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Iran 'shoots down Western spy drones' in Gulf

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yeah.. I also heard they landed Iranstronauts on the Jupiter :grin:

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I very much doubt that Iran would know if a predator or any other top of the range "drone" was flying around thier airspace, its more than likely some soldiers christmas remote control airplane from ebay has buggered off on its own bearing as it cost £10 from China and headed off over Iran.


Is this what they claim to have shot down but with no evidence?????





Or was it an "Ebay special" rogue drone belonging to Private Smith currently serving in Northern Afganistan????



I am pretty sure had Iran shot down anything belonging to the West there would be TV camera's all over it like "fat kids on cake" and pieces of the so called wreckage would be splattered all over Al Jazeera TV and Arab-E-Bay as we speak!!!

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Wreckage under Gulf, no TV cameras I suppose.


Are the real things painted white like that? You could see them miles away. Visually, in the olde style. Like bullseyeing womp rats back home, and they werne't much bigger than 2 weeks 2 meters.

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hey theres an idea, issue rc planes to all the joes in OEF/ Op Herrick let em all shoot em off to the Amedma-spongebobs border, and when they shoot off their wad at the toys, one predator can take out the nuc facility!

have louis gosset jr in the command van flying the predator and we'll call it iron eagle 5:lol: :lol: :lol:

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That would be like Quails releacing Sub-Quails to further confuse air defences. Never thought of that hehehe

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