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Strange Wildlife death in my state

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Oops...um okay so I guess this thread needs to get deleted..my bad

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Very strange!..The fish are all the same species..which would suggest a virus of some description I guess?...The Yellow Perch (as you American's know it as) suffered a similar Viral infection here in the UK about 25 yrs ago..It nearlly wiped them off the food chain!...though they have since made a good recovery.


As to the Birds?...Blunt Trauma, would suggest Hail stones perhaps?

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As to the Birds?...Blunt Trauma, would suggest Hail stones perhaps?


More like their little heads smacking into the ground.


I listened to HLN this morning and the chem trail peeps were all over the net giving their expert opinions.


Coincidently, we landed Code-3 for our chem-dispenser on the tanker failing yesterday, so Texas was spared. I'll get them next time though. For sure!

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It's just another example of animal mass suicides. These things all join up with cults, you know.

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More birds dying its the 2012 curse END OF DAYS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE...........


RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






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:dntknw: any HAARP activity recently? Or more chemtrails than usual? Where the hell is my tinfoil cap??!!


This birds case is quite strange

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Could these be the drones that the Iranians have shot down ??? Amazing coincidence both stories come out around the same time...

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