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A small tracer mod I made

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I have tried Creaghorn's tracers mod but it was not my cup of tea, actually...

Also with this mod on I was loosing the exaust smoke from all the planes, which I didn't like at all... :dntknw:

Watching back older movies made by Hellshade and playing without Creaghorn's mod, I realised that the default effect was not so bad at all, except from the actual tracers that look huge and arcadic.

So I edited the original textures to achieve an effect that reduces them to at least half their size.

The smokes remain the original ones and if you like you can use these textures, along with Creaghorn's effects xlm as well.

I tried to take some screenshots to demonstrate the effect, but they gave it no justice!

Furthermore, I tried to make a small movie with fraps but with fraps recording my FPS rate fell from 40 to 4!

So it's up to you to test it and make your mind up if you like it... :salute:

Feedback-critique is always wellcome... :grin:




The mod is optimised to be enabled via JSGME, so extract to your MODS folder and enable.

Otherwise copy the two .dds files to: OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\effects\fxtextures

(back up the originals first, in case you want to revert back).



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I actually do like Creaghorn's mod, but I'll try anything once, (twice if I'm not too tired). I'll give your mod a go this evening when I get home, Elephant. Thanks for sharing Sir.







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I have tried Creaghorn's tracers mod but it was not my cup of tea, actually...

Also with this mod on I was loosing the exaust smoke from all the planes, which I didn't like at all... :dntknw:

Watching back older movies made by Hellshade and playing without Creaghorn's mod, I realised that the default effect was not so bad at all, except from the actual tracers that look huge and arcadic.

So I edited the original textures to achieve an effect that reduces them to at least half their size.

The smokes remain the original ones and if you like you can use these textures, along with Creaghorn's effects xlm as well.

I tried to take some screenshots to demonstrate the effect, but they gave it no justice!

Furthermore, I tried to make a small movie with fraps but with fraps recording my FPS rate fell from 40 to 4!

So it's up to you to test it and make your mind up if you like it... :salute:

Feedback-critique is always wellcome... :grin:




The mod is optimised to be enabled via JSGME, so extract to your MODS folder and enable.

Otherwise copy the two .dds files to: OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\effects\fxtextures

(back up the originals first, in case you want to revert back).




Yes, I think tracer effects are best when they are a bit understated, just the barest whisper of a round's smoke trail and not a full on effect for the actual tracer round's trails.

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I am lazy, so I'll wait for RAF_Louvert's report. I found Creaghorn's tracers quite good, but then I haven't seen yours yet.

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Furthermore, I tried to make a small movie with fraps but with fraps recording my FPS rate fell from 40 to 4!



If you have AntiAliasing on, turn it off and likely your FPS will not suffer so much while recording. 16xQ is usually the best on to have on if you must have it on and have an Nvidia card, but otherwise most of the other AA modes seem to kill frame rates terribly while recording videos.



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Thanks for the tip, Hellshade...yes I have AAx8 on. :good:

BTW, does anyone else using Creaghorn's tracers, is loosing the exaust fumes as I do? :dntknw:

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Thanks for the tip, Hellshade...yes I have AAx8 on. :good:

BTW, does anyone else using Creaghorn's tracers, is loosing the exaust fumes as I do? :dntknw:


yes, since it's actually not only a tracer mod, but a mod with reduced effects visible from the distance. the effects like particles and dust puffs, when hitting an enemy, gives you an unrealistic indication if you hit him or not, so i reduced it you can only see particles etc. when close enough. i also put away the exhaust smoke. better to say, exhaust smoke is still there when starting the engine or blipping, but not the black fume, which was also visible from far away and IMO looked more like a jet exhaust than exhaust fumes. also it was a try to gain some fps or at least reduce some stuttering for lower end rigs.

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Oh, I see...well, I knew about the puffs but didn't realise it was so deep... :dntknw:

I don't know, I kind of like some of the omitted effects... :blink:

I'll try studing your effects.xlm compared to the original one to make one of my personal preferance.

Thanks! :good:

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Elephant, I installed your tracer mod last night and ran it, along with Creaghorn's excellent improved effects, and found it to give quite nice results. The toned-down brightness of the tracers fit well with the smoke trails in Creaghorn's kit, with the end result still being quite visible yet overall more "muted". While I've never sat behind a pair of Vickers or Spandaus or a Lewis as they were being fired, I believe the modified effects of this combination may be giving a more realistic representation of what I might have actually seen in such a situation.


Well done Sir!



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Do you mean, they should both be mixed together?

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Will you do that job, Elephant? I'd like to try it out, when I return in 2 weeks?

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Actually Olham, all you need do is install Creaghorn's improved effects and then install the two DDS files Elephant has created, (after making back-ups of the original files first of course). That's it Sir. Easy Peasy



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