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operation allied force

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If some of you out there are willing to make a campaign around Operation Allied Force from 3/24/99-6/3/99 I will supply all I have article wize which is well over 100 pages and more a research to the campagn which includes all units no.s and wepons used and where stationed. this is for SF1WOE.

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need the terrain first

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hmmm...seems to me someone here(a long time ago) mentioned something about working on a Balkan theatre terrain.

although i can no longer find where it was on site. anyway, i'm definately interested.

now i'm gonna have to load up Falcon4.0 AF!

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Column5 was working on a new Balkans terrain,but he leave the community for a while....

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Well, i´m not sure, but terrain maybe is a WIP by Brain32 and/or Column5. Both were gone for a while but have regained contact lately. It will be really awesome when/f it finally comes out

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I have a very old Kosovo terrain by (if I remember correctly...) Dave on my external HD...blink.gif


Hou doe,



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Oh man that terrain is old and it's junk. I think I made that like 7 years ago.

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Oh man that terrain is old and it's junk. I think I made that like 7 years ago.

how about revamping it Dave? this could extend the theatres some more for added enjoyment! :good:

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Oh man that terrain is old and it's junk. I think I made that like 7 years ago.



I liked it all right at that time !!!!!drinks.gif


Hou doe,



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Um, I actually have Dave's terrain partly converted to use the GermanyCE tileset.


BUT ...


like any other conversion from the desert set to european, there's major differences (like desert uses 68 tiles, and Germany uses sommthing like 128), so MASSIVE amounts of hand-retiling will be necessary; the WoEtextureset ini will need some 'looking' at, and renaming to Kosovo_texturexet ini -not a big deal-, the cities list rebuilt for good measure and every single target area -in particular cities and airbases (to say nothing of mountains, rivers, roads, lakes, coastlines) will have to be cross-checked and matched to where you place tiles.


Having done a couple of these conversions, I can tell you this is abso-frakking-lutely NOT for the squeamish or inexperienced Terrain modder. There is also the issue of a lack of some transition tiles, and certain 'mountain' tiles (like is just plane rock with some trees) The T series is just "OK" for hills/mountains, while the A series are snow-bound all year.


Having said that, if anyone has the experience, and the cojones to take it on, I'll pass along everything I have. And wish you "good luck chuck!!"



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Recent Jan Tuma's FE tileset would fit perfectly for Balkans, it would look much more realistic than Germany as we don't have our cultivated areas shaped like that...

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how about revamping it Dave? this could extend the theatres some more for added enjoyment! :good:

I will never make another terrain again. I hated using that terrain editor and it caused too many sleepless nights and too many do overs.

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amen, brother!! The TE really blows goats. WE can only hope that in the next iteration of the engine, and if/when TK releases a new TE for it, has MUCH more functionality.


Jan Tuma's terrain WOULD be closer ... does FE use the WoV/WoE/WoI TE??? If one has the texturelist, it shouldn't be too hard (famous last words, eh??)



kevin stein

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amen, brother!! The TE really blows goats. WE can only hope that in the next iteration of the engine, and if/when TK releases a new TE for it, has MUCH more functionality.


Jan Tuma's terrain WOULD be closer ... does FE use the WoV/WoE/WoI TE??? If one has the texturelist, it shouldn't be too hard (famous last words, eh??)



kevin stein

Yeah FE uses TE too(agony even rhymes lol)

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