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Mirage Factory Mirage 2000 AdA

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As for the TEWS, If you are playing in the S5 , I noticed a line saying RWR type = TEWS line is missing in the avionics.ini . Not a big deal

A question. am I doing somethign wrong or the cokcpits of the C versions and the -5f are the same? Doesn't the -5F use a triple MFD layout?

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I had once read a manual about Mirage 2000 and If I remember correct at about 340 kts the aircraft could reach 9 g at low altitude.


Some pics of mine:










Edited by tiopilotos

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I had once read a manual about Mirage 2000 and If I remember correct at about 340 kts the aircraft could reach 9 g at low altitude.



Moonjumper and I had no problems out turning as advertised. So my friend we are going to have to agree to disagree. However thanks for your interest.

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As for the TEWS, If you are playing in the S5 , I noticed a line saying RWR type = TEWS line is missing in the avionics.ini . Not a big deal

A question. am I doing somethign wrong or the cokcpits of the C versions and the -5f are the same? Doesn't the -5F use a triple MFD layout?



Canadair and everyone for that matter. Most of the releases we are going to be doing are what we had to go with before Oliver aka BPao passed on. We got together what ever max files, and other files we could. Many many things were lost. Some WIP's you saw will never get released for that very fact. However what we have and what is releasable will be to the utmost of the remainders of The Mirage Factories ability. Yes the pit for the M2000 is not up to SF2 standards but the avionics are better than anything out there based on what JAT and Moonjumper aka Crusader could push the limits of SF2 too. We will be releasing an F-16C Block 25, the pit is old looking yes but so far the avionics are the cats ass. The point being, is that if we don't have the max files then what you see is what you get. Sorry it has to be that way. Oli's death was and still is a blow to the community, his family and his friends. We are releasing planes we think he would of been proud of. We try to get them as close to what he would of wanted. If it bothers any of you that they may not be up to total SF2 standards then do not download them. Commenting though negatively on something that is beyond our control crosses the line and will not be taken lightly.

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Goes without saying Dave. I like the Mirage as they are. It was just a question based on my knowledge of the airplane. I installed on a rush and it is not a negative comment in any way. Actually I haeven't even noticed it "not being up to SF2 standard".. to me is good enough, actually much better than any stand-in or WIP I had before. I was just wondering if I was missing in my rushed isntall the pit for the -5f.

Thank Bpao for the plane, and be remembered in the community.

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After some playing I have to say that in general the model is very good!

Cockpit and HUD are also very realistic! Moreover there are 2 problems I think. Acceleration at supersonic speeds and manueverability. All aircraft models M2000-C1/C3/C4/C5 and M2000-5F can reach the maximum speed of 2.19 mach (which is the real maximum speed) after long time. Aircraft accelerates very slowly after 1.0 mach.

Also the aircraft isn't as manueverable as the other Mirages 2000 of combat.ace in greater speeds than 300 kts. For example this aircraft at 330 kts can manuever with about 7.5 - 7.8 G at an instant turn while others from combat.ace can manuever with at least 8.5 G at 330 kts which I think is more realistic.

If these two can be fixed this Mirage 2000 model will be awesome!

I'm also waiting for the nexr versions (Greek, Egyptian, Indian, Peruvian, UAE etc)

Yes, I am a Mirage 2000 fan!




According to official public data, the M2K-RDM acceleration from Mach 0.9 @ 36,000 ft with Two Infrared Missiles and 50% Internal Fuel at full AB Power are:


Mach 1.85 after 2 minutes and Mach 2.17 after 3 minutes.



According to my test in SF2E patched JUNE 2010 on HARD MODE, the TMF-M2K-RDM acceleration from Mach 0.9 @ 35,000 ft with Two Infrared Missiles and 50% Internal Fuel at full AB Power are:


Mach 1.85 after 2 minutes and Mach 2.14 after 3 minutes.


About the manueverability, RL data are of course classified but according to my test in SF2E patched JUNE 2010 on HARD MODE, with a clean configuration, 50% Internal Fuel, 330 kts @ SL, the TMF-M2K can reach 6.5G in sustained and more than 9G in instantaneous... I'm pretty sure those values are "almost" realistic. How do i know,well I can tell you but then I have to kill you :-)))

Edited by kreelin

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Well spotted Canadair for that TEWS thingy, I sincerely overlooked it when I said that I had no RWR issue. Kevin said that he's having an issue with all models though. ;)


For what it worth, here are some datas compiled by TOPOLO for Free Falcon about the M2000





Edited by FrankD

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According to official public data, the M2K-RDM acceleration from Mach 0.9 @ 36,000 ft with Two Infrared Missiles and 50% Internal Fuel at full AB Power are:


Mach 1.85 after 2 minutes and Mach 2.17 after 3 minutes.



According to my test in SF2E patched JUNE 2010 on HARD MODE, the TMF-M2K-RDM acceleration from Mach 0.9 @ 35,000 ft with Two Infrared Missiles and 50% Internal Fuel at full AB Power are:


Mach 1.85 after 2 minutes and Mach 2.14 after 3 minutes.


About the manueverability, RL data are of course classified but according to my test in SF2E patched JUNE 2010 on HARD MODE, with a clean configuration, 50% Internal Fuel, 330 kts @ SL, the TMF-M2K can reach 6.5G in sustained and more than 9G in instantaneous... I'm pretty sure those values are "almost" realistic. How do i know,well I can tell you but then I have to kill you :-)))


My mistake was that I have been checking manueverability with 80-100% internal fuel. Sorry for not being careful. Aircraft is just perfect!




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My mistake was that I have been checking manueverability with 80-100% internal fuel. Sorry for not being careful. Aircraft is just perfect!



No prob Tiopilotos... Any contructive feedbacks are always welcome.

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YEYEYE is working on a Mirage 2000-5 with full cockpit, i suggest contact him.

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YEYEYE is working on a Mirage 2000-5 with full cockpit, i suggest contact him.



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The aircraft model is just perfect. The best M2000 model i have come across outside MSFS. And i am an OCD nitpicker. Was it an Oli make?

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Was it an Oli make?


Sure was.....

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i am missing the mica IR's ... they don't show on any -5 loadout option ...

Edited by squid

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They show up for me. Is your options.ini edited to allow later years?


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from this screen i see that i am missing lot of other stores as well


I will have to check the ini when i get back to my SF tonight. The newest date i've seen in the plane selection list is 1999.

Edited by squid

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Yep you need to edit your options.ini to extend the years to 2010. Then you will be set.

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Thank you for including the old lod file...so it works great in SF1...though I think I'm going to finally migrate to SF2 soon

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I had once read a manual about Mirage 2000 and If I remember correct at about 340 kts the aircraft could reach 9 g at low altitude.


Some pics of mine:













- Which terrain are those screens from?

- Have you maybe tweaked something like gamma or contrast or smth in your SF?

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am i missing something from the full range of M2000 stores i should be able to see ?

Edited by squid

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i also noticed that i am missing self cast shadows on the M2000 , while i see them here : img00138.jpg




- How can we change the radar range ? (pg-up/down is not changing it)

- Can Mica-IR be used in long ranges?

Edited by squid

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You might of got a bad install. I suggest you re download and re install. Trust me all that stuff is working fine. And for the third time did you happen to edit your options.ini?


Open it up ins in your main mod folder, scroll down to this section













LoadMissionFilename=C:\Users\usafmtl\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Missions\VF-41 1981 Gulf of Sidra.MSN


StartYear=1950 <----------------------Edit these lines to say 1950

EndYear=2050 <---------------------- Edit this line to say 2010 or 2050 etc..


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Yes i edited the options.ini right on when i came to the pc, found and altered the endyear value and then Micas IR came up in the stores list. But i noticed i am getting this short list comparing to your screenshot.


Self cast shadow turns out to be probably the ShadowCastDist=8000 value which is set to 12000 for the -5 and C-S5, while is 8000 (the working value) for the rest of the family


I am re-cheking the radar range thingy. Is the Mica-IR set to be used as a typical short range IR like the sidewinder or can it be somehow used for medium-long ranges as well ?

Edited by squid

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here is the list of the weapons that come with Mirage pack:





1200, 1700 and 2000 things are the fuel tanks, 68mm, 100mm, F4, MRF1-4 are rocket pods.


As you can see, you are getting most of the stores supplied with the Mirage pack, probably that the BGL ("Bombe Guidée Laser" for Laser Guided Bomb) would be available for a Strike mission. The other weapons shown on Dave's screenshots are from a 3rd party weapon pack, so don't be bothered being short. (She don't care she said ;)).


About MICA IR, it's faster and a bit more powerful than a than a Sidewinder. Its ranges are from 0.13 to 43 nm.


PS: radar range is changed by pressing page down, while radar mode is changed by pressing page up here. These are the default settings as far as I know.





by the way, there is a possible small glitch about the JammerStrength value of the Sabre Jammer, as its set to 75 for the S4, while its set to 60 for the S5 and to 65 for the 2000-5F, S1 and S3 being both at 55.

I don't pretend to have an intimate knowledge of the M2000's ECM suite, nor I want to argue about "realism" in a game, but I haven't found anything that indicate a such "powerfulness" specific to the S4.

So, is it by design?

Edited by FrankD

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I like you, am not an avionics expert. Jat and Crusader are the experts, so that is an excellent question for them. I just do not know.




FrankD answered your other questions about the MICA brilliantly. I have a my own weapons pack installed. Hope this helps.

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