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Persian Gulf Terrain

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Persian Gulf Terrain

Persian Gulf Terrain -------------- Beta 0.5--------------------------



This terrain is written for SFP1, but should work properly with WOI,WOV and WOE.




I. Short description:


This terrain covers the most parts of the Persian Gulf from Strait of Hormuz to the oil fields of Bandar e Khomeni. It includes the coastal region of the Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and the coastal region of Saudi Arabia. Kuwait and Iraq are NOT included in this terrain, because an other terrain (Desert Storm) is already covering this area.

At the moment Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the western part of Iran are ready for action in this terrain. Ground combat you will see on iranian soil, mostly in the Busher area.

At the UAE and the eastern part of Iran only airfields are operational, no other targets. This will come with the next update.

The tiles of the street network are only placeholders. I'm not satisfied with them. They will also replaced.

There are some other issues which still have to be done. Dont forget. Its a beta release at the moment.


Improvments of Beta 0.5

1. 312 target areas instead 175 in Beta 0.1

2. Iran is nearly finished. Rivers, towns, villages, bridges, some factories, ports, oil fields, Scud launchers, coastal defence missile launchers are set on the map. A SAM network around Bandar Abbas in the southeast of Iran ist installed now







Unzip all files into your StrikeFighters/terrain folder.

Put folder Silkworm into your objects/groundobjects folder.


Thats it.



Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOI,WOV and WOE?


For WOI open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor

overwrite line





For WOV open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor

overwrite line





For WOE open file Persischer Golf.ini with notepad editor

overwrite line





Then you must download a tileset which is made for SFP1 desert terrain and install into the Perischer Golf folder. Be aware, that there are 19 new tiles, so that your terrain could be look something strange.




III. Credits. I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the PG terrain, and made the new ground objects like cars, fireengine, floodlights, run- and taxiways ...




IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.






For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.


Hope you enjoy it.



Michael (Gepard)



Made in Germany

22 Januar 2011


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Danke Michael, du hast wieder etwasTolles geleistet !!!!:drinks:






(translation machine for Iwan :grin::heat::rofl::lol: : "thanks Michael, another great performance", "Houdoe" cannot be translated )

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Hey Derk,


ever had a Land Rover plowing through your yard?!

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Hey Derk,


ever had a Land Rover plowing through your yard?!


Doeds that mean your new car has arrived ??? Great, congratulations :drinks:


But It would get stuck because the turning circle is to big and my yard is too small :grin:

Edited by Derk

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I REALLLY like the Desert Road tiles ... I might have to "borrow" them!!! :lol:


LOTS of potential here!!



kevin stein

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Thanks for the new Persian Terrain :clapping:

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I REALLLY like the Desert Road tiles ... I might have to "borrow" them!!! :lol:


LOTS of potential here!!



kevin stein


Personally i would prefer to have darker grey roads.

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Will you mind if a couple of us make this SF2 usable and post it for download?

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Sure. No problem with it. But its still a Beta. In the next time i will set the targets at the iranian terrain east of Busher till to the Strait of Hormuz. Perhaps a conversation could wait till it is done, but if someone want to do a SF2 version as soon as possible so feel free to do it.

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took me 13 seconds to convert it.


as to the road tiles, what about reusing the GermanyCE's, suitably repainted for desertsand/mountain/farm, etc (plus the required transitions of course). I calculated the need for approx 57 tiles (give or take a few)



kevin stein

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Would be an idea which is to test. The roads i use are basing on the FE roads. If i now use WOE roads, it could require to rework the streetnetwork completly. Will have to test it.

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I have uploaded now the improved Beta 0.5 version.

Has now 312 instead 175 target areas

The Iran is mostly done. Rivers and bridges are now available etc.


Have fun.

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Seeing the map of this new Persian Gulf Terrain sure reminds me of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter of long ago. :grin:

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Love the new terrain. Thank you Michael.


I've looked for the Al Udeid AB entry, but could not find it. I see that the base is there though. Maybe a different name?



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I took the names from FS2004. Al Udeid AB is called there as Abu Nakhlah Airbase. This is the base west of Doha in Qatar.

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Abu Nakhlah Airbase, gotcha! Thanks again.

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