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Edited by Veltro2k

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thats odd,I havn't really had any issues as of yet.What Game/version/patch do you have WOR on?

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no FM issues so far here, IAR-80A campaign

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That exact roll characteristic used to happen with the Yak-141. I think it was an issue of using left rudder and rolling to the left simultaneously...

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what setting is the FM on I have no idea if this helps but Capuns FM are almost always made for normal.Aslo maybe the sensitivity of the joystick? I have never had anything like that happen to me.

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Try checking the Ymac values in the data ini.

Left hand flying surfaces should be negative figures, right hand positive.

I've found several types (including most all-weather sabres and several ww2 types) to have all negative or all positive. Manifests itself in hard mode as a stall into a spin when trying to make anything other than the gentlest of turns, yet doesn't show up in normal mode.

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FM setting i thhink is controled in the realism setting.if you have it on hard it uses the hard FM

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I think you're all pointing in the wrong direction.

Yes, 08/SF2 hoses the pre-06 FMs

Yes, every stinking one needs going over with a fine tooth-ed comb. Lots of small errors have been noticed. Lot's of things off with Inertia, reference chords...the list is long and extensive


Over the last couple of days (in between the myraid OTHER projects I'm supposed to be working on ), created a new WoE 08 WW2 install ... and guess what?

If you don't push the aircraft BEYOND it's performance envelope, they fly fairly well. No more yankin and bankin like this was some kind of kids console game ... you have to think AHEAD of the aircraft; no more 'pulling/pushing' the stick to stops and expecting the aircraf not to depart.


Fubs sent me a modded aircraftobject.ini, that I've been testing too. With this installed, with some heavily modified stall and post-stall statements, aircraft acuatlly begin to ACT like aircraft!!


I was in a dogfight in North Africa with Hurri IIB (the 4 cannon variant) again CR.42. I say BOTH sides having aircraft depart, fall into spins and recover. Mind you, I know for a fact the Falco's FM is't perfect -it was a copy/paste job I did (if you read the readme, that's stated). Tested DAT, Wolf's, ADs ... anything I could lay my hands on.


Are the perfect? No, not yet. But they DO work. Hopefully...eventually we'll start seeing better FMs.


Adivce: keep the inputs smooth and even; break out of turning duel if you have to and go fight somebody else. Keep your airspeed OVER 170 knots -if possible-, and the bad guys will wind up as smoking holes in the real estate.



kevin stein

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Been playing this mod today, and I'm having no aircraft control problems so far, played a few single missions with various aircraft (and a campaign with the P-39Q) and all good - I play on normal FM though.



Edited by JimBeamer#5

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The strange thing is, the most FM issues I have in BoR is with the He-163... (and that's definitely NO prop!)

It's slower than the props, turns like a superfortress, and (i know, no FM issue) the cockpit view on the ground is "broken". I'm not complaining about the control difficulties, as far as I know it was hard to control - but it was also very maneuverable!

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