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Some Various Questions

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hello again. sorry for the spread but i keep forgetting some of these some others are new due to having a newly merged install. my install is SF2Vietnam and Europe.


1 when installing a terrain such as SnowyNorway, where should the catpointer go to if one doesnt have the desert terrain? default is desert.cat, i have it set for germanyCE.cat right now but with vietnam terrain being available should/would one take precedence?

2 before installing SF2V i had a stand alone SF2E that i was working on doing mostly 50's era aircraft. if i dont want the vietnam birds in there would i just remove the vietnam terrain? sorry norwegian vampires and marineflieger seahawks would just look wierd in the jungle.

3 on the F-4M_75 i am working on doing a Barley Grey skin for the later FGR2s. however the RWR box on the fin doesnt seem to get any decals or colors on it. am i missing something here? is the RWR box its own LOD? attached are two shots so you can see what i mean.



the second shot is also a test in the WW2 Europe terrain in SF2. notice anything wierd about the target?


again thanks for you alls help on this. i had two more questions but my memory has been shot to hell lately so i forgot them while typing these questions. oh well hopefully later

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Well the target must be in the targets ini for that terrain you are using - unless you have nazi HQ in your ground objects folder and the game is selecting it.


1. Pointing to any should work if the objects it needs are in that cat file


2. You can control which planes appear on which terrain using the planes _userlist.ini file.


and you can set the terrains .ini file to limited



TerrainFullName=Israel, Middle East


LimitedNations=TRUE <-------------------




The terrain should have a _nations.ini list ini with content like this:






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nations.ini and userlist.ini combo is the new thing in the gen 2 series that avoids plane mixups.

Edited by jomni

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Good point, like Battle of Britain 70, you'll be fighting Soviet MiG-23s and such rather than French jets, but then again if you take the time you can make that happen.

Edited by EricJ

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Wings Over Europe + Wings Over Vietnam


(new wepaons packs, patched)


I add news Aircraft, sometime(Single mission) my wingman have no weapons, only Gun sad.gif

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In the WW2 Euro, the "nazi HQ" building is a "terrain object", residing in the terrain folder. You can easily make it un-targable, by editing the _Types.INI, and give it a target value of 0 (zero)


Or, if you're like me, and still want to lay eggs on it , you can just rename it (please note, the destroyed effects/model have been tweekified):




FullName=Communist Party HQ





















while still remaing active, gives a more 'correct for the era' target


As to the cat pointer, use the GermanyCE, even though the objects (warehouses, barracks, city buildings, etc) are pretty generic and usually in all the cat.

I'd also do this to the main ini; I do this on ALL my terrains, expecially terrain mods I release. Just add these lines over any existing cat pointers:






You really DON'T want to use the IsrealME.cat for anything BUT terrains that are built using the IME tiles and/or naming conventions -they're completly different from all the others (which, in turn, are yet again different from each other). IME also has an expanded 'terrain objects' listing, with 7-10 new city buildings and an very nice arab-looking palace.


As to the fin rwr box issue, I'll bet the box is mapped on a different skin bmp than the tail. Use the 'panel finder' bmp we have --should be in the D/L section -it'll replace a single skin bmp (do them one at at time, renaming the orignal skin to xF4****.bmp), and it's color/number coded so you can figure out what goes where. It's a GREAT tool! My guess is, you'll find it on the fueselage bmp (but I'm just guessing)


as to removing the V-SEA terrain, just don't fly on it! Removing it's not good; at some point you'll be needing either it's tiles or it's cat for something. (I know for CERTAIN there are terrains that use the V-SEA cat, but don't have the VietnamSEA*** tiles included.



kevin stein

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Regarding your grey FGR.2's have you looked at the Third Wire bitmaps to see where the fin RWR is? A good tip is to set up a simple layered PSD with the bitmap your are trying to copy and your 'work in progress' bitmap and compare the differences either by turning one or the other on/off (visibility) or reducing the opacity of one or the other. Looking at your pictures above then you seem to be using a bitmap using J79 engines as the nozzles are completely different to the Spey-enginned F-4's.


Finding the mesh name for a decal should be easy enough using a hex editor such as XV132 and I must try Wrench's 'panel finder' tip myself!



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thanks guys for the tips they cleared up quite as bit of confusion for me. i'll still be working the FGR2 for a bit as im having to rework things since the SFV2 install. For a while i lost ALL F-4E phantoms and wound up swapping the old ObjectData003.cat from standalone SF2E. it has worked on SF2E just gotta fix the aircraft.ini's in SF2V to not be blankand should be there as well. it was weird the cat extractor said that #003 was the wrong size yet all others went hrough fine.


and about the Nazi HQ i knew it was a part of that terrian. i was toying with doin a berlin airlift gone hot idea and wanted to see if the terrian worked ok in SF2. as you can see by the FGR2 bombing Nazi targets in the early 80s it does. actually thought of Spinners when i took the screenshotgrin.gif


another question for wrench one of the two i forgot the other day. how have the FMs been made to work in Gen 2 prop birds? i have tried converting Wolfs P-47D and your F-82 and they showup in game ok takeoff fine but once in the air getting above 180kts airspeed or around 70 degrees AOA sends em into a spin. unrecoverable whatever the altitude have taken em up to around 6000ft dropped flaps gear used all controls nada. I made ste Mi24 work in gen 2 somehow what am i missing on the ww2 birds? this is pre and post dec patch btw.

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Check the "stickies" in the Propheads section.

It gives some usefull info for using "props" in Gen2 series.

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I haven't had any of those issues with the P-82, per se....

Unfortunatly, there's a LOT that needs adjusting in Wolf's Jugs (rolling radius, landing gear spring/damping -- driving me nuts as I've got one for Central America that bounces all over the runway!)


that having been said, one thing I've found is you don't PUSH these older (06 and eariler) birds too hard in 08/SF2. They will stop flying for no apparent reason. No more yanking and banking to the limits of the envelope, or they'll depart like crazy!


What is really needed is for all the FMs to be looked at by experts. (which we all know ain't happening anytime soon).

A lot got changed in the 08/SF2 FMs in regards to how stalls are modeled ... some aircraft have the StallMoment= line that can be adjusted (by shear guesswork) to around 0.50; mind you I have NO idea what the values represent (and some don't even have this line!). Other things are like landing gear rolling radius .. they seem to all sink into the ground a bit more than usual, or are sitting levitated off the ground! Tail wheel steering, must be a positive number, etc, etc, etc.


but definately check the stickies in the PH Forum ... I've been trying to post updates and things that help.



kevin stein

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cool didnt think to look in there(kinda been overlookin em til lately sorry). have another ideathat im gonna try out. my modding skills still suck but my Macguyvering skills still kick ass. now if i can figure out how i jimmyrigged the Mi-24 to work so the rotors will work on the Mi-8.(DONT TELL ME I FIGURED IT OUT ONCE I WANNA REMEMBER WHAT I DID)

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(...). it was weird the cat extractor said that #003 was the wrong size yet all others went hrough fine.(...)



Hello all,


I'm facing the same issue while using the last CatPack.exe.

Would be there a solution?



Edit1:Oh sorry, forgot to mention the details.


I'm on Win XP Pro SP3, the game is StrikeFighters2 Europe, Exp2, Israel merged.


Nevermind, the file I obtained from SF2 Europe installation in a seperate folder is sane and have been correctmy unpacked.

Thanks for answering anyway MigBuster.

Edited by FrankD

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Odd, I just noticed this entire thread relates to the SF2 series .. .so, I'm gonna move the whole thing over to the SF2 Forums



kevin stein

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