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Back Your Stuff Up Day

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I am doing it tonight. Why haven't you? A few people lost some stuff in the last few days and one had a close call. Take the time and back up your stuff. The only thing you have to lose is your files and hard work.

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and you are telling me now?!?!?!?!


I've lost almost everything a month ago....suicide2.gif



You are absolute Right! Back up is mandatory, i've learned it by the hard way......




PS: Excuse me for my terrible english....

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Mirror RAID's rules, i'm always told they are a waste of space, but they are not!!!

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Back up and dont forget back up the back up... The amount of times today where someone's told me I forgot to save a file can you find it for me is too many to count... me I have a multiple back up system and the amount of times it has saved me is worth more than the cost of it...


Mine backs up every night... yeah I know extreme but I work in IT...

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Amen to that,


I am going to start backing up all of my SF2 stuff and thank you for the reminder.





Chaoic out...

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Oh damn that's funny!

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Thanks Dave:

I have a back up HD. But it is time to burn all my s##t on to disks. I haven't done it in 6 months.

Well,off to fire up the ol' CD burner. :drinks:

Oh,DW,the Smokey Bear is fantastic!! :rofl:

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DW so when are you doing the TV Commercials as they made me laugh...

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