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Overall bug list for SF2

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Ok here is the deal. I would like a comprenhensive bug list to give to TK. Not a feature request but a bug list. The bugs must be however something that effects the sim over all.


Like the clouds and trees alpha layer problem. (In fact can someone put in this thread the specifics on this and a screen shot.)


My goal is to submit it to TK and ask, can you please look at these and fix these.


Bugs not needed as an example; some loadout is incorrect, or some FM might be off. I need things that are more of a universal fix.


I need your support on this and I need it quickly. If we show enough support for this maybe we can get TK to fix bugs that have been around for a bit.


So please help me out.

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I think that's a great idea :good:

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- solo ramp start, in the middle of the runway and always oriented off to the left of the runway heading.

- When setting up AI strike missions flights head to objective waypoint and continue on. (not sure if this is just me but it's fairly common)

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Good one Eric.

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Thanks, and also voicing a complaint by STORM though obviously he's not the only one.

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If the flight consists of 3 planes, you can only give orders to your wingman. If it's 5 planes then you can order your wingie and flight one, but not the plane No 5, etc.


BTW, great idea Dave! :good:

Edited by SFP1Ace

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I know TK doesnt worry about what mods get affected when he releases his stuff. Since it is a moddable sim im hoping he can help us solve or maybe change something to get our mods working right. What I see happening is that if our mods get broken which is a big draw to this sim, people will loose interest and leave. I have said it before and I'll say it again, we are his fan base, we support each other and I think helping us out a bit in the end will help his bottom line.


So on the bug list, make it more specific of mods that have broken or just night "right". Thanks all. The worse he can say is no.

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Planes on Auto-pilot landing on runways crooked and with arrestor hook deployed.

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Fellas keep it something that effects mods. Like the prop issue, and tree/cloud alpha layer problem.

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Hmm.. if it's mod-only can't really add anything.. Does Z-buffer fighting affect anyone?


Wasn't tree/cloud/smoke/flames explained by TK at some point? Someithng along the lines of either the game runs calculations for several layers of sprite objects or the engine has to take every single tree and smoke puff into account.

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Hmm.. if it's mod-only can't really add anything.. Does Z-buffer fighting affect anyone?


Wasn't tree/cloud/smoke/flames explained by TK at some point? Someithng along the lines of either the game runs calculations for several layers of sprite objects or the engine has to take every single tree and smoke puff into account.


Yep, me have z-figting on city buldings shadows when they're set to Unlimited and viewed from a distance and altitude. That,s why I keep'em at High instead.

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1) tree/cloud alpha layer problem, rendering many 3rd party terrain mods in fact "broken" from start :rolleyes:

mostly visible at broken wether conditions (lots of clouds without top cover) also somehow dependant on single "cloudlet particle" size; the bigger these are te bigger chances of visual anomalies. Could be fixed by specific shaders

2) unability to visaully lock on ANY type of structures (towers, hangars, ILS shacks etc) sans ground objects (but it's more of gaming choice by TK IIRC) followed by no option to order wingmen to strike such target

3) complete lack of bellylandings/ditches


btw, excellent idea Dave :salute:



ad 1) not only trees vs clouds depth sorting, but also trees vs trees, even when being parts of one .tod objects

ad 3) sounds more like feature request, not considered bug per definition, so not that important

Edited by Stary

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Hmm.. if it's mod-only can't really add anything.. Does Z-buffer fighting affect anyone?


Wasn't tree/cloud/smoke/flames explained by TK at some point? Someithng along the lines of either the game runs calculations for several layers of sprite objects or the engine has to take every single tree and smoke puff into account.


One annoying issue for me is, tods(except trees) & groundobjects that are around 8-10km away start shimmering. This much worse in OpenCockpit=TRUE aircraft (looking out from the cockpit) So it could be related to clip distance.


The other thing is, as the camera gets further away from an airfield/and its ramps, the objects on top of it start sinking. Depending on how tall the groundobject is, it dissappears completely at certain distance.

So you'll be flying a strike mission, looking down on your target from 10k feet, and none of the parked aircraft or ramp area shows up..


Yep, me have z-figting on city buldings shadows when they're set to Unlimited and viewed from a distance and altitude. That,s why I keep'em at High instead.


This helps somehow but, doesnt really cure the whole thing right? At least it doesnt for me..

Edited by pureblue

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I have an interesting problem, I can see, when some parts are in the shadow, the mesh lines. It`s cool to see how a model is done, but affects the gaming fun and grafics. Can provide later a pic if you need it ;) Not sure if it`s solvable with a new grafic driver.

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Stary, is that a feature request list? :grin:


Not sure if it`s solvable with a new grafic driver.

Play with AA setting for SF2 in your graphics driver control panel. Don't remember whether you need it higher or lower, but in my case it was the AA adjustment that fixed it.


Anyways, if anyone wants bugs I'll give you a few


If memory serves, an order given to Flight One (i.e. the second pair of the first four) also affects your wingman since he is technically a part of the first four. That is noticable only if you give a general order, the one that can be given both to other flights and Two. An fine example would be "Break". The only order that's not affected is RTB, since there were numerous complaints about this one back at WoI release time.


If a navy flight is placed on a carrier in the mission editor and the plane type is then switched to a ground-based plane, the mission starts with the planes already in flight. However if the player switches the plane on the loadout screen, the mission starts "normally" on deck.


Heavily damaged player's plane causes the game freeze on engaging warp drive. Also, destroyed but not yet crashed wingmen planes get warped into their positions in formation.


Last time I tired, it was possible to run into a situation when the player running a Merc campaign can't assign another pilot to the flight because they're out of planes, but they can't buy a plane because the purchase happens only when you switch plane type of an already assigned pilot.


SA-2 lauches missiles at weird angles up to and including ~90° off the bearing to the target moving away from the site, which is not only impossible for the hardware but also doesn't make any sense.


Lofted profile of stock HARM makes it highly unlikely to hit anything. Removing lofted flag restores accuracy.

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Thanks for your AA advise will check it! The SA-2 is true, what about a weapon fix, when you fire a AGM at a moving target, it always hit the dirt behind the target, doesn`t matter if it`s a tank or ship?!

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Does ZSU-57-2 taking about 5 minutes to bag one A-4B flying solo at a clear noon slow, steady and level well within range count as a bug? Not 1 ZSU-57-2, I'm talking about 154 of them, excellent skill setting.


AI cannot use retarded bombs in low quantities. They release them like simple ones and undershoot. Only dumping long salvos allows them to hit targets with the last bombs.

Speaking of bombs, there's something going on with strategic level bombers. Lately I haven't seen them hitting their targets. Formations of B-52, Tu-16, Tu-22 often release their payload a little too early failing to hit even the airfields.

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Make sure...a stock AGM or a modded AGM. TK has slowly been implementing all the subtle weapon guidance flags. A bomb/missile could be EOGR, but use GPS/radar/optical guidance. The sim used to not implement the difference. That is no longer true...a GPS guided missile/bomb will not hit a moving target.



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This helps somehow but, doesnt really cure the whole thing right? At least it doesnt for me..


Nope it doesn't :(. But is the problem with the game or is it perhaps a graphic card's driver issue?

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Gr Viper those are game bugs though, I need mod bugs related to something TK can shed some light on or impliment a fix. Im going to have to clean up this thread so if I can get TK to just read it he doesnt have to wade through a bunch of other unrelated items.

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What I'd recommend is let folks say their stuff, then at some point, close the thread and make a concise, clear list and present that to TK.


I agree that him trying to wade through what could be a long thread is pointless...keep the final list short and sweet.


Also, I reiterate what Dave said...keep it to core engine specifics.



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Dave, could you then create a separate topic/ list for bugs that aren't only mod related? Maybe this would help TK (if we'd "pressured" him :grin: ) get rid off them too?

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Dave, could you then create a separate topic/ list for bugs that aren't only mod related? Maybe this would help TK (if we'd "pressured" him :grin: ) get rid off them too?


He has a tech forum right on his site for that. By keeping it here we can control the topic.


Good idea FC.

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If it's a mod-related bug thread, won't it fit more in the modders' subforum?

Edited by Gr.Viper

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If it's a mod-related bug thread, won't it fit more in the modders' subforum?


To my understanding it's not simply mod-related, but more to little bugs that are visible in mods mostly, because mods usually touch and expands in areas stock game don't utilize that often (in his best Old Entish: trees)

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