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Is there any way to change the HUD color or display? I am having problems in seeing the lines etc:(i'm old) I also have Lockon FC which allows you to increase intensity and color.

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It would take to make a new HUD files for the lines, i think those would be TGAs, but i´m not sure, however

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For stock (like the F-15/16) extract the tgas from objects cat, repaint the RGB layer in PS or Gimp with which ever color is more visible, maybe yellow or orange. You can use the flood or paint bucket tool, as the Alpha channel will act as a hold-out matte. DO NOT TOUCH THE ALPHA LAYER!!!


for aftermarket HUD tgas, since they should be residing in the /cockpit folder already, same applies



kevin stein

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All stock HUD tga's and most later add-on HUD files only need the gunsight tga files RGB layer repainted.

the RGB channel for the other tga's are clear, the game picks the color from the entry in the avionics ini file.







the first three values set the color, the fourth value is brightness or transparency.. dont remember ...


some basic color values are :


0.0,0.0,0.0 - black

0.0,0.0,1.0 - blue

0.0,1.0,0.0 - green

0.0,1.0,1.0 - cyan

1.0,0.0,0.0 - red

1.0,0.0,1.0 - magenta

1.0,1.0,0.0 - yellow

1.0,1.0,1.0 - white








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SWEEET!!!! Always wonder what that line did .... :lol:


Otto, that belongs in the KB, man!!! You still reign as the Avioincs King!!



kevin stein

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On the topic of HUDs, my all time favourite plane in the game is the MF FA-18A.........one thing I have always wished it had was an indicator to tell which waypoint you were heading for, I know I've seen this on other models in the bottom left corner of the hud (wpt1,2,3etc.) Is there a way to add this information? I like to fly with all the on-screen info turned off, so having the waypoint info available would be.......better.

Even if this info was not on the hud, would it be possible to add this info in the small LED read-out below the hud, the one that cycles A-A spd, A-G spd, waypoint....so that instead of just reading waypoint, it could read waypoint 1,2,3,etc........would something like that be possible?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Hi all Still trying to get this to work, the only avionics ini file that has HUDcolor is the f14,f18,f15, and one other and the color looks like this



can someone tell me what they mean. I have changed them a couple of times and nothing happens.

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On the topic of HUDs, my all time favourite plane in the game is the MF FA-18A.........one thing I have always wished it had was an indicator to tell which waypoint you were heading for, I know I've seen this on other models in the bottom left corner of the hud (wpt1,2,3etc.) Is there a way to add this information? I like to fly with all the on-screen info turned off, so having the waypoint info available would be.......better.

Even if this info was not on the hud, would it be possible to add this info in the small LED read-out below the hud, the one that cycles A-A spd, A-G spd, waypoint....so that instead of just reading waypoint, it could read waypoint 1,2,3,etc........would something like that be possible?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


It more than likely is doable, but by The Mirage Factory or somebody versed in that stuff. I usually adjust my zoom all the way out so I can see the HSI while flying though.

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It more than likely is doable, but by The Mirage Factory or somebody versed in that stuff. I usually adjust my zoom all the way out so I can see the HSI while flying though.

The HSI shows you the course to the next waypoint and whether or not you are on the "radial" but it doesn't tell you which waypoint your heading too.

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If you want to see how to add a waypoint counter to the HUD, check the F-15C models AVIONICS.INI files...they'll show you right there.


Far as the HUDcolor thing goes, adjusting those numbers as Crusader said should work for any aircraft using Avionics70.dll. Just tested it myself.



Edited by FastCargo

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The HSI shows you the course to the next waypoint and whether or not you are on the "radial" but it doesn't tell you which waypoint your heading too.


True, that's why you hit the "M" key to verify. Besides Strike Fighters 1/2 is pretty basic:


Waypoint #2: Departure

Waypoint #3: Waypoint

Waypoint #4: Initial Point (The waypoint with a square)

Waypoint #5: Target Location (The waypoint with a triangle)

Waypoint #6: Egress Direction

Waypoint #7: Waypoint

Waypoint #8: Approach

Waypoint #9: Landing Lineup

Waypoint #10: Runway End.

Edited by EricJ

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waypoint # and distance on HUd.. yes, it can be added to the Hornet avionics70 Hornet HUD

which came originally witht he Blule Angels Hornet .. and is now used on the older TMF FA-18A ..


I made a completely new Hornet HUD .. for the new ABCD Hornets ... just have no idea about a release date


4.3 W2 = 4.3 NM to Waypoint 2 :skull:


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waypoint # and distance on HUd.. yes, it can be added to the Hornet avionics70 Hornet HUD

which came originally witht he Blule Angels Hornet .. and is now used on the older TMF FA-18A ..


I made a completely new Hornet HUD .. for the new ABCD Hornets ... just have no idea about a release date


4.3 W2 = 4.3 NM to Waypoint 2 :skull:


That's what I'm talkin about!

Crusader, I am actually still using gen1 woe, one of things I like about the f18a is the carrot marker in the compass ribbon across the top of the HUD, will your new incorporate that?will it work in gen1?and any idea when you might be able to share?

For that matter how difficult is it to add that 4.3 W2 to an existing HUD like in my f18a that I like so much?



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