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Does anyone out there feel like me about ubisofts poor poor quality of there products? Every game they make is A piece of crap. Sure I know all games have bugs, but come on. I waited for LOMAC delay after push back. Like A kid waitting for Santa Claus, I told myself that this time they was going to get it right. Well it looks like I got ubisofted agian. Still not sure that I was A big of A moron as I suspected, I went out and bought IL-2 Forgotten Battles, and it wont play at all! ok so I found the rts. DLL file that was left out of the packing of the game, now im ready to see what I spent all day swinging a sledge hammer for in the hot sun was for. well thats alot better now I get the ubisoft logo before it quits! I sure would like to take my hammer (named big beartha) to ubisoft on a geek smashing tour! they got my cash and I got crap.

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Sambo,what are your system specs?Yes There are issues with LOMAC and they are being addressed,the first patch fixed some of the problems and Carl is working on the second patch and theres alot of things being fixed and added.As for IL2-FB I have had some great fun with it...and flying on-line at Hyperlobby is a hoot.

The reason I asked for your system specs LOMAC is very system intensive..gotta set everything low and step up slowly checking FPS while you do it.IL2-FB I did the same thing and found where my system run it best.in LOMAC I can get 30-40 FPS and it is a great sim,but only after updating all my drivers,and going up slowly.

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Hopefully Dagger can help you get your LOMAC and IL-2 frustrations out of the way.


However, your post was about UBISOFT putting out a good product. To that, I must say that it's not really Ubisofts fault. Ubisoft released Far Cry and It's been a blast with few initial bugs, and a patch was released with 48 hours of the game hitting the shelves. BAsically what I'm getting at is that the Developer is responsible for making a quality product by a certain deadline. LOMAC was in desprate need of work as that deadline approached, and Ubisoft keep giving them more time, but you also have to remember that UBI has printers and marketers and shippers that are all expecting a promised job...and they aren't getting it. Ubisoft, IMHO did the best they could with what they had, and any release problems remain completely on the shoulders of the Developer....in this case, Eagle Dynamics.


Crytek promised Far Cry would meet Ubi's deadline, and even after their dev studio was raided, and several days of setbacks happened, they still put out a near bug free game on time. I'm sure that other developers have done the same. Look at EA's release of the Janes product line. USAF had only 1 patch if I recall...and that game is still being played.


The producers generally always take the heat for Developer problems...but ultimately it's the Developer's hard work and efforts that will decide if they survive to make another game.

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Ubisoft doesn't create the games

Ubisoft - publishers of games


so if you have something against the gane you should blame the dev team :\

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UBI did Ravenshield, and it's horrible. But, LOMAC has been almost trouble free on my old 1800 Athlon and runs great on my AMD64 3200. Same w/FarCry. I was a beta tester and it's come a long way and is almost bug free.

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no game is bug free or almost bug free....

bugs are common as games :D

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First let me say that its good to here all your replys and comments, I was wondering if maybe I was the last Biohazer out there! And you are right, L.O.M.A.C is the best flight sim out there. An I have to admit that the russain devlopment team done A fantasic job,with far less resources than we are blessed with here in the USA. As for Ubisoft, I can't be so forgiving because I went out and bought the games that I didn't own already to see if was right. If you buy A new truck dont you think you should be able to get in it and drive it away? Its not just A bug here and there, and not just this game and that one but every game they perduce. and not small bugs but major game killing bugs. All this could be avoided if they just test the games first and sell them later. Now when i'm shopping for A game and I see Ubisofts logo I put it back so fast it will make your head swim!

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Sambo I understand your feelings but if you'll post your system specs maybe we can help you get them running.I've been flying IL-2FB since I got it,and LOMAC..if you can LOMAC then IL-2 should rock as it's alot less hardware intensive.Please post them and include driver versions and DX version.

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I love UBI! And IL2 is dee bestest! :D


I dont play LOMAC because my crap Dell isnt up to speed, which obviously means that Far Cry would melt my computer.


I didnt know Raven Shield was that bad, hmmmm, maybe I wont buy it..... Ghost Recon is better anyway B) . And Splinter Cell is da shiznit.

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Dagger, I didn't mean to not to answer your request, but right not I have A neck brace on . Any way I have A Dell 2350 2.6 GHz. It has 394MB of ram and A Nvidia 5200 FX ultra plus graphics card 128/256 made by Maddog. my motherboard is an Intel 845GL, using PC2300 (266MHz) I'm running XP home. since I have only single channel memory it realy should run LOMAC , but it does pertty good ! Also, let me say that im running it over clocked. my Biggest problems are missles that hit me before the enemy lanches them! and when im flying aginst 6or8 enemy aircraft, it slows down and stop go stop stuff. I just dont think the dell can handle this game. When I bought my compter A year ago I didn't know how to turn one on, And this game is why I got one. so if you have any ideas im all ears!

53.03 wnxp

direct x 9

Edited by sambo

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IMHO, I think the community has very high expectations these days when it comes to simulation games, due to the advances in hardware/software technologies and the achievements of previous flight sims eg. Falcon 4


At the same time the gaming market is being dominated by the big companies, like Ubisoft and EA, which also have big interests/investment in the other genres of games, along with the mighty console game market, so they need to spread the dollars around to make the best return.


Lets face it, good flight simulators are extremely complex, require much more development time and therefor take longer to make a return. Even then the return they make may not come close to, for example, a console FPS that took half the time to develop.


Gone are the good old days of dedicated sim developers/distributors like Microprose..... ahhh, how I miss them.

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From the beginning, I have always held the opinion that simulators (whether they be flight, land or water) are the benchmark that propells the PC hardware industry into overtime trying to catch up. Today's sims require tomorrow's computers.


They are an interesting mix of mystery and fascination. Even the top-of-the-line systems require tweaking and config revision to run these programs smoothly. It can get frustrating during the initial set up phases, but once you have the sim optimized for your system, the ROI can be incredible, for years to come. Falcon and Jane's can speak to that, time and time again.


Based on your most recent post Sambo, the game is functional on your system. I would almost opt to (as others have recommended) dial down all of the in-game configuration settings and start from scratch. Minimize or turn off all the fancy features and play with that. Then, turn up a few things and play some more to see the results. Keep tweaking until you yourself find a comfortable balance between eye candy and playability.


Keep us posted on your progress. The community here is more than willing to get another pilot online and :)

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I think it is simply this way:


UBI puts x number of $ to the developers to develop and produce a product by a certain deadline - and by the looks of what carl said, will allow fixing of major bugs.


We saw with IL2 that generally it was in good shape upon release, and we saw with LOMAC that it generally wasn't.


I'd say part of the problem was the developer, and part the publisher, if the developer can't get it done in time and the publisher forces it out then the consumer loses.


There's a lot of little polishing that could be done to LOMAC (adding a phone book like the one in falcon, netgraph to help troubleshoot, adding alternative graphics for those who have graphics cards that can't deal with method the effects were done with, use the workaround for sounds i mentioned to reduce the effects of the problematic sound engine), and some bigger stuff like redoing the mission creation system and loadouts systems that would have generally improved the sim's functionality and made it outstanding.


5 Months later and we're still seeing what is essentially development work being done - and without money coming in to pay to fix any bugs that appear due to this continuing development there's a good chance we're going to get stuck with problems - I just hope these problems aren't going to be the kind that breaks gameplay.

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Sambo..that system should run LOMAC and FB well.I have an AMD 3000+,512 megs pc 2700 ddr,and a 5700 ultra...your ram looks alittle low,I know you're in system mins but what don't tell ya is that 512 should be the min.I have some of my settings set to high and some lower..getting 30-35 FPS and drops to 20-25 with alot of things going on...I agree with Slickwili..turn everything down and then start to bring them up.might try installing the low res clouds and don't turn your up.

Sorry to hear about the brace..hope all is well.

and Carl(Stromin) is still working on secopnd patch,so LOMAC will continue to evolve and improve.

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