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Strike Fighters Gold

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Hey, im new to flight sims really but i have some questions. what type of missile is the falcon,shreiken(something like that) and the basic ARM missile? (sorry if the last 2 arent quite right). i have had very few kills with the falcon i dont know if that is because i am not using them correctly or what. also are the basic ARM and shreiken supposed to lock on with radar or something, when i use them they always free-fire but maybe that is because i havent done something right to do with radar lock or something. if it helps i play on easyest setting because as i say i am new. i am guessing that sidewinder is IR rocket and you have to get behind the aircraft for it to lock onto the hot tailpipe? and also is the sparrow radar lock because instead of flying right behind it , the missile 'guesses' where the plane is going. i probably have alot more questions i just cannot think of them right now but if/when i remember them i will post them in comments and hopefully some of you can answer them there. thanks everyone i am very keen to learn as many controlls and information as i can and hopefully i will be able to fly great in simulator setting. i have also ordered wings over vietnam and it should hopefully arrive tommorow (thursday) so i might have questions about that also but if i do i will start a new topic.

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Okay the Falcon is 2 flavours Heat and Semi Active Radar guided... Sidewinder is a Heat seeker and the Sparrow is an Semi Active Radar Guided Air to Air missile...




The above is a list of the fairly common missiles...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Okay the Falcon is 2 flavours Heat and Semi Active Radar guided... Sidewinder is a Heat seeker and the Sparrow is an Semi Active Radar Guided Air to Air missile...




The above is a list of the fairly common missiles...


i think its radar im having trouble with. ive figured this out: if i select basic arm then switch to boresight mode i can fire it at a ground target and it locks on, but this doesnt happen with the shrike?(knew it was something like shreiken lol) what do each of the 3 radar modes do and how am i supposed to use them? and i can use the sparrow/sidewinders effectively but the falcon always fails....if i get in range and fire nothing happens (semi radar should be able to lock,right?) if i use it as heat missile and get behind the bandit and fire the missile usually falls out of the sky aswell??

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i think its radar im having trouble with. ive figured this out: if i select basic arm then switch to boresight mode i can fire it at a ground target and it locks on, but this doesnt happen with the shrike?(knew it was something like shreiken lol) what do each of the 3 radar modes do and how am i supposed to use them? and i can use the sparrow/sidewinders effectively but the falcon always fails....if i get in range and fire nothing happens (semi radar should be able to lock,right?) if i use it as heat missile and get behind the bandit and fire the missile usually falls out of the sky aswell??

"Search mode" means it tracks air signals, depending on the radar itself you might be able to chose different distances and also depending on the radar you might be able to lock on target at such a given distance (for instance, flying an F-4D you can lock a target up to 50nm away, but you can track it up to 200nm). "Ground mode" gives you a picture of the ground itself and the different targets you might find there, you cant lock on "Ground mode". Boresight will automaticaly get a lock of a target in front of you (with certain limits, off course), its useful for dogfights when you just want to focus on your target.


The Shrike is an antiradiation missile. It locks by itself on ground radars, very useful against those nasty Fansongs and Flushes.

Sidewinders doesn´t require a radar look, when you chose it you will hear a low growl as a background noise, get behind a target and wait until the growl becomes louder. That means the missile is locked on target and ready to fire. Same with the IR Falcons.


Anyway, depending on the missile model you might be using it can be tricky. Earlier versions like the Sidewinder B/D/E are very unreliable, you must have a very good tone against a non manouvering target while being on the right position to achieve a kill. You must learn the best way to use them effectively but in any case dont be surprised if you can only get a 10%-20% of accuracy. Falcons are even worse.

The Sparrows are more or less the same, except you dont have to be so picky on chosing when to fire (just be sure you dont point to the ground, again the ground clutter makes the radar goes nuts). Best situation is a head on at 6-7nm away 1000ft below your target, but most of the time is just praying it tracks to the end. Also dont use Sparrows C/D/E at close ranges, they are not dogfight missiles.

Edited by Jaman

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ok say im in search mode and have the shrike/basic ARM missile equipped. im flying and i spot some AAA,SAM and radar. out of those 3 can i only lock onto radar and SAM? also how do i know when ive locked on because just then i was in that situation and the radar was my target i selected shrike then pointed in direction of radar and fired. are there any buttons i need to press to actually get a lock? also are there any 'fire and forget' missiles is SFG? one last thing there are 3 radar screens in my phantom (not sure which model) the circular one in the middle of cockpit, another in upper right of cockpit and then again another in the very top right of screen. the one in top right cockpit has circles on it and occasionally one starts flashing and beeping. thanks Ps do you have xfire/msn?

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ok say im in search mode and have the shrike/basic ARM missile equipped. im flying and i spot some AAA,SAM and radar. out of those 3 can i only lock onto radar and SAM? also how do i know when ive locked on because just then i was in that situation and the radar was my target i selected shrike then pointed in direction of radar and fired. are there any buttons i need to press to actually get a lock? also are there any 'fire and forget' missiles is SFG? one last thing there are 3 radar screens in my phantom (not sure which model) the circular one in the middle of cockpit, another in upper right of cockpit and then again another in the very top right of screen. the one in top right cockpit has circles on it and occasionally one starts flashing and beeping. thanks Ps do you have xfire/msn?

You dont need to do anything with the Shrike but point to the radar and fire. After that it will try to lock and turn, but mind it can fail. I usually fire them from 5-6nm away while at 6000-10000ft.

The radar on the middle and the one of the right top of the screen are one and the same. I think the right one its there because with some planes its hard to keep an eye on the radar without having a TrackIR. The other one you mention must be the RWR (Radar Warning Reciever), it tracks radar signals and warns you of those that lock on you. Each circle is a radar and the position on the screen shows you its relative direction from you. When you hear it beeping at a slow pace it means a radar (or several, along with the beeping you can see it flashing on the RWR screen) is tracking you. If all of a sudden the beep increase its pace and pitch a lot that means there is a lock on you and probably a SAM missile on its way, you better find where its coming from and try to counter it. You can get out of a radar lock by going low or using ECM combined with manouvering.

Edited by Jaman

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i dont think ie ever been shot out of the sky by a SAM or even seen one (ive seen launcher but not actual missile) is this because i am on the easy game setting? also can ARM missiles only lock onto radar or planes aswell? and i take it then that radar is only usefull for finding other radars and sam sites? not planes/tanks?

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i dont think ie ever been shot out of the sky by a SAM or even seen one (ive seen launcher but not actual missile) is this because i am on the easy game setting? also can ARM missiles only lock onto radar or planes aswell? and i take it then that radar is only usefull for finding other radars and sam sites? not planes/tanks?


Not sure about not having been shot down by a SAM. They're out there... What time period are you flying in?


ARM (anit-radiation missile) are air-to-ground only and will only lock against a ground target that is emitting some sort of radar signal. So, no, they can't be used against other aircraft.


The radar on your aircraft is for finding other aircraft. In real life, there are some additional sensors that can be used to find surface-to-air radars, but those are not modeled in this game. Also in real life, air-to-ground radar modes would allow you to find things such as tanks using the radar on your aircraft. However, that feature is not modeled in this game either. Some aircraft in game do have a ground mapping radar mode or terrain avoidance mode, but you can't identify or lock any targets. So, in short, the radar in this game is used pretty much for only finding other aircraft.

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i dont think ie ever been shot out of the sky by a SAM or even seen one (ive seen launcher but not actual missile) is this because i am on the easy game setting? also can ARM missiles only lock onto radar or planes aswell? and i take it then that radar is only usefull for finding other radars and sam sites? not planes/tanks?

I dont know about easy settings, its been years since I played with such. ARM missiles only work against ground radars. Off course you might want to try to use it like a rocket, but its quite ridiculous.

Radar usefulness depends on the radar model. F-4 radar can track and lock on air targets, can spot ground objects (but cannot tell you the difference between them, so a T-54 looks the same as a SA-2, a yellow blob on the screen) and also has boresight function.

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I dont know about easy settings, its been years since I played with such. ARM missiles only work against ground radars. Off course you might want to try to use it like a rocket, but its quite ridiculous.

Radar usefulness depends on the radar model. F-4 radar can track and lock on air targets, can spot ground objects (but cannot tell you the difference between them, so a T-54 looks the same as a SA-2, a yellow blob on the screen) and also has boresight function.


so on the cirle radar on upper right when i see alot of circles they are enemy planes? and if there is only that is flashing and blooping im guessing that is a SAM missile? for some reason when i try and use chaff or flares it says i hae none whatever aircraft i use? also how do i get a radar lock on another plane?


for example earlier today i was playing and i asked mission control about enemies they said 10+ angles 5 50 miles whch means over 10 enemies 50 miles away at 5 thousand feet. i got to angels 5 and then set radar to 100km but i still got no lock? and is a radar lock represented by a yellow box i got that once but im not sure how also what good is radar lock?


oh yeah also forgot... if i have shrike or standard ARM and i target a ground radar and destroy it, what good does that do? disable SAM in the area or something?


oh yeah also forgot... if i have shrike or standard ARM and i target a ground radar and destroy it, what good does that do? disable SAM in the area or something?

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Yes, any SAM's that the radar is controlling will be disabled. They lock on to you using the radar, so without that radar they're useless. Angels are friendly aircraft, bogies are enemy. By the time you reached the area they had already gone.

Edited by F117NightHawk

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so on the cirle radar on upper right when i see alot of circles they are enemy planes? and if there is only that is flashing and blooping im guessing that is a SAM missile? for some reason when i try and use chaff or flares it says i hae none whatever aircraft i use? also how do i get a radar lock on another plane?


for example earlier today i was playing and i asked mission control about enemies they said 10+ angles 5 50 miles whch means over 10 enemies 50 miles away at 5 thousand feet. i got to angels 5 and then set radar to 100km but i still got no lock? and is a radar lock represented by a yellow box i got that once but im not sure how also what good is radar lock?


oh yeah also forgot... if i have shrike or standard ARM and i target a ground radar and destroy it, what good does that do? disable SAM in the area or something?


oh yeah also forgot... if i have shrike or standard ARM and i target a ground radar and destroy it, what good does that do? disable SAM in the area or something?

The yellow box IS a radar lock. I dont know how it works on easy, but on normal and hard you must use a couple of keys (look for them into the Options menu, you can also change them if you want) to navigate through the picks on the radar and then use another one to try for a lock once you get to the one you want.


EDIT: And a radar lock allows you to use radar guided missiles like the Sparrow, which have greater range than the IR missiles and are also all-aspect.

Edited by Jaman

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The yellow box IS a radar lock. I dont know how it works on easy, but on normal and hard you must use a couple of keys (look for them into the Options menu, you can also change them if you want) to navigate through the picks on the radar and then use another one to try for a lock once you get to the one you want.


EDIT: And a radar lock allows you to use radar guided missiles like the Sparrow, which have greater range than the IR missiles and are also all-aspect.


yeah im pretty sure i have a key for that and then when i have radar on and no target but there is circles on the radar i press it but nothing happens? i will try and play again later or tommorow

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Yes, any SAM's that the radar is controlling will be disabled. They lock on to you using the radar, so without that radar they're useless. Angels are friendly aircraft, bogies are enemy. By the time you reached the area they had already gone.




Angles means "thousands of feet above sea level".


So, "bogies/contacts/friendlies/whatever at angels 10" means "bogies/contacts/friendlies/whatever at 10,000' MSL"

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yeah im pretty sure i have a key for that and then when i have radar on and no target but there is circles on the radar i press it but nothing happens? i will try and play again later or tommorow


Just keep practicing and refering the manual as much as you can. You'll get there eventually.


Most people here play with settings on radar settings on Hard, and that's why it's hard for us to walk you through some of this. You might want to give hard settings a try - at least it will make it easier for us to help you out.

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Some more, basic information is included in the pdf file in the, oddly enough, folder named "Manual". Give 99.9% of the basic information you'll need to get started


Of course, spending some time in our Knowledge Base is reccomended, too!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Some more, basic information is included in the pdf file in the, oddly enough, folder named "Manual". Give 99.9% of the basic information you'll need to get started


Of course, spending some time in our Knowledge Base is reccomended, too!



kevin stein


right ive got it pretty much worke d out now. you set it to search, then you see small horizontal lines. you press a key and your 2 little lines go to the horizontal one. you press another key and a line appears with 2 dots going towards eachother one that happens you have a radar lock. then when in range ypu can fire a sparrow and instead of semi active it becoms fully active when you have radar lock! :D


but whats bore sight do i have had no luck with that also when using ground mode to search for enemy radar do they pop up automatically or do you have to still press the key?


also ill attach a a picture and in paint outline a bit can you tell me what its used for ? thanks guys i probably sound really stupid but i got this game like 2 days ago and im new to flight sims etc (well, flight sims that are this realistic)


-i just tried to upload the file but i dont have permission but if any of you have xfire/msn or i can send in a email if you are willing.

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Thanks this is really useful i have only reached air to air defensive atm as it quite long ill finish reading tommorow. one thing i thought of idk if its here already is if someone made a big list of all abbreviations e.g


A2A=air to air

LGB=laser guided bomb


i would find it quite helpfull and im sure any other new recruits would aswel. i know its simple to find each one on the internet but not all in one place so you can memorise them. i dont want anyone to think im asking them to do it and being rude but its just an idea and it might already be here i dont know. :salute:

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right ive got it pretty much worke d out now. you set it to search, then you see small horizontal lines. you press a key and your 2 little lines go to the horizontal one. you press another key and a line appears with 2 dots going towards eachother one that happens you have a radar lock. then when in range ypu can fire a sparrow and instead of semi active it becoms fully active when you have radar lock! :D


but whats bore sight do i have had no luck with that also when using ground mode to search for enemy radar do they pop up automatically or do you have to still press the key?


also ill attach a a picture and in paint outline a bit can you tell me what its used for ? thanks guys i probably sound really stupid but i got this game like 2 days ago and im new to flight sims etc (well, flight sims that are this realistic)


-i just tried to upload the file but i dont have permission but if any of you have xfire/msn or i can send in a email if you are willing.


Boresight mode will automatically lock on to any aircraft directly off the nose of your plane, within a certain range ( ~ 10mi I think...?). If it locks onto someone you don't want to be locked onto, you need use the "unlock radar target" key, point your plane at the bad guy you're trying to lock onto, and try again. It's best for use during dogfights when you don't have time to mess with the radar and you know where your oponent is.


The air-to-ground radar in ground map mode, will show you anything on the ground that radar waves reflect off of (tanks, building, bridges, etc...) and surface-to-air radars may show up as well, but they won't be distinguishable from anything else. In real life, you could lock onto these to aid you in dropping dumb bombs, laser guided bombs, and firing mavericks, but that isn't simulated in this game. A/G radar is mostly just there for show. In this game, you lock onto ground objects by simply pressing the 'E' key. Whether or not that helps you get your weapons on target depends on the weapon your using and how you deliver the weapon.


In real life there are other systems that can be used to detect radars, but those systems aren't modeled in this game. Some newer ARM's (AGM-88) use these systems to fire at locked targets. The AGM-45 and AGM-78 modeled in Strike Fighters can't be locked onto targets by the pilot (in real life and in the game). They automatically home in on any radar emitting source they see and go after that. In game, your best bet is to point the nose of your plane at a surface-to-air radar, fire, and hope the missile goes after the target you want it to. If you're flying an aircraft equipped with a RWR (Radar warning receiver), it may give you some idication of the direction that the radar is in so you know you're pointed in the right direction before you fire.

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ok, i think really the best way for me to learn is just to keep trying out different stuff etc. so the little round radar is a radar warning device? all the little dots on it are something emitting radar and one that is flashing is something that is locked onto me but is not neccessarily a SAM? also what is the word...i cant remember its something like 'strike' or something but my wingman keeps shouting it over and over like "i got a strike" or something..

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ok, i think really the best way for me to learn is just to keep trying out different stuff etc. so the little round radar is a radar warning device? all the little dots on it are something emitting radar and one that is flashing is something that is locked onto me but is not neccessarily a SAM? also what is the word...i cant remember its something like 'strike' or something but my wingman keeps shouting it over and over like "i got a strike" or something..


Well, that depends on what plane you're flying and you're radar settings (again, I'm not sure if easy settings change the shape and appearance of the radar, I think it might).


But in most aircraft after the late '60s or early '70s, there is an RWR wich is the round "radar looking thingy" that has lines or symbols on it representing other radars that are looking at your plane. If a radar is tracking you they flash and beep. If they have a lock on you, they flash more quickly and beep more quickly.


Your wingman is saying "I've got a spike". "Spike" means that his RWR is indicating that he is being tracked by another radar. Could be friendly (yours) or enemy.

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Angles means "thousands of feet above sea level".


So, "bogies/contacts/friendlies/whatever at angels 10" means "bogies/contacts/friendlies/whatever at 10,000' MSL"


My bad. :oops:

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