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Flyby PC

Flying for the other side.

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I've got the perfect (almost) solution for those flying with guilt on the opposite side to their beloved homeland... or what ever.


Flyby, and any others stuck in this mental quagmire:


Anyway, this works quite nicely and brings a whole other element of intrigue and excitement to the game of OFF. Consider yourself the most cunning of spy/saboteurs, this way, you get to fly the enemy planes while helping your country and with no sense of guilt! (Unless you just really love to beat yourself up all the time)


For example, you're a guilt ridden Brit, or French man, or American, but you would just love to fly one of those marvelous German machines.. so mechanically in tune, so clean, so strong.. what to do? Join the German side, work your way up to a position of being in a better Jasta, one with some aces in it. Shouldn't take to long, if you're careful and stay out of the thick of it. You may have to shoot down a few of your country men, but hay, it's for the good of your country, sacrifices have to be made. When you finally get into a good Jasta learn all you can about the most important one, you want a ace high up on the known list, maybe even Richthofen himself? You will be a hero! Anyway, when the time is right, maybe when your target has managed to get off course from the rest of the unit, sneak up behind and let him have it.. he'll never know what hit him. He will never have dreamed it was a member of his own group! What you do after that is your own business.. I doubt they will let you land in friendly territory, but you never know!



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By such devious means into our wonderful fighters? I don't know, Rabu - it is

an intriguing idea surely, but I actually believe, the pilots here are too honorable

men to do such an "amoral war crime".


...but what about this idea? Check out, if you had early family roots in Germany.

Americans often have, but even the British (Lord Mountbatten would really be a

von Battenberg, a German noble). If so, use that name.


Or you could try to translate your family name into German (I would help here).

It will definitely open your mind a bit for the "other side", when you find yourself

in the same problems.

Edited by Olham

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Im with Bullethead,i prefer to fly the underdog and being a brit have always viewed the (in this case) Germans as the underdog (for many reasons),they also built meaner looking planes!

Interestingly (and possibly slightly weird) in WoE i only fly the Brit aircraft,but i guess thats more to do with growing up with Phantoms Jags n' Tornado's

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Vat... vat iz diz talkie talkie....


I have and always will fly German. I couldn't bare to seen in a PC10 colored tunic, a PC10 colored jacket, and flying a PC10 colored plane.... bleeech! Roundels..? That's a bulls-eye!!


Although the Brits did have nicer flying coats than us...


But seriously... I have always flown German. Not sure what pulled me into it, considering I am an American Patriot by nature (100% Sicilian with no ties to feelings of Sicily... go figure), and I have Stars and Stripes hanging on my house 24/7/365. I love everything American, love everything US issue.., I own a classic American muscle car..... but... when I fly, even WWII flight sims, I fly German.


So it's something about their aviation technology... I simply love it. I love the look of the planes, the colors, the feel, the sounds... I have no idea why. I've always felt the German planes in WWI and WWII were superior on all aspects. I don't know if that's true, but it's just the way I feel.



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Me, I have no sides. I want to experience it all. I'm all American like OvS but my background is German and English. I do find much of my tastes lean toward British but I rather prefer German food.

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Over the years I have tended more often than not towards the Brits, and I attribute that to the fact that on Christmas about 1962 my parents gave my brother and I each a WWI model airplane kit. Scott got MvR's DR1 and I got Roy Brown's Camel. However, I have flown for all the air services in the sims, and my OFF preference as of late has been to wing with the French. I would fly with the Belgians if they were fully represented in the sim, because I too have an affinity for the underdog.







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OvS: "...it's something about their aviation technology... I simply love it.

I love the look of the planes, the colors, the feel, the sounds...


The Bordeauxred Baron: "Ziss iss a man off great taste, der OvS!"

OvS: I've always felt the German planes in WWI and WWII were superior on all aspects.

I don't know if that's true, but it's just the way I feel.


Olham: Seems that's how the Germans felt, too. In our DiD Campaign, we are standing

against so many squadrons - French, British and American - that I cannot believe anymore,

that Germany ever had a REAL air superiority at any time, except for over their territory.

But they fought like they BELIEVED they had - and so held the whole world at bay for

more than three years.


And of course, OvS: the COOLER fighters with the HOTTER paintings! :cool:

The Bordeauxred Baron: "Mmuahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!"

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I've got the perfect (almost) solution for those flying with guilt on the opposite side to their beloved homeland... or what ever.


Flyby, and any others stuck in this mental quagmire:


Anyway, this works quite nicely and brings a whole other element of intrigue and excitement to the game of OFF. Consider yourself the most cunning of spy/saboteurs, this way, you get to fly the enemy planes while helping your country and with no sense of guilt! (Unless you just really love to beat yourself up all the time)


For example, you're a guilt ridden Brit, or French man, or American, but you would just love to fly one of those marvelous German machines.. so mechanically in tune, so clean, so strong.. what to do? Join the German side, work your way up to a position of being in a better Jasta, one with some aces in it. Shouldn't take to long, if you're careful and stay out of the thick of it. You may have to shoot down a few of your country men, but hay, it's for the good of your country, sacrifices have to be made. When you finally get into a good Jasta learn all you can about the most important one, you want a ace high up on the known list, maybe even Richthofen himself? You will be a hero! Anyway, when the time is right, maybe when your target has managed to get off course from the rest of the unit, sneak up behind and let him have it.. he'll never know what hit him. He will never have dreamed it was a member of his own group! What you do after that is your own business.. I doubt they will let you land in friendly territory, but you never know!




Sorry guys, couldn't find an Emoticon of tongue in cheak.

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yess.gif It really shouldnt matter which side we fly . Its all in the past, For example, I am an American hafe breed. Yankee, but I am married to a Southren Belle. If we relive the past American North/South Civil War feelings, I would still be a bachlor. drinks.gif

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That said...Nothing gives me more pleasure, than sending a Hun down in Flames! :grin:

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