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Clash of the Titans....remake

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Everything is a remake or rehash these days. Writers went on strike and I say they should still be there. Not an original idea to be found anywhere and they are getting paid MORE for rehash and remakes? They should remain unemployed until they produce something worthy of the pay increase they srtuck for. The few original screenplays out there eventually get trashed when they whip it to death and then continue whipping it. SOmetimes there doesn't need to be a 3rd installment on a rehash - Oceans Eleven, originally done in the 50's for those that didn't know it was a remake. 12 and 13 were just milking it until it was long dry (12) and continuing (13) until they got tired of whipping the dead horse. If their arms hadn't gotten tired, they'd still be whipping it for 14 and 15. Just sayin'. Bunch of hacks.

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i agree growler. nothing original whatsoever, other than Indiana Jones 4. they gotta go back to that 80's era.

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i agree growler. nothing original whatsoever, other than Indiana Jones 4. they gotta go back to that 80's era.


Next thing you know they'll be remaking: WarGames... ET... Close Encouters... Polergeist...


Then we can toss the XBox and PS3's, and go back to Intellivisions, Atari's and Commodore 64's all over again...

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if they redo Star wars classic, then life would suck. Lucas must not allow this. :clapping:

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Lucas's already added a few CG extra effects and replaced Luke's father's ghost in the original trilogy.

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If it wasn't for the horribly dated FX, the original would still stand today unaltered.

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What i meant was different actors and whatnot. Similar to what they did with Lost in Space. theres the 60's era and then the movie in 98 or 99. You may have better grapgics and effects but you tarnish the image of the original. Same with Battlestar Galactica. too much graphics and effects is no good. I am happy with the 78 version. I think it shd have continued with nore episodes and a slight effects change. i hate the idea of starbuck as a woman. Baltar and the cyclons from 78 were better. Just use computer animated peole and focus more on story plots and episode titles. thats all that needs to be done. if you cant get the original actors to play their parts, use pc graphicvs or effcts. Lucas showed that with Governor tarkin in star wars prequel 3 and the death star. Yoda was animated also via computer. Its cheaper though not traditional. but it keeps it close to the originals as possible.

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Actually, I don't mind remakes as long as they are done well.


You can look at BSG, Star Trek, Batman as very successful remakes/reboots.


However, for every good remake, there are more than a few that suck...Andromedia Strain comes to mind...



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However the list of absolute crap boggles the mind. Inluding but not limited to:


My Favorite Martian


Lost in Space

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The Day The Earth Stood Still

The Taking of Pelham 123

The Italian Job

Planet Of The Apes




Coming soon:


The A Team

Arthur (the Dudly Moore originally)

The Karate Kid


Casablanca (Madonna wants to do this project personally :blink: )

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Porky's (Howard Stern is responsible for this rendition)

....and it pains me immeasurably to even think it..........



Heavy Metal


Effects do not always mean better. Take the lesson from Lucas who single handedly ruined his own classic trilogy by adding effects and putting holes into the story line that were never originally there. No need for anyone else to remake it, he's done plenty enough to destroy it all by his lonesome.


I weep for the future.

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I don't know, some of that list...the original source material wasn't that great to begin with...so a remake isn't going to be a whole lot better unless it's completely different.


And finally, it's not like a lot of this stuff is Shakespeare anyway...



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Everything is a remake or rehash these days. Writers went on strike and I say they should still be there. Not an original idea to be found anywhere and they are getting paid MORE for rehash and remakes? They should remain unemployed until they produce something worthy of the pay increase they srtuck for. The few original screenplays out there eventually get trashed when they whip it to death and then continue whipping it. SOmetimes there doesn't need to be a 3rd installment on a rehash - Oceans Eleven, originally done in the 50's for those that didn't know it was a remake. 12 and 13 were just milking it until it was long dry (12) and continuing (13) until they got tired of whipping the dead horse. If their arms hadn't gotten tired, they'd still be whipping it for 14 and 15. Just sayin'. Bunch of hacks.



Agree. Seems that 2010 will see a remake of Red Dawn, a bunch of teenage rednecks against the whole Chinese Red Army. They must have tortured their own gray matter to s**t this !

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Dune may be DOA, so don't worry too much about that. Ditto the Bioshock movie.

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Well, the other problem is that there is actually quite a bit of original stuff that comes from Hollywood, even recently.


But no one goes to see it.


For instance, a dark comedy called World's Greatest Dad...anyone here heard of it? Did you see it? Raves about it at the Sundance film festival.


Or the science fiction movie Sunshine made in 2007.


Or the more recent Moon in 2009.


Studios have a hard time investing in movies with original concepts anymore because it costs so much to make a movie, especially one with decent effects.


Far easier for them to invest in franchises that already have a fan base.



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i know some people love these but what theyve done with cartoons and comics is worse.they do what they want now a days transformers optimos prime wrong truck.star scream wrong plane F-15.gi joe duke and scarlet not rip cord.etc...

i wish they realized why these were special. my nephew doesnt realize why i shake my head.

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Transformers' changes are easy to explain...the original paid no mind to things like physics. The movies attempted to. That's why you don't see Megatron turning into a gun that Starscream can fire, and it's why Optimus changed...so he would be big. If they made him out of the original truck design he would either be much smaller or the truck itself would need to be absurdly large.


Besides, when people complain about things like that or the omission of Tom Bombadil from Fellowship of the Ring, they only prove they care more about details than the final result. In other words, the film world's version of rivet counters. There are so many other things to complain about that are legitimately wrong, like story or character, don't pick the irrelevant stuff or you risk your arguments being dismissed as nitpicking.


Take Dune. Almost everyone liked the 1980s film more than the 2000 miniseries, but the film was wrong in 10x more ways than the miniseries. It was more accurate, but it was still a lesser effort.

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To be honest, i prefer lost episodes or forgotten using computer generrated people of the original movies or seiries. Similar to the honeymooners lost episodes or simply a forgotten era or decade to keep the oringals going. Something Like in Star wars, How han won the Falcon from lando and add some story behind it. I bet people in the 30-40 range would see it in additon to new generation kids. Just focus on story plots and pc generated versions of original actors. I know its fake but... :clapping:

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