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Duce Lewis

Pick your Plane and make your Mod

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Consider yourself a WWI pilot, flying the crate of your choice

We've all seen the limitations and sometimes quarky designs of these aeroplanes we vfly

So here's an invitation to express your idea for a Field Modification


There are only 2 Rules:

1. Ideas should be limited to what was feasably possible by a resourseful squadron mechanic

ex. Adding ailerons to the EIII is not feasable because it's a major design change

2. No duplicate ideas. 1st guy to post it, owns it


I'll add a Poll to this thread after the ideas stop coming so we can vote on the best idea


Who knows, maybe the Devs will be impressed and add some of our ideas into P4, giving it that personal touch good.gif


OK, I'll go 1st

That Windshield Shroud on the Nieuport 28 is just frustrating

It limits vision to an unreasonable extent

My idea is to carve holes in the shroud as much as it'll structurally withstand

And if that's not good enough, remove it completely!

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I don't need any improvements on my "twin Spandaus gunship",

the Albatros, as long as it shredders my opponents as nicely as it does! Mmuahahahahahaaaa!!!!!!!!


Well, seriously now: the only thing I would change on the Albatros D III and D V would be

a wing with two spars, plus wingstruts other than "V-struts" - but I think that would be

far beyond anything a mechanic could do.


By the way, Duce: On some Nieuports I think you can remove the windshield by pressing the key for opening

the canopy of the CFS3 WW2 aircraft.

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I'm sure most of the visibility problems in flight sims don't exist in real aircraft, or at least are nowhere near as bad as in the simulated cockpits. Looking at your monitor is just not the same thing as sitting in a real cockpit.


One field modification I'd like to try is adding one extra MG to the Brisfit, not for the observer (he has more than enough firepower already!) but for the pilot. That would make the plane even more deadlier!

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A Twin gun on the Pup would be nice.


But above all..A Pfaltz DIII that flew and fought properly would be most welcome!!!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I'm sure most of the visibility problems in flight sims don't exist in real aircraft, or at least are nowhere near as bad as in the simulated cockpits. Looking at your monitor is just not the same thing as sitting in a real cockpit.


One field modification I'd like to try is adding one extra MG to the Brisfit, not for the observer (he has more than enough firepower already!) but for the pilot. That would make the plane even more deadlier!


Hasse Wind,


If I remember correctly from reading the book "King of 2 seaters" about the Brisfit, some squadrons did just that and added a lewis gun on a foster mounting, alongside the second lewis the observer had fitted as a field modification.




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Didn't know that. I learn something new here every day. Thanks, Rugbyfan.

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Parachutes then! :grin:

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an extra drum of ammunition in the nieuport 11s and 16s, just fill the fuel tank a bit less to offset the weight. also a gunsight hung from the top wing to mark where the bullets will fly.

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Widowmaker: A Pfaltz DIII that flew and fought properly would be most welcome!!!


Hey, the Pfalz (no "t" in there) is not a bad plane really. Although not quite as hot

as an Albatros, she is better in steep dives though, and a sturdy, reliable gun platform.

The only field modification needed there: you must learn to fly her better.


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Widowmaker: A Pfaltz DIII that flew and fought properly would be most welcome!!!


Hey, the Pfalz (no "t" in there) is not a bad plane really. Although not quite as hot

as an Albatros, she is better in steep dives though, and a sturdy, reliable gun platform.

The only field modification needed there: you must learn to fly her better.



oh, I never fly them!...I merely meant so they would be more of a challenge to shoot down in my SE5a.... Now I have finished decimating those silly Albatros things! :lol:


Is there no 'T' in Pfaltz then?...You will be telling me that Albatross has only 1 'S' in it next!! :lol:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Widowmaker: Now I have finished decimating those silly Albatros things!


So you are that Crumpet who's always crashing into everyone?!?!? :grin:

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grin.gif A Camel Gun sight on a 1 1/2 Strutter and or a flare gun on a N-17 to signal attack the Albatross scool.gif

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The Albs could use an Airspeed Indicator and an Altimeter.

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Great ideas guys!

Keep em coming

I think we've only scratched the surface


Widowmaker: A Pfaltz DIII that flew and fought properly would be most welcome!!!


Hey, the Pfalz (no "t" in there)


Is there no 'T' in Pfaltz then?...You will be telling me that Albatross has only 1 'S' in it next!! lol.gif

Having fought against each other many times without a True Victor rising from the ashes

The 2 great Aces decided on a Spelling Bee to resolve who would control Europe for the next 20 years rofl.gif

You guys kill me!

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Duce: Having fought against each other many times...


I'm not fighting against Widowmaker, we fight together, for more humour on this forum!

And of course we are exchanging typical polite banter between Kraut and Crumpet.

Great, when you like it. I wouldn't want to miss him!

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It would be quite nice, if they could add a mount to carry a single 25lb bomb on all nieuport models, It would reduce performance, but then 8 of those le prieur rockets probably weigh about as much as one of those bombs (maybe), and if you ran into trouble, you could dump the thing and go back to the normal capabilities of your aircraft. You could probably also do this for one of those 5kg bombs and put it on the german planes (not the halberstadts or Fokker EIII, those barely fly as is).

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How about a long rope and hook on the Be2c, to try and snag those pesky Fokkers.

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Not thinking about performance for a min, I'd quite like to take a bomb or two with me in my Sopwith Tripe, as I do miss dropping bombs on people every now and again - surely I can just carry one under my arm and hope no one notices. grin.gif


I think I'd like parking sensors on most of my crates, to give warning whenever some "heroic" German Pilot feels like becoming one with the enemy - although that might be a bit much for a 1917 mechanic. cool.gif

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I'll add my gunsight idea from another thread:


Make a 5 in long, 4 in dia, thim wall tube

Then place a crosshairs at one end

Mount the contraption on the radiator


There is no need for a 2nd closer piece to align to the crosshairs

If the pilot is offline he'll see an oval shape w/ the sides of the tube now in view


Lots of ideas out there still

Hint: Headrests, Armament, Holes here and there

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There was a MOD for Red Baron 3D, one of about 316. This one allowed you to run two imaginary lines, at the point they intersected was a red Blip. That Blip functioned as a gunsite, most handy. lol.gif



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I'd like to see an FE2b variant that has a fixed Lewis gun mounted on side of the nacelle. I've seen several photographs where this took place, presumably of the same machine. it probably allowed the pilot to still use a weapon for dogfighting even if his observer got killed.

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