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P4 update Please.......

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I have very high hopes, seeing the screen shots which show such meticulous attention to detail.


I did have a question, though - hope this is an appropriate place to ask:


Perhaps the only thing I could ask is improved upon in P4 is clouds. Now, don't get me wrong - they are magnificently done (and have been)...to me, they look far better than in "the other sim" - especially in threatening weather. Very dramatic and forboding.


The problem(s) I've had are when you're actually going into the clouds, particularly right at the edges...they seem to appear rather like a translucent sheet, a wall if you will (opposed to a 'bank' of vapor which slowly engulfs you in a very 'analog' fashion). They also seem to 'flash' in and out, depending on your view and position relative to the clouds.


I also have noticed the (return of) the edges of the screen not being affected by clouds at all - the rest of my wings, etc will slowly go white as I enter a cloud. But the two sides have lines, maybe an inch wide, that appear to be completely unaffected by the 'white out' effect of flying in a cloud.


This applies, I think, when running wide screen res and zooming out. I seem to recall it maybe being a 'CFS3 thing' - but the darndest thing is, it went away at some point - never figured out why. But the last time I had to do a complete re-load of my computer (due to upgrade), it was happening again. Of course, I thought of drivers first, but I recall changing drivers a couple of times when the clouds *didn't* do this, and it didn't affect this at all. Is it drivers, maybe?


That, and maybe a visible prop arc in the Dr1 (but if I recall this is a CFS3 thing and can't really be changed)


Don't mean to turn this into a "What I want is..." thread, just thought I'd ask whilst we're on the subject of P4. If it's not the right time to answer, I'd certainly respect that.


Regards, one and all.

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That's a nicely detailed cockpit. I hope all the cockpits will be improved like that in P4. Looking forward to the update. :drinks:

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Amazing. That other sim that cannot be named doesn't hold a candle to your work!!


I agree, but has anyone seen the interior shots of the HP 0/400 of the sim that should not be named?


JMOHO I would say they are pretty comparable.

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Starting to go off topic there Tamper someone asked for screenshots. If you zoom your view out you may see bands at the side if in cloud, zoom in a notch and see, or set to default view. Best to always post questions about issues in other threads. Anyway maybe instead try setting your view in workshop - Olham did a whole thread on setting that.


Getting back on topic; of course it's been few weeks since the last update but we were planning to do an update shortly. Just hang in there guys we are a small team and very busy trying to get through the huge list of things to do for P4 as well as other things like updating the website, support etc.

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P4, a Rod for your own Backs, eh.


When you give the best... we want the rest :grin:

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I also have noticed the (return of) the edges of the screen not being affected by clouds at all - the rest of my wings, etc will slowly go white as I enter a cloud. But the two sides have lines, maybe an inch wide, that appear to be completely unaffected by the 'white out' effect of flying in a cloud.


Yep, if you have 'in cloud fog' turned on in the workshops, and have the field of view zoomed out, the pasted-on graphic of 'fog' doesn't fit the screen properly and looks rather bad. I just turned off the 'in cloud fog' ... your view still goes all foggy in a cloud and in fact I find it an even better simulation of flying through a cloud than having that 'cloud fog' effect turned on.

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