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been flying this bird in sf2 Europe to test it out and it fly's and looks awesome. No fixes really for this. Just curious though. Is anyone working on skins for this or additional variants based on it. i think this one is the best. Would be nice to have other variants of it. :yikes:




Edited by dsawan

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A "What If..." Korean War version has been available on my site for several years ...


ya gotta love that air freshener.... :good:




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Hi, no, dont seee it on yur site. can you repost? I'd like to see some RAF ones or Free French markings.

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http://wrench1smog.com/wrench19.html (ie: the post-war/Korean Era, etc Page)


in the USN/USAF/Other Friendlies, Korean War Era. (the hint was "Korean War What If.. F-47N"


Russo released the template back in 05 and it's here at CA -- has some fantactic layers in it. Decal positions shouldn't be too hard to plot (as it's already been done with the USAF and the unreleased FAN -- btw, Ns were NOT used by RAF, Razorbacks and early bubbletops* (with and without the dorsal fillet) same for post-war AMI, just before they got their T-jets.) FF, iirc, only got D-25 through D-40ish .. no N's that I'm aware of (although I'd have to check to be certain)


Don't confuse latemodel Ds with the dorsal fillet with the N -- completly different aircraft! (well, sorta) BTW, Wolf's bubbltop is a pre-40, withOUT the fillet (although many eariler bubbletops were retrofitted in the field)


what I haven't been able to find, is if compressability flaps were installed on the N, as they were on the D-30 up. Would could assume so...



kevin stein


*=Thunderbolt MK.1 -Razorback

Thunderblot Mk.2 -bubbletop

only used in CBI

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Hmm I did an entire skin pack for that years ago. Had some ANG skins, some ROCAF skins in it too. I thought it was here. Anyone have it?

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A COIN Jug for the SEA conflict would work. In one of my Skyraider books a pilot from the 1st Air Commandos stated that the P-47 would be a better plane for what they where doing. I don't get it tho. No dive brakes, Less hardpoints. I'd Download and drive one. Who here doesn't like Jugs anyway?

:ph34r: CL

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There's a couple of skins at C5's site - an ANG one and a fictional Dhimari one - and there are also a few skins at Avsim too.


I seem to remember that some skins were hosted at Major Lee's site too. Anyone know if that one is going to be re-born?

Edited by allenjb42

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It's been over a year since Major Lee's site closed ... he had some REALLY cool stuff there.


iirc, ML had done one or another of the 56th FG squadron Razorbacks (have to check my SWOTL install to be sure). I'll look at it, and maybe upload it (if that's ok with Ken -I know he pops in once in a while; or he can upload if he wants). I know the decals are 'out of order' (missing the 000 number, but that's a super easy fix



kevin stein

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