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Will this work?

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Will a Stock SF2 cockpit work in SF1? Kind of a step backward I know, I think the codeing is diffrent,not sure.


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If you're referring to stock (Thirdwire) cockpits, the answer is no, they cannot. Sf2 lods are in unicode, which SF1 does not recognize.

Edited by Fubar512

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But it will work if you convert the SF2 Unicode files to the SF1 Ansi code.


There is a thread in the SF2 Knowledge Base on how to do it (you either individually convert all the Unicode files to Ansi or batch process them) and then you can use it in Sf1. http://combatace.com/topic/43234-how-to-make-a-sf2-aircraftweapon-useable-in-gen-1-thirdwire-sims/

Edited by Panama Red

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But it will work if you convert the SF2 Unicode files to the SF1 Ansi code.


There is a thread in the SF2 Knowledge Base on how to do it (you either individually convert all the Unicode files to Ansi or batch process them) and then you can use it in Sf1. http://combatace.com...thirdwire-sims/


Were talking LOD's here, not ini files. Have you tried it?

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LOD files cannot be converted from Unicode to ANSI.

Edited by Fubar512

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With the last WOI update pack Operation Kadesh you can use all SF2 lod files in WOI.

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With the last WOI update pack Operation Kadesh you can use all SF2 lod files in WOI.


But not in SF1, WoV, and WoE.

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