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Another Killer on the Roads :X

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yesterday i did my second driving test

and i passed it...

and i'll get my Driving License today from my driving instructor

it's joy mixed with sadness cause yesterday's events

( http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=5638 )

i'll soon start driving on the roads acording to the Israeli Traffic Laws

(2 months with older driver)

yay me :D

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congratz on passig the test. :)

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Another "King of the Road" on the (high-) ways.

Sitting in his driversseat, radio on, music soft, arm around the girl next to him. Yes cardriveromantic.


Nesher have fun with you driving license! Do you have allready a car?




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You just be careful out there, the streets are no safe playground. ;)



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thank u all...

yep, already have a car, Mazda 323 (i will share it with my father and older brother for a while, at least till we buy another car..)

it's okay :D

maybe tomarrow i could already start driving the car

and i'll try be as safe as possible ;)

Edited by Nesher

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and i'll try be as safe as possible ;)

Forget that man, I say drive like a bat outa hell. Mycars broken down, so I driving my dad's Talon TSI right now...never less than ten over :D

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Forget that man, I say drive like a bat outa hell.

LOLOLOL, i'll drive like hell and my father will kick my ass, like hell :lol::lol:



beside that, my instructor talked to me yesterday

told me a few thing, the 5-0 (police..) keeps an eye on new drivers...

every little thing can lead to taking my license and redoing the test :blink:

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