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ok, heres mine 2 from star wars and 1 sf2. These are without icons as there are too many which clutter my desktop.

post-2035-097245700 1289180795.jpg

post-2035-022394500 1289180854.jpg

post-2035-081666500 1289180912.jpg

Edited by dsawan

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  This is  picture on my desk top of a couple of the R C  1/4 scale  WW I aircraft I built and fly at many of the Dawn Patrol events around the country.  The Sopwith Pup and the Fokker D VII.



post-56456-023129100 1289185772.jpg

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The varied pictures I've tried on my Windows 7 Desktop. The reason I say TRIED is because all of them work fine UNTIL I run FSX, then it reverts back to stock..


Sooo now I run the stock boring desktop, at least it's constant day to day


mmmmmmmm A German Hezter ? The one I saw belonged to a group of Re inactors battaling at a Park. I will check for a picture of it.

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This is picture on my desk top of a couple of the R C 1/4 scale WW I aircraft I built and fly at many of the Dawn Patrol events around the country. The Sopwith Pup and the Fokker D VII.




Very nice, jwrich. Wish I had the room for 1/4 scale - have to make do with 1/6.

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"The varied pictures I've tried on my Windows 7 Desktop. The reason I say TRIED is because all of them work fine UNTIL I run FSX, then it reverts back to stock.."


Now thats interesting Uncleal...because I have an all singing Desktop too...and when I start FSX, a little comment comes up on the taskbar saying "Your windows theme has been changed to basic, because this program does not support it" (or words to that effect).... Then when I come out of FSX...It reverts back to my shiny new WIN7 themes!......I wonder if it's something to do with that?...dunno what though

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I get basically the same screwball message, but it makes no sense . . . .No sense to me because, I don't speak computereeze. . . it says "Your Desktop will now revert to Stock because it does not support the colors needed"


Yeah..but after you exit FSX..it should revert back.


Dumb question..but it is installed in program files(X86) isn't it?...

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Mine is a scene from the night action at the Battle of Jutland, as portrayed in my game. This is HMS Black Prince illuminated and being pounded after stumbling into the main line of the High Seas Fleet


Bullethead, what game is this?



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I get basically the same screwball message, but it makes no sense . . . .No sense to me because, I don't speak computereeze. . . it says "Your Desktop will now revert to Stock because it does not support the colors needed"

Vista introduced the AERO desktop theme; W7 continues it. FSX doesn't have the library pallet to handle it. The message is typical MS "geek-techno speak" for simply deactivating the AERO desktop theme before starting.


Quad cores pretty much do nothing for FSX and dual cores don't allocate the same percentage between them, so.....




ps, my apologies for temporarily high jacking the thread.

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