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Now before you guys get all bent out of shape over these just remember no-one opposed the first set of pics :ph34r: . I just thought it would be nice to see some from the other side ;) .




Edited by Foofighter

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Great jokes, I think I know what your vote is.

But do somebody have jokes about Kerry?




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Fooman is on a roll! :lol:


Here's one for Bush dammit...lol.


Who would you rather have lead the nation?...





or..... <_<





That'll leave a mark!




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Now before you guys get all bent out of shape over these just remember no-one opposed the first set of pics

The FIRST set only had a FEW PICTURES....you posted ok,lets post juist a few,specially two...


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And Finally This,

Which will bring a lot of Ire but if it wasn't the truth it wouldn't be an issue.

I DID find it offensive yes..but will tell you Id rather have The President of The United States saying that,that him saying i voted for it before voting against it,or saying i was in cambodia err oh sorry was bout 50 miles from it....get the pattern?

you want ire? try this pic of a real leaflet,read very carefully the LAST line of it,think where you hear that line before.......


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then of course there's this,or this....


despite what the Kerry campaign would have everyone believe. Kerry claims that VA benefits are being cut, but they’ve gone up over 25% during President Bush’s administration. Kerry voted to send our troops to war, but then voted against spending the money to feed, arm and protect them. Kerry claims today that our military is too small, but Kerry voted to cut submarines and their crews from military budgets, voted to cut coastal mine hunting programs, voted to force the retirement of no less than 60,000 military members in 1993. Worst of all – John Kerry has voted against defense authorization bills that would raise military pay – today complaining that our military is paid too little for their sacrifice.

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this guys own words are rather clear...what changed other than the party with the president...


Jan 30, 1992" (in regards to the Clinton presidential campaign)" I am saddened by the fact that Vietnam has yet again been inserted into the campaign, and that it has been inserted in what I feel to be the worst possible way. By that I mean that yesterday, during this Presidential campaign, and even throughout recent times, Vietnam has been discussed and written about without an adequate statement of its full meaning." blah blah blah "We do not need to divide America over who served and how. I have personally always believed that many served in many different ways. Someone who was deeply against the war in 1969 or 1970 may well have served their country with equal passion and patriotism by opposing the war as by fighting in it. Are we now, 20 years or 30 years later, to forget the difficulties of that time, of families that were literally torn apart, of brothers who ceased to talk to brothers, of fathers who disowned their sons, of people who felt compelled to leave the country and forget their own future and turn against the will of their own aspirations?"

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(We are asking Americans to think about that because how do you

ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man

to be the last man to die for a mistake?....)


thought I would quote the horses mouth...seen the last man bit somewhere else?


the pic,just for the giggles.....


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Here's another one,

Hey Scout this is in response to the Gore pic...

And it's nice to know that finally everyone can disagree with a little laughter involved :blink: ;) !

Edited by Foofighter

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Hey Weasel,

He's a "Passer" not a "Receiver" :D ;) , and all though he didn't catch the pass in your last pic....

Edited by Foofighter

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Here's another one,

Hey Scout this is in response to the Gore pic...

And it's nice to know that finally everyone can disagree with a little laughter involved :blink:  ;) !

humm,you DO know both are rather rich men right?... :D


but seriously fellas,we do need to vote,too many folks died protecting that right not to vote,but Please try to make your decision on facts,not just along the party line or because at least the other guy is not the other guy(yogi berra might like this lol)..........for example I might have voted for the other guy had it been joe lieberman,then again Id vote for rudi over the fellow in my white house now..but neither is running....my son in law works at the piers here,he has allready been told WHO to vote for...I found that rather disturbing to say the least..

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And....my fav.

do I get the ham and cheese or the cheese and ham?...do I get the grey pupon or the one my meal tickets company makes overseas?..do I tell them now or do I tell them after im elected that im turning over control of the US armed forces over to the the french,err the un.....

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but seriously fellas,we do need to vote,too many folks died protecting that right not to vote,but Please try to make your decision on facts


I agree, but please have the facts straight when you decide.


And, when you make decisions DO YOU stick with them even if they're wrong because of EGO or do you allow yourself to say "OK, I made a mistake so I think I'll change my mind?"


That's the difference between Bush and Kerry, one can admit mistakes (Kerry) and change his mind and the other sticks to "his Guns" (Bush) even when he's wrong because his EGO won't let him admit it at whatever the cost (lives, money,etc.). And which of these two mindsets would better serve the country from ALL standpoints, economy, war, foreign policy, domestic agenda, etc.?


We've all ready had over three years of the one example and look at the costs (war, lives, casualties and deficits). But I guess we have our inuendos that really don't mean Jack such as dignity, honor, patriotism. Democracy?



Edited by Foofighter

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If nothing else we have not had our own airplanes being flown into our own buldings over our own homeland in 3yrs......


(But I guess we have our inuendos that really don't mean Jack such as dignity, honor, patriotism. Democracy)


Might not mean jack to you,but they ARE worth a lot to me.....and that le'kerry guy tried real hard to take away my dignity and honor of having served in se asia.......he failed miserably...democracy,that IS what voting is all about I thought...

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There is no way I would vote for Hanoi Kerry.... The only democrat out there that I have any respect for is Lieberman (and that would probably be stretching it.) Definately not the Hildabeast.

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The only democrat out there that I have any respect for is Lieberman

hell I might have voted for him myself,but he suffered from being decent..

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Its sunday! that means FootBall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the game,the touchdowns, the babes!..the wifes wondering whats so special about guys beating the crap out of each other for a ball..time for a break from reality!!!

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Ok, that's enough, from both sides. It started out in jest, and was funny, but then it started to get nasty, as these type of topics usually do.


Pretty disturbing that you guys thought this was appropriate postings on September 11 though...


That being said, this topic is closed. Both sides need a breather.



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