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So, do ya think TK can stimulate this?

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I kid on the subject title, but this little demo from Northrop Grumman is just jaw-dropping, IMHO...


The F-35 distributed aperture system (DAS)


Or maybe Thirdwire could create a dedicated F-35 sim, yeah?



Edited by Spectre_USA

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The irony.... Jets are now mimicing games! lol (like how in TW the red target box can be seen through dash and floor)


Mind blowing stuff though. WAY cool.

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Sure...just turn the cockpit off.


We got the brief on this some time ago...it's even cooler than what you see in that video...



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yeah, if you want this fancy-pants DAS system simulated, just set visual targeting and radar to "easy". Problem solved! :grandpa:


(*climbs back into "stone-age" F-4C*)

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pretty impressive technology. How'd you like to fly against that?

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I wonder when we'll start seeing something similar as part of upgrade packages to other aircraft...

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Guest Raden

pretty impressive technology.  How'd you like to fly against that?


Triple WOWs!



But I really like the narator's remark: "Hesitation means DEFEAT!"


Many years back when I was an undergrad, the remark was (and still is if I and my crazy ol' mates wanna do it again at 50s -- skydive -- ) "Hesitation means DEATH!"


Picture this: 'bombing out' of the large C-130 (TNI-AU, green) cabin at 6K feet, and dive at the speed of 240Km per hour (in MaxTrack position), deploying ur main chute at 500m AGL or even LESS (in my case it was 300m!!!); DEATH is so quick when we let hesitation interferes. From a mere 1K m AGL (elevation 116m ASL), and when we experienced a TOTAL malfunction (main and reserve canopy worked not), we reach the ground in TWELVE seconds!


BTW, Pentagon should consider applying similar super detection system of ALL ur carriers, as they nowadays r sitting ducks against the deadly Russian (China, IRAN too!) Mach 3, sea-skimming "Carriers Killer" the SS I forgot the name. 


Currently, the US side does not have the appropriate "shields" against it should Russ, China, and Iran were compelled to use it (it skims the sea at 15m ASL). The missile is Sea-Surface/Land and Air launched capable!


Lastly, the Russ, and China will ASAP make their"Add-Ons" to beat this F-35's new detection system. Trust me!


Even the Red Chinese has gotten one of the most tightly guarded, US Hi-Tech for rocket/missile -- as "some country" who got it from the US-export controlled hi-tech, simply SOLD it to China during the latter part of GWB Admin. And the sometimes funny George really got mad, folks. :bye:






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I would be already satisfied if the AI would be able to use smart weapons on their own.


Btw, that bubble around the F-35 looked cool...could we get that in-game?:tongue:

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Funny how other fighters in the video don't even use chaff and flares not to mention other available technology :rofl:

Anyway as for anything regarding F-35 I'll believe it when I see it, so far it leaves the impression of a bottomless money pit...

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Btw, that bubble around the F-35 looked cool...could we get that in-game?:tongue:


Energy Shields FTW! Check your G-diffuser system! Lock S-foils in attack position!

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Guest Raden

Energy Shields FTW! Check your G-diffuser system! Lock S-foils in attack position!

Bear with me Rambler; it may sound silly (my Q-ing u). Were u referring to a couple of Keystrokes to activate them, and in which game here? WOE/WOI/WOV? I seemed to have missed something here.



In my case (in WOE SF1) when my boys in the squadron screamed "SAMs inbound, SAM inbound!" And I soon heard the teet-teeet-teet, discharging my flares was not so effective v the incoming Stingers that I was compelled to rea''y "dance" mid-air in such a way to foil them! And sometimes they worked.



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