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This Terrain Is A Mess!

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Here's a few screenshots from the Madagascar terrain that I've installed in SF2. The pictures I think will speak for themselves:





Does anyone know if this is a compatibillity issue between first and second generation TW or what?

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Methinks it more a compatibility issue of the HFD. Don't forget, that terrain is soooo old (how old is it???), it didn't even have water effects for the sea tiles (btw, have you fixed that too? From the screenies, they don't look active)


Have you done a "adjust sea level" in the TE???


If I had the texturelist.ini, and the tiles converted, I could fix it fairly easily, if I wasn't up to my ass in NorthKoreans and CCF troops....


PM Baltika, he was doing some work on late last year (as I'd sent him some new target areas and objects -I mean, sheez, LemurLand HAS to be there!!)



kevin stein

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That's the way the terrain's been since I installed it in SF2. I only started using it lately as I'm working on some new targets to put on the map. But as you can see; it can be pretty difficult in some areas

Edited by Piecemeal

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BTW, I forgot to mention as well that this is only a sample area you can see. A lot of areas along the coast of Madagascar are like that too. AFAIK mainland Africa seems to be OK

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Oh wow...two of the "NTI" city/spaceships from the Abyss appear to be surfacing in your screenshot. COOL!!! :good:



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Oh wow...two of the "NTI" city/spaceships from the Abyss appear to be surfacing in your screenshot. COOL!!! good.gif



Seem to remember that I have seen something like this somewhere along the Ring of Kerry ????blink.gif


Hou doe,



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