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Monitor wierdness

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I had this wierd kind of blurry stripe down the center of my monitor and I was about to post for some help to fix, but right after I typed in the title of my post, it fixed it self, creepy

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is everything that goes wrong CREEPY... Kind of take that personal. LOL

Just kidding glad to know that its fixed itself but on the other hand that might be a sign that worse things are to come. Keep an eye on it as sometimes thats a sign there are evil forces at work in your monitor. Seriously keep an eye on it as if it starts happening often it may be time to put some cash aside for a new Sony Digital Flat Screen.



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I would strongly suggest you begin to look for a replacement monitor......if nothing else use that one as a second one,it does sound as if its getting ready do something not nice...

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your monitor might be fine, if there were some kind of magnetic disturbance nearby it would make funny things happen to your monitor, like a speaker or a cell phone etc., if your monitor has a degauss button, the next time something happens just hit it (the degauss button i mean). as long as its some type of magnetic distubance it should fix it. if not then yeah, your monitor is dying.

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I would probably think that your monitor might be nearing the end of its life. Magnetic interference is usually easily detected as it causes fading discoloration originating nearest the magnetic source. I have never seen seen stribes on monitors caused by magnetism.


Anyways: this belongs in General Hardware

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one word,


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