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Guest commie911

Killing Marks For The Other Nations

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Guest commie911


I'm new in this forum and I am looking foward to make a Su-33 Tomcat Killer Skin that Shows correct Killing marks (NATO marks).:bye:

How can I create the killing mark or modify the 3rd Wire stock one so The Russkies' MiGs and Sukhois would have USAF or RAF (anything they shot down)marks in killing mark position? What tool should I use in order to make new skins for the Aircrafts in SF?(forgive me I'm a rockie:dntknw: ) If anyone know, pleast imform me, I will appriciate your helps.:salute: :salute: :salute:

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Well since this is a fictional skin you could make the kill marks look like anything you wanted.



Don't feed the trolls.

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Soviet kill marks are always small red stars with size 8 cm. To paint the markings of the enemy on the bird is typical for the british and US. German kill markings were simple bars.

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Guest commie911

Soviet kill marks are always small red stars with size 8 cm. To paint the markings of the enemy on the bird is typical for the british and US. German kill markings were simple bars.


Thank you for the unformation.:salute:

But I'm still woundering which tool I needed to make a skin, or how to get started.:dntknw:

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Photoshop, paintshoppro, GIMP, as you need to make the kill mark decals as 32-bit tgas.


there should be a bunch of killmark decals in the 1stGen skins section. Look in there, and/or use the site's Search function.



kevin stein

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While you are doing this.......Print a picture of an AIM-54 Phoenix and tape it next to your monitor, because that will be as close as you will ever get to a kill with an Su-33 against the worlds greatest fleet defender, the F-14 Tomcat.



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Guest commie911

While you are doing this.......Print a picture of an AIM-54 Phoenix and tape it next to your monitor, because that will be as close as you will ever get to a kill with an Su-33 against the worlds greatest fleet defender, the F-14 Tomcat.





I'm totally agree with you for F-14 is the GREATEST FLEET DEFENDER since I'm a Tomcat fan as well as I'm a Flanker fan.:good:

HOWEVER, the F-14 is retired from USN and they done NO MORE improvement on the aircraft (except Iran is trying to produce it themself:cool:), which displeased me as well as displeased us all.:boredom:

Sincethen, the Tomcats that still alive (others were murdered by freaking USN) are NO MATCH with ever-improving Su-33s.:grin:

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Guest commie911

Photoshop, paintshoppro, GIMP, as you need to make the kill mark decals as 32-bit tgas.


there should be a bunch of killmark decals in the 1stGen skins section. Look in there, and/or use the site's Search function.



kevin stein



I could not edit the TGA pics w/ Photoshop, any idea for which pic editor is the best for TGA?

Thank you.

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While you are doing this.......Print a picture of an AIM-54 Phoenix and tape it next to your monitor, because that will be as close as you will ever get to a kill with an Su-33 against the worlds greatest fleet defender, the F-14 Tomcat.


Against bombers the Phoenix is a great missile, against small and agile fighters it is not as usefull as you think.

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The Iranians used the AIM-54 against fighters to good success - probably because their targets didn't know they were being shot at (and so were not maneuvering when they were hit). Then again, RADM Gilchrist has a good unclassified outline of the AIM-54's performance in his book TOMCAT! The F-14 Story, including against maneuvering targets, in one instance, a QF-86 which was shot down by an AIM-54A while performing a 6G defensive pull. He adds that "This was also considered a benchmark achievement since, up to this juncture, a hard maneuvering turn had always been a successful defense against air-to-air missiles." (p. 41)

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