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Dev's - How's about a P4 Bone?

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Just my tuppenceworth again, but it's not surprising that any good commercial product comes under intense scutiny from it's competitors. There's nothing new about industrial espionage, - just look at Concorde and the Tupolev Tu-144, and just about anything that's made in China.


What's more unusual is our high level of contact with the R&D team, while they're developing an already successful product. I cannot think of any other comparable circumstances to my knowledge. If you think about it, that's direct contact at board room level near enough, and that's quite a priviledge.


It's a pretty big board room however, with an open door policy, and let's not forget we're all non-executive directors who don't have top level security clearance.


Personally, I'm quite happy with that. Who's got the biscuits? Can't be my turn again. grin.gif

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What's more unusual is our high level of contact with the R&D team, while they're developing an already successful product. I cannot think of any other comparable circumstances to my knowledge. If you think about it, that's direct contact at board room level near enough, and that's quite a priviledge.

Yes it's true. But I'd say that's a question of numbers and scale.

Anyway it has been also a privilege to me, and I really appreciate this kind of relationship between devs and players.

Another good game with a good relationship between devs and players it's ARMA from BIS. Both OBD and BIS are shiny examples.

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Just my tuppenceworth again, but it's not surprising that any good commercial product comes under intense scutiny from it's competitors. There's nothing new about industrial espionage, - just look at Concorde and the Tupolev Tu-144, and just about anything that's made in China.


What's more unusual is our high level of contact with the R&D team, while they're developing an already successful product. I cannot think of any other comparable circumstances to my knowledge. If you think about it, that's direct contact at board room level near enough, and that's quite a priviledge.


It's a pretty big board room however, with an open door policy, and let's not forget we're all non-executive directors who don't have top level security clearance.


Personally, I'm quite happy with that. Who's got the biscuits? Can't be my turn again. :grin:


You're finally getting it... :grin:


You guys ARE part of the dev team.... whomever said you weren't? There is a ton of information out there, from books, articles, opinion, some of it even coming from your very own families, and more of it gets posted/discovered every month. Although you don't help us design, paint, etc.... you're opinions on facts, fact checking us and each other, providing details we need, giving constructive input, etc..etc.. all helps us to create a better product behind the doors. There are many games that don't require this amount of care and detail, but a true WWI simulator does. There is simply too much personality behind it. Everything is down to the individual pilot.


Not every sport or industry requires the input of the consumer or fan... it's not like I can call the Steinbrenner's and tell them to cut Jorge Posada because he's getting old... but for us, we allow it because we need it.


If I ever heard anyone say they are 'the only WWI expert and know it all' I'd s**t my pants laughing at them. We even fact check Norman Franks and DSA... you'd be a fool not to.


So with your help, the product grows and gets better. You all know our goal, it's never changed, and as we all grow together, the goal keeps getting closer. We'll get there... together. Screw the rest, and screw them if all they can do is sit back and copy us... it just shows we're getting it right the first time. :good:


All the best.... throttle up and chocks away!



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We even fact check Norman Franks and DSA... you'd be a fool not to.





OMG. :yikes: You guys fact check Norman Franks and Dan San? Two of the GoGS? :heat: Damn, that is brash. :ok:

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who is Norman Franks and Dan San?



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who is Norman Franks and Dan San?




Let me put you some knowledge:


Norman Franks and Dan San Abbott are two prolific authors/authorities on WWI aviation (Dan San specializes in GAS data). You can actually correspond w/ DSA over at the Aerodrome forum as he is an active poster there - along with avaition authors such as Barrett Tillman and Greg VanWyngarden.


These WWI authors are informally nicknamed "GoGS" - or "Gods of Grub Street" - for the publisher Grub Street who produces most of their works.

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It's little wonder that 'other' WW1 flight Sim is interested!......I would be too, if I charged the earth for a simulator with only a couple of uninteresting planes in it...had a naff DRM system....and just wasn't worth the money!


I bought it (cos I would)...it sits forlornly on my PC...unused, unloved....and uninteresting!

(have to admit...I got a certain amount of deranged pleasure by posting a skin in the Download section here!)


Edited by Winder

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Dear Barkhorn1x,


Thanx for the info. I was only joking i ordered some of Norman Franks books about german planes.




The beers on me.



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Dear Dev,




The main competition is catering for a different breed of WW1 enthusiast. The new update has a CTF mode (capture the flag) in a WW1 Flight Sim? Never ever...... Cant belief.


"The Others" will never have a dynamic campaign mode like OFF!








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Dear Dev,




The main competition is catering for a different breed of WW1 enthusiast. The new update has a CTF mode (capture the flag) in a WW1 Flight Sim? Never ever...... Cant belief.


"The Others" will never have a dynamic campaign mode like OFF!








CTF?....hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha......that just kills off any credibility they had!



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What does "Rise or Fight" have in common with Quake 3 Arena?


They both have Team Death Match & Capture the Flag game modes.





and maybe they should have a Battle Chess Mode during the next update.

Edited by Morris

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What does "Rise or Fight" have in common with Quake 3 Arena?


They both have Team Death Match & Capture the Flag game modes.





and maybe they should have a Battle Chess Mode during the next update.


don't forget to add the invisibility cloak and overshield powerups.

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How does Capture the Flag mode even work?


Waddya do, fly over a piece of real estate and be declared the "winner"?


That doesn't resemble any sort of airpower objective I am familiar with. :blink:

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And wouldn't it be so cool to hear "HEADSHOT!" when you hit your target accurately? :rofl:

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How does Capture the Flag mode even work?


Waddya do, fly over a piece of real estate and be declared the "winner"?


That doesn't resemble any sort of airpower objective I am familiar with. blink.gif


I don't know the answer here, but might speculate it could be you're on a reconnaissance mission over flying a particular piece of real estate - with a little imagination it's perhaps where enemy troops are forming up for an attack and you can call down artillery to break up the attack. There was CFS3 multi player talk of doing PRU recon missions where you had to get a screenshot of something specific. It might sound dull, but most of the time the real mission probably was.


Alternatively, it might be two sides playing similar maritime sorties. You need to find and sink an enemy ship before the enemy finds and sinks yours. That covers anything from single subs, right up to the Battle of Midway.

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Somebody will have to tell me what 'capture the flag' is in terms of WWI sims, but I have a horrible feeling that I'm really not going to like the answer.

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OMG. yikes.gif You guys fact check Norman Franks and Dan San? Two of the GoGS? heat.gif Damn, that is brash. ok.gif



Yes, definately. It has a lot to do with written pilot accounts, compiling information... and the biggest challenge is when you paint a plane based on an 'accurate' profile, and it looks pathetic in the game. So you have to take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. We work it all in as best possible. But yes, we even check each other all the time too.




PS.. caputre the flag... in a WWI sim? Then it's not a WWI sim... it's only a MMP sim using the WWI theater as a selling point.

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Well, Norman Franks is...

...oh, I just see that smiley you used below your post. Respectless Southerner, you! :no:

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Fans/players should keep stimulating interest in p3, build the fanbase until p4 is ready to go.


OBD are quite right, best to keep it all tight lipped. Those who fail must fail completely, to leave space for those who can succeed. leave them to their death throes and failed business models, the market will take care of them.

some companies have spent the last 10 years hiring some selfish morons, and they're paying the price. time for a significant change in direction.

the gifted turn dust to gold, the ungifted turn gold to dust

talented people are genuine and kind, talentless people are evil and jealous.


keep the lid tightly on guys, until a couple of weeks pre release.

meantime we can continue to increase interest in p3.

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