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Man, do I need a beer

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Let's see... I just got a text from my ex (who broke up with me this past November) that she's seeing someone else. I haven't moved on with somebody since then, I'm working a shift that I f-ing hate, and I'm out of beer. A dirty toilet bowl pretty much sums up my life right now.

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Let's see... I just got a text from my ex (who broke up with me this past November) that she's seeing someone else. I haven't moved on with somebody since then, I'm working a shift that I f-ing hate, and I'm out of beer. A dirty toilet bowl pretty much sums up my life right now.


So go get some beer and erase the text's. You also have my number.

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So go get some beer and erase the text's. You also have my number.



I have to work tomorrow morning at 5am. So I can't get drunk even if I wanted to. I can't drive when I'm pissed... especially this pissed. So going out to get beer would be a bad idea. I have serious road rage issues when I get angry... which is kind of hard for me to get... but right now... I'm really pissed.

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I have to work tomorrow morning at 5am. So I can't get drunk even if I wanted to. I can't drive when I'm pissed... especially this pissed. So going out to get beer would be a bad idea. I have serious road rage issues when I get angry... which is kind of hard for me to get... but right now... I'm really pissed.



Call me and vent my friend.

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She called you just to tell you she has hooked up? If she's that petty to you, what does that say...? I'll drink a round for you and sh*tty exs dude!

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Could always put her number on a mens room wall when you get the chance, standard practice for an ex who f***s you about in my book.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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oh god damn, this really puts a man down...sorry for you man...

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I know it is not just like a button you can switch off, but all the feelings you got for that...individual have the same sense as what you get being drunk. Only that while you are drunk, you might be ridiculous but get some fun in return. Other remedy is that of giving away her number, previously mentioned, i just recommend you to do it in a more public and credible way, but this was an excellent idea.


Btw: If you think your life sucks because of a bad shift, the SMS of an ex, and being out of beer, you gotta be meaner to be an Evil Arrogant American Imperialist, mr Sixpack

Edited by macelena

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I know it is not just like a button you can switch off, but all the feelings you got for that...individual have the same sense as what you get being drunk. Only that while you are drunk, you might be ridiculous but get some fun in return. Other remedy is that of giving away her number, previously mentioned, i just recommend you to do it in a more public and credible way, but this was an excellent idea.


Btw: If you think your life sucks because of a bad shift, the SMS of an ex, and being out of beer, you gotta be meaner to be an Evil Arrogant American Imperialist, mr Sixpack



Hahahahaha! Oh, we will democracize you and indoctrinate your society to capitalism! Resistance is laughable. We will mock your will and break it. Muwahahahaha! :grin:

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Well I'm Kinda late here, but from personnal experience, here's the cure for such girl induced pain:

Hanging out with friends, drinking beers or whatever in some bars, talking, bashing and kidding and having funs while eating pizzas.


Man, that's what friends are for, and these guys and girls took me out of hell when things ended a few years ago with a girl I crasily loved.

I hope your shift allows you to vent this way.

And keep your head up and your pride!

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