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And to think my dad ran through Europe and Japan with just a steel bucket on his head...

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it is heavy but worth it to those who have lived to say hey check this out! i just hate the knuckle heads that take the plates out cause "its too heavy..."

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Those plates will save you. Hate wearing them too but a little discomfort is better than being dead.



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Flak jackets and steel pots in Vietnam saved a lot of lives.

Yes,they were hot,heavy and a pain in the ass until you really needed them. :yikes:

Then they were priceless. :yes:

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Is it just me or the NyLon helmets of the British troops can´t stop a bullet? Maybe it is lighter or cheaper than Kevlars, but protection wise, they deserve better

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Finally someone came up with a good use for the iPod...  :rofl:


J/k, I also own one and I'm glad someone else is taking his out to the front lines... Stay safe out there!!!  :salute:



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i was in iraq in 05 and shift leader for the morning crew guarding the dfac. we had a px ranger in the S-4 who was in my line one day punching people in the chest to see if the plates were in. now 1. i would go out to the side that the A/C blew its exhaust out at to relieve the soldier the halfway thru a meal so they didnt over heat. 2. we kept our full battle rattle on while out on the points so as to at least look meaner, and heaven help you if you showed up w/o your plates to my shift. sooooooooo px ranger comes up to me actuallyu working and "checks" my plates. shakes his fist a little after verifying they were there. i then ask if his were in and he says go ahead and check. i borrow a trick i learned from the marines and got ready to muzzle stroke him in the chest. not BUTT stroke, MUZZLE stroke. well.... head douche bag starts screaming nooooo his plates werent in! :lol: im tellin ya dont mess with cooks if we didnt start crazy we end up that way:grin:

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Is it just me or the NyLon helmets of the British troops can´t stop a bullet? Maybe it is lighter or cheaper than Kevlars, but protection wise, they deserve better


It's fragmentation proof or as I liked to say it will hold your brains together... it would stop a low powered round at best... a round from an AK forget it... also as to body armour when I was in we had flak jackets that would keep your innards together while not stopping much on the other way... oh and weighed in at quite a bit. Must admit I hated them and tried not wear them as they also interfered with my shooting... but hey thats me...

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