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Practice your bombing with this mission

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At the request of Dirtman I made a training mission to practice up on your bombing skills or lack off....hehe


I have placed about every type of enemy ground unit available.


NO AAA to worry about :)


NO SAMS or radar, if ya want to see them, then grab my SEAD mission.


YOU MUST stop in at the loadout as this bird is stripped. You also have the option to change aircraft.


I also just figured out how to get the training missions to score a success, so look for the primary target.


There are 2 target areas between wpt 4 and wpt 5 so have a look at both. Can you find the SCUDS?


Here ya go




Right click the link and select save target as, point it to your SF/Missions folder, then save

If ya dont have a Missions folder make one in your main SF directory



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Tell me something, since I am new at this. How do I make the SAMS/AAA fire, and where do I go to create my own training missions?

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I thank you, my backseater thanks you and I know the ground troops will thank you.....as I hope not to be hitting them anymore.....lol :D

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Where can I find this mission generator of yours? I've looked, but evidently not hard enough.

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Guest PhantomWarrior

how the "heck" you get this mission to run?

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how the "heck" you get this mission to run?


the file must be saved as a .msn file

check the file ya dl and see if it looks like this, bomb.msn if it looks like this bomb.msn.txt then it wont work.

remove the .txt from the file and it should work.


There was something i forgot to mention when dl.


After ya right click and select SAVE TARGET AS, from the SAVE AS TYPE drop down select ALL FILES, then point it to your SF/Missions folder.


My bad, I apploigize for any inconvience,

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So, there isn't a publicly available mission creator yet?


Its not a mission generator, its mission editor, I posted a link in the Radar Mission Topic in this forum the last time ya asked.


I only use it to setup the mission, the rest of the stuff I add manually using notepad.. open up any of the missions I have made and posted here with notepad, you will see how the missions are structured.

The hardest part is getting positions, to do that ya gotta turn on the debugger so that coordinates are displayed.

When I first make the mission I remove all the waypoints and add a start position for a airbase I want to take off from, then I do alittle recon work flying around looking for places, pause the sim and write down the positions, this works good for waypoints.

Setting ground objects is alittle more complicated. I will take off and fly to an area that I want to place these objects in, then I crash the plane and use the mouse to zoom around the area and record the positions.

I then esc outta the mission and and go back to the start screen, alt+tab out and open the mission file with notepad and enter in the ground objects, 1 at a time, then save it and go back to SF and see how the ground object/waypoint looks.

Takes alittle while but I have gathered lots of stuff now, and it only a matter of copy/pasting.


I also had to use the extract utility to find the different ground objects that are available.


IF your interested in making missions this way let me know and I'll try and help ya.

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Thanks, I'm gonna take a look at it right now. Maj., Sorry I didn't see the link in the Radar Mission topic.


Can't wait to do some A2A in the O-1E, :D.

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Messing around some more with the missions I stumbled on this nice little feature.

Currently the formations off all the ground targets has them spread out which makes it kinda hard to get a good strafe run or napalm attack going. Currently the ground targets are set in Battalion formation, if we change this to Convoy they get lined up all in a row.

Open the .msn file with notepad




Name=Tank Btn

FormationType=TruckConvoy <-- Change it to look like this

Size=15 <--if theres to many targets or not enough change this



Heading=270.0 <-- change this to make units face different directions.




Edit any of the GroundMissions to your liking.

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hmmm....thinking that we need a FMB like the one Il-2, best mission editor I've EVER seen, second, A-10Attack

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