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Olham on a bicycle in Flanders, and driving a Model T along the Marne

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Today I remembered, that long time ago, UncleAl wrote about driving a Model T in OFF.

I think he was even riding a bicycle, equipped with Le Prieur rockets!


Well, I forgot about the rockets, but I had a bike ride over a German field, wearing a Tommy helmet -

but nobody shot at me. The bike exploded unfortunately, when I tried to ride up a hill.

The Ford Model T managed the hill better, with slow tempo, and so I drove all the way to visit

Marie Louise (her parents still don't know!).





wow talk about taking a ride on the wild side. How on earth did that exploded without causing you any injuries while you were riding it?:this:

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A trannied car in 'limp' mode????

My English fails me here; and I won't tell you what pictures I had in my head. :grin:


Sorry, my own unique colloquialisms sometimes work their way into my typing..:dntknw:


Automatic 'transmissioned'.


Yes, we can only imagine what goes on in that sordid cranium of yours..:rofl:

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draken, the bicycle sort of crashed into a steep hill slope and exploded. I didn't say I survived it I think I didn't.


Sordid cranium? They are writing encrypted again!

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Sordid cranium, i.e., dirty mind, less-than-pure thoughts, considering ignoble actions and motives, squalid ponderings, etc, etc.


(Hmmm...everyone seems to have left the room again, I wonder why that keeps happening?)



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draken, the bicycle sort of crashed into a steep hill slope and exploded. I didn't say I survived it I think I didn't.


Sordid cranium? They are writing encrypted again!


See, this is what happens when you try to re-translate Enigma translations.

Edited by Lewie

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Or when you used the key from the other day....

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Or when you used the key from the other day....


" Coming into Los Angeles,


Carrying a couple of keys.."

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I've made a motorscooter for a sim before, it's not easy figuring out how to simulate the physics of riding on two wheels.

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That's neat, Lewie! I have a '59 Vespa 150 in my barn. Fun little scooters, they are.



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That's neat, Lewie! I have a '59 Vespa 150 in my barn. Fun little scooters, they are.




Thanks Lou, I think R/C Sim.de still has it up in their FMS downloads section, [wince] I know, more 'other' OT sim babble here..[/wince]


Yeah I tried to get the 'feel' of riding a bike, you really have to countersteer to make it work correctly.

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Wow, orange - colour of the seventies! Beautiful!

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Wow, orange - colour of the seventies! Beautiful!


Thank you Olham, not my original choice however.


Yes, there is a strange back story behind the choice of that color.

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ACK! What treachery is this? Shot in the haversack whilest pedaling happily away. Poor Olham.



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ACK! What treachery is this? Shot in the haversack whilest pedaling happily away. Poor Olham.



Yeah, and he was on his way into town to pick up more Leeks and Vino for the inconsiderate banger demanding guest.

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Yeah , life is hard, and then you die! :grin:

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I say Olham, d'ya mind if I join you chaps on this jolly jaunt into Chimay? I'll borrow Baldrick's soap, therefore blacking up a bit, maybe you could pass me off at a visiting Turkish officer, Mustapha Bevi? :grin:

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Dej, you are the embodiment of a British officer and gentleman.

How we could get you through the lines as a Turkish officer, tanned with Baldric soap, I honestly do not know. :rofl:

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Olham, Dej, and Lou at Belgium bierstube in Chimay:






We blended in almost perfectly with another group of German and Turkish offiers who were visiting the establishment at the same time. Olham of course is acting as our superior officer here, due to his command of the language. We got Dej to dirty up quite nicely. And I shaved just for the occasion. Can you pick us out? I dare say you couldn't as long as Dej and I kept our mouths full of beer and didn't speak..





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Lou, you made me spill my coffee now! :rofl: Wonderful to have a photo of this event!


Dej, I must say: you are not only a perfect British gentleman and officer, but also a perfect

member for the Shakespeare Company, Sir! Absolutely oriental, if you must.

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I'm the one one on the right in the front row... the one staring fixedly ahead with a pre-occupied expression... having discovered that Belgium beer has a solvent effect on the spirit gum sticking my false moustache to my upper lip. The situation is made worse by the otherwise jolly nice fellow next door linking arms with me and stopping me using both hands to stick it back on.

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Aaah yes, Shakespearean to say the least. Dej, when you launched into your soliloquy, it brought a tear to my eye, it did, (despite your mustache continually slipping).


"To be Turkish, or not to be Turkish, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The Slings and Arrows of outrageously bad brew;

Or to ‘guise one's self against a guard's eye,

And by that very doing: To drink, to imbibe

The better ale; and by such act that we may end

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to by such consumtion?

Devoutly to be wish'd. To drink, to imbibe

To imbibe, and chance the hangover; Aye, there's the rub,

For in that hangover of death, what visions may come,

When we have shuffled off this sober coil,

Must give us pause. There's the respect

That makes calamity of so long sobriety.”


It truly was a Kodak moment, though I was a bit concerned your speech may have found us out as you gave it in English. But by then we had all shuffled off our sober coils to the point were no one seemed to care.



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:rofl:Dej, you are a great comedian, you are! Good, that my keyboard is water-, and coffeeproof!


Lou, you guys make it harder and harder to leave for almost another 2 weeks - damn!

A good monologue you provided Dej with - we'll use it next time.


Okay, for all who don't know me yet: I'm the third from the left, sitting.

Those who know me will easily recognise that stupid smile that happens to my face every time,

when I'm totally drunk (which you also see from my whole relaxed posture - was this picture taken,

short before I collapsed completely and fell on the other Turk's feet? I'm afraid I even pulled the

Austrian guy to my right side down with me - oh, lord, this headache!)

The last thing I remember before that is, that the ernest guy standing in the middle, always tried to find out,

wether Dej's moustache-movements possibly were a secret morse code. Then it got dark.

Edited by Olham

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