MIA.


On a less official note, I've already built a bond with F-105 # 490. She is nicknamed "In Thust We Trust", after my second mission, which involved a low-level strike into Haiphong harbor followed by a low-level chase involving four MiG-17s.

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